Originally elm-diff, the library has been rewritten in ECMAScript 6 due to performance issues. The algorithm is inspired from Myers' diffing algorithm that can be found here, however it is modified to make it probabilistic and quicker.
This library is not meant to visualize diffs between two strings. Its job is to produce a diff from two strings and reconstruct a string from a source and a diff.
// Finding the difference between two strings can be done in two ways
// detailed way:
const diff = new Diff("ABCABBA", "CBABAC");
const path = diff.computePath();
const serialized = diff.serialize(path);
console.log(serialized); // "0,1,1:B,5,5:C"
// or using the wrapper
console.log(Diff.diff("ABCABBA", "CBABAC")); // "0,1,1:B,5,5:C"
// to apply a diff to string
console.log(Diff.apply("ABCABBA", serialized)); // "CBABAC"
The format of the diff can be described as follows:
diff ::= <edit> | <edit> ',' <diff>
edit ::= <remove> | <insert>
remove ::= <index> | <index> '-' <index>
insert ::= <index> ':' <character>+
index ::= \d+
character ::= [^,\] | '\,' | '\\'
For example the diff 0,1:c,7,8:de,10-15
describes the operations:
- delete character at index 0
- insert character
at index 1 - delete character at index 7
- insert string
at index 8 - delete all characters from index
(string) the original string.target
(string) the target string.
Refer to the documentation inside src/diff.js for a detailed documentation of every non-static method of the class.
(function) must return a boolean.
@return (this)
Change the function that decides whether to sample or pop during the computation of the path.
Set a function to be called after every step of the path computation.
(string) the original string.target
(string) the target string.trials
(uint) the number of trials to do before returning the shortest path found (default 3).
@return (string)
Output a serialized diff path. Due to the probabilistic nature of the algorithm the operation is done many times, the shortest diff is chosen to be returned. By default 3 trials are done.
(string) the input to apply the diff to.serializedPath
(string) a serialized diff produced by the module
@return (string)
Assuming the format of serializedPath
is as expected, output the edit operations
described in the diff to the input.
(In theory) the following should always be correct:
Diff.apply(str1, Diff.diff(str1, str2)) == str2
The algorithm traverses the edit graph much like how an A* algorithm would find the shortest path with the exception that popping is probabilistic. This entails that the path found may not be the shortest one, however this allows to easily explore potentially interesting parts of the edit graph.
The score function of a node n
score(n) = max(n.x + n.y, n.x + n.y - d(n, e) - 2 * n.rootpathLength
where d
is the l2 norm, e
is the target to reach in the graph, and
is the length of the chain of parents to get from n
to the root.
In every iteration of the algorithm there is a choice to either pick a sample or to pop from the queue. The condition is:
random() < t ^ -0.45
where t
is the number of iteration
These numbers are based on 100 trials.
> npm run benchmark
Let t be the iteration number
function time length min max range
1/t 4.5 1879.38 1835 1885 50
1/sqrt(t) 5.53 1868.72 1787 1897 110
1/log(t) 8.45 1864.28 1789 1905 116
t^-0.666 4.84 1872.22 1791 1891 100
t^-0.333 7.07 1859.26 1781 1899 118
t^-0.125 89.13 1889.6 1833 1933 100
exp(-t/2) 3.97 1881 1881 1881 0
With some interesting candidates with 1,000 trials
function time length min max range
t^-0.666 [1k] 4.85 1874.4 1827 1891 64
t^-0.500 [1k] 4.97 1863.28 1817 1889 72
t^-0.450 [1k] 5.63 1865.1 1775 1895 120
t^-0.333 [1k] 7.09 1859.14 1781 1893 112