A repository dedicate to C64 programming, music, etc
This repo contains two kind of source files:
- .seq
- .asm
While .seq is granted to run either from native C64 assembler (ex. Turbo Assemler or C64 TMP) and 64Tass cross assembler, the latter format is often compiled with 64tass using specific options to grant as more compliance as possible with old assemblers.
Therefore, in many cases it may be enough to replace underscore char with a blank one some else PETSCII char available for example and the program may be assembled even from TASM.
Edit compile.bat in root repo directory and set 64tass and vice path, then launch as:
compile.bat <file.asm>
compile.bat asm\map_colchar_4x4.asm
If all paths are set correctly, program should be compiled and run automatically with VICE emulator
Full decoding of a char map
Full decoding of a map composed by 4x4 tiles, colour mode: char
Full decoding of a map composed by 4x4 tiles, colour mode: tile
Right screen scrolling using double buffering
Displaying BIT MAP and TEXT in MULTICOLOR mode, respectively on the upper and bottom side of the screen
Displaying a 320x64 BIT MAP image
Normally, for a 320x200 image, assuming you load image at $2000, you would have :
$2000 - $3f3f (8000 bytes bitmap data)
$3f40 - $4327 (1000 bytes screen RAM)
$4328 - $470f (1000 bytes color RAM)
$4710 background
Since we load an image of 64 pixels height instead of 200, we must calculate effective bitmap data:
320pixels / 8 = 40 bytes * 64 height = 2560 bytes bitmap data
320pixels / 8 = 40 bytes * 64 height / 8 = 140 bytes screen ram data
320pixels / 8 = 40 bytes * 64 height / 8 = 140 bytes color ram data
$2000 - $29ff (2560 bytes bitmap data)
$2a00 - $2b3f (140 bytes screen RAM)
$2b40 - $2c3f (140 bytes color RAM)
$2c40 background
The carousel effect was ripped from DavesClassics C64 video 05 YouTube video; it is made by rolling colors stored in ram and applying it for each rasterline.
Snippet for rotating color bank:
ldx #0
lda ramcolour+1,x
sta ramcolour,x
cpx #$40
bne looprotcol
lda ramcolour
sta ramcolour-1+$40
Applying different color for each line:
ldx #0
lda ramcolour,x
lda $d012
cmp $d012
beq *-3
sty $d021
lda #irq_0+9
cmp $d012
bne colourloop
The font size is 2x2 and is disposed in a way that each letter takes 4 bytes which are consecutively ordered. Thus, for printing the 'A' letter, just calculate the PET relative code and subtract it to obtain the relative upper/lower case value, multiply by 4 and then get next 4 consecutive bytes. The scheme is:
lda msg
ldy #0
ldx #0
sbc #$40 ; obtain correct character code
asl a
asl a ; multiply by 4
sta $0400,x
adc #1
sta $0401,x
adc #1
sta $0400+40,x
adc #1
sta $0401+40,x
inx ; move screen cursor by 2
iny ; increment text pointer
lda msg,y
bne printmsg ; print text until reach byte 0
.text "starred mediasoft"
.byte 0
Software scrolling is often considered a pain in early '80 computers due to the big CPU usage request.
Furthermore, while character RAM can be double-buffered (which is the most common used tecnique to scroll a background), color RAM has only one reserved memory area, therefore all char map must be copied within 1 or 2 frames.
This is the so called "race the beam" trick; wait at a certain line (i.e. 150) and then start to copy color map from the top of thescreen.
Take a look at the below code:
; shift screen left
ldy #$00
lda (sourcescreen),y
sta (destscreen),y
lda (sourcescreen),y
sta (destscreen),y
lda (sourcescreen),y
sta (destscreen),y
lda (sourcescreen),y
sta (destscreen),y
lda (sourcescreen),y
sta (destscreen),y
lda (sourcescreen),y
sta (destscreen),y
cpy #36
bne rcopyscreenram+2
; copy screen ram, color ram, then swith bank using $d018
We copy bytes from a certain position to another using indirect addressing; we can set sourcescreen and destscreen with respectively displayed screen and the alternate bank which works as the buffered screen.
Once we have to scroll the entire character set, we can switch screen bank by setting correct bit flags on $D018.
Notice that we can use the above code either for copying screen char or color map.
As the name suggest, the unrolled loop code technique replace the branch jumps in favour of referring to memory in direct mode; while the pros is the less cpu requirement, the cons is the ram usage because a lot of code is needed. Take a look at the snippet below:
lda $0401
sta $0400
lda $0402
sta $0401
lda $0403
sta $0402
; and so on
lda $d801
sta $d800
lda $d802
sta $d801
lda $d803
sta $d802
; and so on
Writing code that copy 1000+1000 bytes of char and color with the above method may take even an half day, but luckly nowadays we have the right compilers for accomplish this task:
.for ue := $0400, ue < $07e7, ue += $01
lda ue+1
sta ue
If you take a look at this page we can see that even in the old times some few techniques were used for creating nice parallax effect on C64.
Probably the most easier trick is to use rasterlines, that require just to deal with irqs using the right timing.
On this demo, playfield is divided by two sections: the vertical upper tile is formed by 11 chars whereas the bottom has 5 chars, for a total of 16 vertical chars displayed on the screen.
Each section has its own horizontal raster scroll value (d016); once raster reach line 209 (thus interrupt is triggered) we have to skip some cycles to avoid bad flickering due to horizontal scroll changes.
#wait_5x_cycles 9 ; this macro does some empty loops
; Wait 45 cycles
lda $d016
and #248
ora xoffset_lower
sta $d016
lda $d012
cmp $d012
beq *-3
First off, we must create a star position map block:
.word screen1+00*40+06,screen1+01*40+25,screen1+02*40+17,screen1+02*40+35
.word screen1+03*40+31,screen1+04*40+10,screen1+05*40+19,screen1+05*40+29
.word screen1+06*40+02,screen1+06*40+28,screen1+07*40+15,screen1+08*40+18
The star's position on the screen is expressed in words, as the stars may be positioned over all the screen (that is more than 256 available slots)
The following snippet fetch starposition table and display stars on screen:
ldx #0
ldy #1
lda starposition,x
sta sourcescreen
lda starposition,x
sta sourcescreen+1
lda (sourcescreen),y ; check presence of sky char
sta bck_starchar
cmp #sky_char
bne ls_1
lda #star_char ; draw star
sta (sourcescreen),y
The bck_starchar character is later used to determine the presence of the star in the previous frame (which is not covered by building) and get its current color, in order to copy it to the current block.
lda bck_starchar
cmp #sky_char
; get star last color and store to current star position
bne ls_2
lda sourcescreen+1
adc #$d4
sta sourcescreen+1
lda (sourcescreen),y
sta (sourcescreen),y
Everytime soft scrolling is called, we have to relocate stars to the same position of the previous frame. The following snippet clears all copied stars
; clear "cloned" stars generated by soft scroll
lda (sourcescreen),y
cmp #star_char
bne ls_2
lda #sky_char
sta (sourcescreen),y
In order to improve stars rendering, we make blink them with a certain pace. The following code wait until counter delay reaches zero, and then change the star color for each frame until all stars are rendered so the delay counter reset.
ldx starptr
bne bstars_0
dec delayblinkstar_cnt
bne exit_bstars
ldy #1
lda starposition,x
sta sourcescreen
lda starposition,x
sta sourcescreen+1
lda (sourcescreen),y
cmp #star_char
bne bstars_2
lda sourcescreen+1
adc #$d4
sta sourcescreen+1
lda (sourcescreen),y
and #$0f
cmp #white
bne bstars11
lda #cyan
bne bstars13
cmp #cyan
bne bstars12
lda #yellow
bne bstars13
lda #white
sta (sourcescreen),y
cpx #starpositionend-starposition
bne exit_bstars
lda #delayblinkstar
sta delayblinkstar_cnt
ldx #0
stx starptr
Everytime we hardscroll video, we have to roll the star as well in order to "follow" the screen and show star fixed on it.
ldx xoffset_upper
lda staroffset,x
sta star_char_bytepos+4
The following code wait until delay counter reaches zero, and then apply char rolling for creating a sense of motion to the sea.
On the code below, we notice the "ror a" is called just for storing the original bit 0 to Carry; "ror sea_char_bytepos+" shift the original bit 0 to 7 and so the ror works properly.
dec delaysea_cnt
bne i4_1
lda #delaysea
sta delaysea_cnt
lda sea_char_bytepos+3
ror a
ror sea_char_bytepos+3
ror a
ror sea_char_bytepos+3
lda sea_char_bytepos+4
ror a
ror sea_char_bytepos+4
ror a
ror sea_char_bytepos+4
As a general rule, all sprites in this demo moves from right to left in a infinite loop; some sprites switch with each other every time one finish its course.
