|-- build_rpm.sh # script for quick rpm build
|-- package # directory with package metadata
| `-- task.spec
|-- playbook
| |-- install.yml # main ansible playbook
`-- src # application sources
|-- application.py # main app code
|-- manager.py # app sell utility
|-- settings.py # app configuration
`-- tests # unit test for application
|-- __init__.py
`-- unit.py
$ cd src/
$ ./manager.py runserver
It works with Centos, however it could be extended to support Ubuntu as well. The playbook installs:
- mongodb without auth
- httpd apache as a uwsgi server for the application with default number of threads equal to 5
- test task application from rpm and pushes configuration
cd playbook
ansible-playbook -i <inventory> install.yml
$ curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '[{"date": "2015-05-12T14:36:00.451765", "uid": "1", "md5checksum": "e8c83e232b64ce94fdd0e4539ad0d44f", "name": "John Doe"}]'
$ curl -i