Completed these challenges that are parts of Scrimba's Advanced React Course. I learned fundamentals of advanced React topics with these challenges. You can see the visual representations of the each app below.
These challenges include class components and lifecycle methods.
These challenges include code reuse in React
Writing a higher-order component that passes a new prop to the given componentcalled "favoriteNumber" and includes a favorite number. Then, in App.js, rendered that favorite number to the screen. It is written just 42.
These challenges include performance optimization methods in React
Implied performance optimization with shouldComponentUpdate() on the same project on Challenge 1
Implied performance optimization with React.PureComponent on the same project on Challenge 2
These challenges include react context practices in React
Converted functional components and used <UserContext.Consumer> for the above practice
Changing userContext into a component that has state and providing the ability to change the user's username on Challenge 3
These challenges include react hooks practices in React
useState(), useEffect() hooks are used in this project
useRef() hook added to focus textarea on Challenge 2
Adding useContext() hook added to Challenge 3 on 4-react-context
useWordGame() custom hook added to Speed Typing Game Part 2 on Challenge 2
These challenges include React Router methods in React
BrowserRouter, Link, Switch and Route components are used to practice
Nested routes added for profile info and profile settings
BrowserRouter, Link, Switch and Route components are used to practice
useParams() added to Product Details page
It is an eCommerce site that pulls all my new React knowledge together. You can access the random photos with the detail. I used the React context to provide and distribute photos. The photos is taken from the Scrimba Images.
Check The Live Website ➡️ Live Website
- User can see the list of photos at the main page.
- User can toggle favorite pics
- User can see favorited pics
- User can add image to cart
- User can remove image from cart
- Total cost is automatically calculated
- User can place order
- React
- React Router Dom
- React Context
- Custom Hover Hook
- [Scrimba Images](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bobziroll/scrimba-react-bootcamp-images/master/images.json)
The basic counter app is created using react-redux, useSelector() and useDispatch() hooks.