This autonomous vehicle project's goal is to create autonomous racing vehicles in the simplest possible way—a good first car. The name is a mash-up of Fubar Labs, the mysterious planes called "foo fighters" and "foobar" the ubiquitous getting started variables for programming. The control system can scale to any vehicles using RC controls.
- CHI@Edge 2022 Summer Internship
- Virtual exercises to access the Cameras, Serial Devices, GPIO Devices, and Machine Learning Environments
- CHI@Edge 2021 Summer Internship
- Virtualize the deployment of vehicle and code on the edge of super computer envrionment.
Autonmous Vehicle Project at Fubar Labs for the Autonomous Powerwheels Racing compeition.
- Bergen Technical Highschool Workshop Spring 2023
- Bergen Technical Highschool Workshop Spring 2021
- Autonomous Powerwheels Racing Pittsburg Makerfiare 2017
- We totally did laps. We were on the track on time and ready to go!
- Autonmous Powerwheels Racing Makerfaire NYC 2017
- Autonmous Vehicle Competition via Sparkfun at Denver Makerfaire 2017
Obtain the car code by cloning the project
git clone
For the Tensorflow 1.15 version fetch the wheel file to the local system:
cd ~/foocars
Install system packages
sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake pkg-config libjpeg-dev libtiff5-dev libjasper-dev libpng-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libv4l-dev libxvidcore-dev libx264-dev libfontconfig1-dev libcairo2-dev libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev libpango1.0-dev libgtk2.0-dev libgtk-3-dev libatlas-base-dev gfortran libhdf5-dev libhdf5-serial-dev libhdf5-103 libqtgui4 libqtwebkit4 libqt4-test python3-pyqt5
Install poetry
sudo pip3 install poetry
Install platformio
sudo pip3 install platformio
Use poetry to create the generate the car
cd ~/foocars/cargenerator
poetry install
poety run generatecar --name yourhostname --output_dir /home/pi/foocars/cars/
Use poetry to create the car code and service
cd ~/foocars/cars/carservices
poetry install
Test the PI Hat
poetry run test_pihat
Test the Car Runner
poetry run car_runner
Verify the leds and switches are working.
Code is installed from the Raspberry PI using PLatform IO
sudo pip3 install platformio
cd ./cars/templatecar/arduino/teensy-FullAutoDrive-port
pio run -t upload
Set up the raspberry pi services
cd /etc/systemd/system/
sudo ln -s ~/foocars/cars/carservices/carservices/car.service
sudo systemctl start car
tail -f /var/log/syslog
Verify the car service is running the car runner
Find a system with a good gpu. It was slow but worked on a Raspberry PI 4.
cd ~/foocars/training
poetry install
poetry shell
The training command:
Using TensorFlow backend.
usage: [-h] [--weight_filename WEIGHT_FILENAME]
[--init_weights INIT_WEIGHTS] [--delay DELAY]
[--epochs EPOCHS] [--save_frequency SAVE_FREQUENCY]
directories [directories ...]
Run the training:
python --epochs 100 --save_frequency 2 ../cars/youcar/data/collected
- FooCars Training: