preview7 - 0.1.6
Added features
- model downloader/browser
- download history not saved
- when the window is closed, the download will be aborted without user notification
- aborted downloads part file ( will not be deleted, need to be delete manually or it will be overwritten when a new download start with the same model file
- no auto hash calculation after downloads
- only locally hashed models will be marked in the CivitAi downloader as locally available model (if you not hashed a model file, and you will download the same file with same name, the old model file will be overwritten without notification)
CivitAi api key for private model download (CivitAi docs). You can add your key in the Settings -> CivitAi tab
- limit target image resolutions, only allowed resolutions with dividet by 256 (except for loading settings from old images)
- wxWidgets now statically linked into the binary
Some bug fixed in the linux versions. The deb files are created on Ubuntu 22. Now the gnome-secret / ksecretsservice etc.. is required to store the CivitAi api key.
The CPU and VGA versions are now in separated .deb files.