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Ruby Gem for Rails - Easy iTunes In-App Purchase Receipt validation, including auto-renewable subscriptions


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Monza is a ruby gem that makes In-App Purchase receipt and Auto-Renewable subscription validation easy.

You should always validate receipts on the server, in Apple's words:

Use a trusted server to communicate with the App Store. Using your own server lets you design your app to recognize and trust only your server, and lets you ensure that your server connects with the App Store server. It is not possible to build a trusted connection between a user’s device and the App Store directly because you don’t control either end of that connection.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'monza'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install monza


Basic Usage:
data = "base64 receipt data string"
options = { shared_secret: "your shared secret" }
response = Monza::Receipt.verify(data, options)

You can also pass in exclude_old_transactions with value true as an option in the options hash for iOS7 style app receipts.

Useful Methods
# Check if subscription is active
# this checks if latest transaction receipt expiry_date is in today or the future
response.is_subscription_active? # => true or false

# Returns the active subscription TransactionReceipt or nil
response.latest_active_transaction_receipt # => TransactionReceipt instance

# Check most recent expiry date
# ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone
response.latest_active_transaction_receipt.expires_date_ms # => Fri, 17 Jun 2016 01:57:28 UTC +00:00
Response Objects
# Receipt object
# See Receipt class or sample JSON below for full attributes

# Receipt In App Transactions
# Returns array of TransactionReceipt objects, see TransactionReceipt class or sample JSON below for full attributes

# Receipt Latest Transactions List, use these instead if in_app to ensure you always have the latest
# Returns array of TransactionReceipt objects, see TransactionReceipt class
response.latest_receipt_info # => Array of TransactionReceipt objects

# Expires date of a transaction
# DateTime
response.latest_receipt_info.last.expires_date => # Fri, 17 Jun 2016 01:57:28 +0000

# Check if latest transaction was trial period
response.latest_receipt_info.last.is_trial_period # => true or false

# Latest receipt base64 string

# original JSON response
Sample JSON Response Schema
  "status": 0,
  "environment": "Sandbox",
  "receipt": {
    "receipt_type": "ProductionSandbox",
    "adam_id": 0,
    "app_item_id": 0,
    "bundle_id": "your_product_id",
    "application_version": "58",
    "download_id": 0,
    "version_external_identifier": 0,
    "receipt_creation_date": "2016-06-17 01:54:26 Etc/GMT",
    "receipt_creation_date_ms": "1466128466000",
    "receipt_creation_date_pst": "2016-06-16 18:54:26 America/Los_Angeles",
    "request_date": "2016-06-17 17:34:41 Etc/GMT",
    "request_date_ms": "1466184881174",
    "request_date_pst": "2016-06-17 10:34:41 America/Los_Angeles",
    "original_purchase_date": "2013-08-01 07:00:00 Etc/GMT",
    "original_purchase_date_ms": "1375340400000",
    "original_purchase_date_pst": "2013-08-01 00:00:00 America/Los_Angeles",
    "original_application_version": "1.0",
    "in_app": [
        "quantity": "1",
        "product_id": "product_id",
        "transaction_id": "1000000218147651",
        "original_transaction_id": "1000000218147500",
        "purchase_date": "2016-06-17 01:32:28 Etc/GMT",
        "purchase_date_ms": "1466127148000",
        "purchase_date_pst": "2016-06-16 18:32:28 America/Los_Angeles",
        "original_purchase_date": "2016-06-17 01:30:33 Etc/GMT",
        "original_purchase_date_ms": "1466127033000",
        "original_purchase_date_pst": "2016-06-16 18:30:33 America/Los_Angeles",
        "expires_date": "2016-06-17 01:37:28 Etc/GMT",
        "expires_date_ms": "1466127448000",
        "expires_date_pst": "2016-06-16 18:37:28 America/Los_Angeles",
        "web_order_line_item_id": "1000000032727764",
        "is_trial_period": "false"
  "latest_receipt_info": [
      "quantity": "1",
      "product_id": "product_id",
      "transaction_id": "1000000218147500",
      "original_transaction_id": "1000000218147500",
      "purchase_date": "2016-06-17 01:27:28 Etc/GMT",
      "purchase_date_ms": "1466126848000",
      "purchase_date_pst": "2016-06-16 18:27:28 America/Los_Angeles",
      "original_purchase_date": "2016-06-17 01:27:28 Etc/GMT",
      "original_purchase_date_ms": "1466126848000",
      "original_purchase_date_pst": "2016-06-16 18:27:28 America/Los_Angeles",
      "expires_date": "2016-06-17 01:32:28 Etc/GMT",
      "expires_date_ms": "1466127148000",
      "expires_date_pst": "2016-06-16 18:32:28 America/Los_Angeles",
      "web_order_line_item_id": "1000000032727765",
      "is_trial_period": "true"
  "latest_receipt": "base 64 string"
TransactionReceipt Object

An array TransactionReceipt objects will come inside the receipt.in_app and latest_receipt_info keys of the response

  "quantity": "1",
  "product_id": "product_id",
  "transaction_id": "1000000218147500",
  "original_transaction_id": "1000000218147500",
  "purchase_date": "2016-06-17 01:27:28 Etc/GMT",
  "purchase_date_ms": "1466126848000",
  "purchase_date_pst": "2016-06-16 18:27:28 America/Los_Angeles",
  "original_purchase_date": "2016-06-17 01:27:28 Etc/GMT",
  "original_purchase_date_ms": "1466126848000",
  "original_purchase_date_pst": "2016-06-16 18:27:28 America/Los_Angeles",
  "expires_date": "2016-06-17 01:32:28 Etc/GMT",
  "expires_date_ms": "1466127148000",
  "expires_date_pst": "2016-06-16 18:32:28 America/Los_Angeles",
  "web_order_line_item_id": "1000000032727765",
  "is_trial_period": "true"


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Ruby Gem for Rails - Easy iTunes In-App Purchase Receipt validation, including auto-renewable subscriptions



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