Street lamp overlay upper and lower background, improving parallax effect between far and near background. When the sprite x coordinate is between $48 and $50, a check ensure the sprite is enabled only if is on the ground, just to make sure we'll not see it leading over the sea :)
; check if street lamp is on the sidewalk. When street lamp is on the right border,
; verify that is on the sidewalk char and enable it, otherwise disable sprite
lda $d010
and #%00000001
beq checkspr1
lda $d000
cmp #$50
bcs checkspr1 ; gte checkspr1
cmp #$48
bcc checkspr1 ; lt checkspr1
lda screen2+(totalcols*3)-1 ; check last char on col x
cmp #sidewalk_char1
beq enablespr0
cmp #sidewalk_char2
beq enablespr0
lda $d015
and #%11111110
sta $d015 ; disable sprite
bne checkspr1 ; branch always
lda $d015
ora #%00000001
sta $d015 ; enable sprite
Everytime sprite 4 X coordinate reaches zero value, it switch to a cloud or an airplane object.
These objects behave in a different way, as the airplane is faster and has some blinking lights; this effect is rendered by just dealing with 3 bytes of the sprite, in order to change color between available char and multicolor value.
dec lightcnt
bne exit_spr4switchlight
lda sprite_airplane_addr+16
cmp #$0c
bne to0c
lda #$08
ldy #$28
bne spr4lights
lda #$0c
ldy #$2c
sta sprite_airplane_addr+14
sta sprite_airplane_addr+16
sty sprite_airplane_addr+34
ldx lightptr
bne declightptr
ldx #$04
stx lightptr
lda lighttbl,x
sta lightcnt
Badline occurs when VIC-II takes some time from CPU for fetching some stuff like colours, sprite or character data.
This operation takes 40 cycles, thus CPU has just 23 cycles left for computing.
In order to check if a certain line is the infamous badline, consider this formula:
D012 & 3 == D011 & 3 and $30 < D012 < $f7
Here are some badlines that occur on text mode ($D011 = $1B): $33, $3B, $43, $4B, $53, etc..
The following is a collection of noticeable source sites:
- http://www.6502.org/tutorials/6502opcodes.html - 6502 OP Code, a quick and efficent reference guide
- https://sta.c64.org/cbmdocs.html - Commodore 64 documentations
- http://sta.c64.org/cbm64mem.html - The C64 Memory map
- http://codebase64.org - One of the most important code and article repository for C64
- https://csdb.dk - The C64 Scene Database
- https://www.antimon.org/code/Linus - This is probably the holy bible for start programming with C64 (at least it was for me)
- https://github.com/petriw/Commodore64Programming
- https://dwheeler.com/6502/oneelkruns/asm1step.html - An assembly friendly guide
Vice is propably the most famous emulator for C64. It contains several internal and included tools to improve the emulation's experience.
If you want to develop with C64 using native assemblers like Turbo Assembler or Turbo Macro Pro, you'll probably need to use this disk tool. Some hints:
Create a disk image called disk1 and attach it to the current console session.
c1541 -format disk1,id d64 disk1.d64 -attach disk1.d64
Read disk content from the attached disk image
Read a .seq file from the attached disk image and write to the host directory
read "filename,s"
Write a .seq file from host to the attached disk image
write "filename" "filename,s"
Vice monitor is an integrated VICE tool that help developers to DEBUG its software.
Let's see most common commands:
break <memory address> - place a breakpoint at memory address
g - goto until next break point is reached
n - goto next instruction
dis [<number>] - disable breakpoint (ALL if no input specified)
en [<number>] - enable breakpoint (ALL if no input specified)
del [<number>] - delete breakpoint (ALL if no input specified)
Simple answer: place a label before your opcode.
sta $0400
In order to achieve what value the Accumulator contains where stores to $0400, you need to know the mydebuglabel's memory address. Use this command with Turbo assembler / Turbo Macro Pro with:
The output produces is like this:
mydebuglabel = $1376
Now, to put a breakpoint just type 'break 1376' on VICE MONITOR and then 'g' to run the assembled program.
Notice: Remember to assemble your program before running this or you may get wrong memory address values
If you're using Cross-Asm software like 64Tasm instead, run the compiler with option:
-l labels.txt
This write all the label's info into labels.txt file
Load prg from disk to memory address
{SHIFT+L - load to memory addr
Save a file with the content of a memory range (reccomanded in place of standard {5 in some cases)
{SHIFT+S - save to memory addr
{u+* - show labels
Show disk content
Delete a file
Load data in memory
10 sys 57812"<file>",8
20 poke781,<LO>:poke782,<HI>
30 poke780,0
40 sys65493
Program Restore to make jump at address x ($8000 in the case below)
POKE 792,0: POKE 793,128
HI = hi byte in decimal LO = lo byte in decimal