Beautiful Jekyll is a ready-to-use template to help you create an awesome website quickly. Perfect for personal blogs or simple project websites. → demo
- Install dependencies:
gem install bundler
# Alternatively, brew install brew-gem; brew-gem install bundler
gem install jekyll
bundle install
- Build:
bundle exec jekyll build && bundle exec jekyll serve --watch
layout: # page | post (writing/) | minimal
title: # Page or blog post title
subtitle: # Short description of page or blog post that goes under the title
image: # /path/to/img
show-avatar: #(false) | true
bigimg: # /path/to/img - or multiple entries <- "Path": "Description">
category: # category-name
tags: # [tag1, tag2, tag3]
# ---- Personal optional vars ---- #
# modified: # When this was last modified. Format "MMM dd YYYY" to match default styling.
# ---- Jekyll optional vars ---- #
# date: # overrides tha tage from the file name YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
# permalink: # (default /year/month/day/title.html)
# published: # (true) | false
# ---- Theme based optional vars ---- #
# comments: # (false) | true
# use-site-title: # (false) | true
# social-share: # If you don't want to show buttons to share a blog post on social media, use social-share: false (this feature is turned on by default).