This project aims to implement a scheduling algorithm for a real-time operating system. We use the MLFQ algorithm as the baseline. In the MLFQ algorithm, there are multiple queues but the quantum of each queue is pre-decided. We aim to address this problem by using an RL agent to control the quantum of each queue.
The Code is divided into multiple files:
: The process
: The queue class which simulates 1 single queue of the MLFQ
: The GUI class. To display the schedule
: The OpenAI Gym environment class which simulates the MLFQ algorithm on a randomly sampled instance. It takes the quantum list as the
: Takes as input the number of Queues, Agent to train and file for agent and trains that particular algorithm. Currently, only A2C is
: Used to run the agent given on a test
: Used to run the baseline agent on a test instance.
- OpenAI Gym
- Numpy
- PySimpleGUI
- Stable Baselines 3
The output is present in the output directory. The folder name is numberOfQueues_agentType_BoostingValue. rl file contains result for the A2C agent. base file contains the result for the baseline agent. contains the model weights.