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Single Shot Super-Resolution with Shape from Shading using Opt-Solver and GPU acceleration


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Single Shot Shape-from-Shading and Superresolution

Contact: Florian Windolf



Tested with:

  • llvm 5.0.2
  • clang 5.0.2
  • cuda 9.2.148

For Pangolin, see dependencies section:

  • OpenGL
  • Glew (libglew-dev)

For Cuda-image, see dependencies section

  • Pangolin

OpenCV3.4 required


Either use the script by running source, that automatically gathers dependencies, or manually install everything

Manual Install

Every step is meant to be executed from source directory.

  1. Set clang as the default C++ compiler (Opt doesnt work without it...)

  2. Init submodules (Opt, Pangolin, cuda-image)

git submodules update --init
  1. Build and install Pangolin
cd third_party/Pangolin
mkdir build
cd build
make -j8 install
  1. Build and install cuda-image
cd third_party/cuda-image
mkdir build
cd build
make -j8 install
  1. Download terra
cd third_party

unzip -q -o 
ln -s terra-Linux-x86_64-2e2032e terra
  1. Build and install Opt
cd third_party/Opt/API 
  1. Finally build this repo (set clang as compiler for C++ in order for Opt to build properly)
mkdir build && cd build
export CXX=/usr/bin/clang++
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make -j8

You then can run an example appliation by ./bin/AppSfs.

If Opt fails, try building terra for your distribution, following the provided instructions For me, it took several tries to get terra/Opt to work together. The whole setup is super fragile, so if you get it to run, do not change anything :D


Runs Shape from shading on a single input (image, mask, depth).

SFS Application
Usage: ./bin/AppSfs [OPTIONS]

  -h,--help                   Print this help message and exit
  -a,--optim_alpha FLOAT=-1   Albedo Update : Smoothness of albedo, -1 (=infinity) for piecewise constant
  -l,--optim_lambda FLOAT=0.5 Albedo Update : Tradeoff between smoothness and number of jumps
  -i,--optim_iter FLOAT=200   Albedo Update : Maximum number of iterations per step
  -g,--optim_gamma FLOAT=1    Theta Update  : Influence of the SfS term
  -n,--optim_nu FLOAT=0.0001  Theta Update  : Minimal surface weight for the output depth
  -m,--optim_mu FLOAT=0.001   Depth Update  : Weight controlling the influence of the original depth
  -k,--admm_kappa FLOAT=0.0001
                              ADMM Parameter: Initial Step size for the dual update
  -t,--admm_tau FLOAT=2       ADMM Parameter: Penalty parameter, by which kappa is increased per iteration
  -o,--admm_tolerance FLOAT=1e-06
                              ADMM Parameter: Tolerance of the relative error between theta and thetaZ
  -e,--admm_tolerance_EL FLOAT=1e-06
                              ADMM Parameter: Tolerance of the residual of the primal dual update
  -d,--dataset_path TEXT=/home/flo/projects/sfs-sr-single/data/android/
                              Data Parameter: Path to the root directory of data
  -f,--dataset_frame_num INT=0
                              Data Parameter: Number/Frame of in a set of data
  -r,--dataset_resolution INT=[640,480] ... REQUIRED
                              Data Parameter: Width of the upsampled data
  -b,--dataset_depth_sigma FLOAT
                              Data Parameter: Blur the initial depth
  --dataset_gt_depth          Data Parameter: Use optimal depth for LR depth (will be bilaterally filtered before usage)
  --dataset_gt_albedo         Data Parameter: Use optimal albedo as input
  --dataset_gt_light          Data Parameter: Use optimal light as input
  --dataset_smooth_depth      Data Parameter: Smooth depth initialization
  --dataset_prefer_image      Data Parameter: Use the loaded image over the generated
  -s,--output_results_folder TEXT
                              Out Parameter : Path to save output images, results.
  -p,--output_run_folder TEXT Out Parameter : Run folder to save output to.
  --iter_theta_outer INT      Iterations Parameter: Number of outer theta iterations
  --iter_theta_inner INT      Iterations Parameter: Number of inner theta iterations
  --iter_depth_outer INT      Iterations Parameter: Number of outer depth iterations
  --iter_depth_inner INT      Iterations Parameter: Number of inner depth iterations


If the output is still very close to the original depth, try:

  • Increasing the smoothing (--optim_nu). This will most likely lead to oversmooth depth maps, that are however visually pleasing.
  • Decrease the fidelty (--optim_mu). This will allow the depth to change more and not be as close to the original depth.
  • Increasing the number of iterations (--iter_theta_inner/--iter_theta_outer) for the Theta update. This will however increase the runtime a bit.
  • Decreasing the initial ADMM step size (--admm_kappa) or penalty (--admm_tau). I have not seen improvements for kappa < 1e-6. Reducing tau to <1.5 will lead to very long runtimes.
  • If the optimization stops after one iteration, disable the tolerance stopping criterion (--admm_tolerance to 0) or decrease the tolerances.

For original images with motion blur, it might be neccessary to increase the influence of the SfS data term (--optim_gamma).

If the albedo is under segmented, lower the jump penalty parameter --optim_lambda. If oversegmented, increase the parameter. Generally, low values will need more iterations to converge (as the areas with constant colors are bigger).


The dataset implementation will expect to find

  • an image named color.png
  • a low resolution depth map depth.png
  • a (optional) mask mask.png
  • two (optional) files containing the camera parameters for depth and color images.

If there is a depth.exr, albedo.png or light.txt present, you can also use the --dataset_gt_... parameters to use and not optimize the albedos.

Thanks to Björn Häfner

whose original code I ported to some extent. You can find it at his github as well as the original publication


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License with an additional request:

If you make use of the library or this code in any scientific publication, please refer to this repository and cite the original paper

 title = {Fight ill-posedness with ill-posedness: Single-shot variational depth super-resolution from shading},
 author =  {Haefner, B. and Quéau, Y. and Möllenhoff, T. and Cremers, D.},
 booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
 year = {2018},
 titleurl = {},


Single Shot Super-Resolution with Shape from Shading using Opt-Solver and GPU acceleration







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