Galang Some utils for the Go: network address,string,algorithms/structure,array/silce
- use go.mod
GOPROXY=direct go get -u
- Get Local IP
- Get Internet IP
- JAVA Apache SubnetUtils go version
- Convert the number of mask bits by subnet mask
- Convert the subnet mask by the number of mask bits
- Long type IP to IP string
- IP string to Long type IP
- Determine whether an IP address is range of a network segment
- Get local machine uuid (only linux)
- Get all available addresses under a network segment (excluding broadcast addresses and network addresses)
- IP longest prefix matching algorithm (LPM)
- Get the network bit and broadcast bit of the network segment
- Get the first available address and the last available address in a network segment
- Get the number of available addresses in a network segment
- Get system information (host name, system description, running time since snmp started, contact person, physical location, vendor)
- Get interface information (IP address, subnet mask, current interface status, MAC address)
- NMAP-based network scanner (support scanning network segment or range ip to obtain host ip and port opening and closing status)
- Does the string begin with xx
- Does the string end with xx
- Judgment contains string ignore case
- Determine whether the string is a blank string
- Determine whether the string has contains any blank string
- Java StringBuilder in go
- Insert an element at the specified position in the array
- Array deduplication
- String to String array
- Reverse array/silce
- Get max value from int array
- Get min value from int array
- Get unionsection from int array
- Get unionsection from string array
- Get intersection from int array
- Get intersection from string array
- Get complement from int array
- Get complement from string array
- BinarySerch(array must be sorted by asc)
- Stack
- Queue
- RingBuffer
- BitMap
- Trie
- BinaryTree No guarantee of balance
- BalancedBinaryTree
- AVLTree
- RedBlackTree
- Heap
- MaxHeap
- MinHeap
- Graph [TODO]
- Quick Sort
- Selection Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Quick Sort
- Heap Sort
- Merge Sort
- Shell Sort
- Bucket Sort
- Read configuration file in JSON format
- Read configuration file in XML format
- TODO | Read configuration file in YAML format
- Get file size
- Check the path exists
- Check the file content is in JSON format
- Check the file content is in XML format
- Check the file stream content is in JSON format
- Check the file stream content is in XML format
- Convert between string and other types
- Generate a UUID
- check if UUID is legal
had been being developed with GoLand IDE
under the free JetBrains Open Source license(s) granted by JetBrains s.r.o., hence I would like to express my thanks here.