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Releases: ganelonhb/invaderclone

Launcher v1.1

08 Jan 04:30
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Between this release and the last, the following changes were made to the Linux and Windows launchers:

  • Fixed NULL being passed to closedir(), a nonnull function
  • Compiled with optimized flags (-O3 -DNDEBUG -s -Wall)
  • Added unused() macro to remove compiler warnings (pointless to the end user (you))
  • Added versioninfo and file icon for the executable
  • Fixed memory leaks that occurred during certain portions of the setup process
  • Fixed memory leak caused when the game returns an error code
  • Fixed program not exiting after python env could not be found
  • Removed --quiet flag from upgrade process
  • Compiled with optimized flags (-O3 -DNDEBUG -s -Wall)

launcher v1.0

07 Jan 01:25
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This is the first release of the launcher, and Ideally the last. There may be a release before the 1.0 version of the actual game that includes an icon for the Windows EXE, since people will think it's a virus if it isn't pretty.