A simple step sequencer (and a few other experiments) using React and Tonejs. Our MVP started as a simple four-track sequencer where users can select from a few included samples and basically paint in along the timeline where you want that sample to play. It has evolved to include a Lego aesthetic and a few other fun interactive elements showcasing what we learned along the way.
- Interactive synth using your mouse to generate tones
- Beat Pixel demo generating sounds and randomising colors within a grid of pixels.
- Laser lightshow
Created by the following Dev Academy students:
- Gabriel Rawcliffe
- Frances Krsinich
- Matija Miletic
- Kate Hooker
- Cris Kiri
Run the following to install necessary packages:
- npm i
- npm i tone
- npm i @chakra-ui/react @emotion/react @emotion/styled framer-motion
- npm install react-icons --save
- npm run knex migrate:latest
- npm run knex seed:run