The platform is from romanian site
But is similar with amazon site
AT24C256 I2C external EEPROM.
HC-06 BLE.
Those commands could be also used with any bluetooth terminal like Arduino Bluetooth (but be sure that you have \n terminator).
- wxx# move the waist to xx degree
- sxx# move the shoulder ot xx degree
- exx# move the elbow to xx degree
- gxx# move the gripper to xx degree
- dxx# delay in miliseconds
- S<basic_command> save the command for later use if is direct mode it will write to external EEPROM otherwise into local memory
- Rf# run the commands in the forward order (in the send order)
- Rr# run the commands in the reverse order
- C# clear all saved commands
- Ed# set direct mode (to write to external EEPROM)
- ED# set direct loop mode (to execute commands from EEPROM forward and then reverse)
- Ea# write all commands from internal memory to external EEPROM
- El# set load from EEPROM at startup into internal memory
- EL# set load mode and loop mode
- h# stop/start the auto loop mode
android control center for robotic mini arm