This package is no longer maintained. It's being archived in favour of plugin.
This package simply integrates and bundles Cacheman to be used easily within SailsJS framework.
# npm install sailsjs-cacheman --save
The cache object can be called within your app by :
var Cache = require('sailsjs-cacheman').sailsCacheman('name');
// You can do a console.log to inspect the object.
The sails wrapper will look for a configuration file on config/cacheman.js
module.exports.cacheman = {
driver: 'memory',
memory: {
engine: 'cacheman-memory'
redis: {
port: 9999,
host: '',
password: 'my-p@ssw0rd',
database: 1,
engine: 'cacheman-redis'
mongo: {
port: 9999,
host: '',
username: 'beto',
password: 'my-p@ssw0rd',
database: 'my-cache-db',
collection: 'my-collection',
compression: false,
engine: 'cacheman-mongo'
file: {
engine: 'file'
You can switch the driver accordingly. As of the relase v0.1.2 we have support to all available drivers from cacheman.
Credits : NodeJS Cacheman Package