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How to run AppImage

fszontagh edited this page Oct 27, 2024 · 4 revisions

Currently there are two AppImages available

  1. StableDiffusionGUI-.glibc2.34-x86_64.AppImage
  2. StableDiffusionGUI-.glibc2.38-x86_64.AppImage

Where glibc2.34 is built on Ubuntu 22, glibc2.38 built on Ubuntu 24. The AppImages are based on the .deb files, but they are fully separated things. It's dependencies need to be handled manually.

Common AppImage dependencies

These dependencies need to be installed for the GUI:

  • libgtk-3-0 (>= 3.9.10) | libgtk-4-1,
  • libexiv2-27
  • libnotify4
  • curl

For CPU computing (AVX, AVX2, AVX512), no extra packages required

For CUDA backend

Ubuntu 22 aka. glibc2.34

On Ubuntu 22 there is only CUDA 11 from the default repos, so .deb files are compiled with CUDA 11

  • libcublas11
  • libcudart11
  • libcublaslt11
  • libnvidia-compute-xxx (where xxx is depends on the nvidia driver)

Ubuntu 24 aka. glibc2.38

On Ubuntu 24 there is CUDA 12 from the default repos, so .deb files are compiled with CUDA 12

  • libcublas12
  • libcudart12
  • libcublaslt12
  • libnvidia-compute-xxx (where xxx is depends on the nvidia driver)

I don't known if some OS have ~glibc2.34 with CUDA 12.

[WIP] NixOS (TODO: testing - issue #16)

Install appimage-run: nix-env -iA nixos.appimage-run

Install exiv2 nix-env -iA nixos.exiv2

Edit the /etc/nixos/configuration.nix Add the following lines:

programs.nix-ld.enable = true;
programs.nix-ld.libraries  with pkgs; [

Then run nixos-rebuild switch

After start the sdgui: appimage-run StableDiffusionGUI-.glibc2.38-x86_64.AppImage