double underscore binding
$ go get -u
import ""
apply u2 with binders
Binding(q string, binders map[string]string) string
example: on playground
q := "hi __@name__, how are you today. i am __:me__, nice to meet you"
qnew := u2.Binding(q, map[string]string{
"@name": "John",
":me": "George",
fmt.Printf("%s\n", qner)
// output
// hi John, how are you today. i am George, nice to meet you
get all u2 binding with a prefix
ScanPrefix(q string, prefixs []string) (items map[string][]string)
example: on playground
q := "hi __@name__, how are you today. i am __:me__, nice to meet you"
items := u2.ScanPrefix(q, []string{"@", ":"})
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", items)
// output
// map[::[me] @:[name]]
get all u2tag binding
ScanTags(q string, tag string) (nq string, tags []TagInfo, err error)
example: on playground
q := `hi <foo:bar[index]{ meta1: value; meta2: "value 2"; }>hello world!</foo:bar>`
newq, items, err := u2.ScanTags(q, "foo")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s\n\n%+v\n", newq, items)
// output
// hi __#foo:0__
// [{Tag:foo Key:bar Index:index Value:hello world! Meta:map[meta1:value meta2:value 2]}]
we are open, if you become contributor!