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feat: use paragraphs in tooltips
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fspoettel committed Feb 28, 2025
1 parent 39e0203 commit fa3cb24
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Showing 6 changed files with 12 additions and 11 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/components/cardset.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ export function CardSet(props: Props) {
{ && (
// biome-ignore lint/security/noDangerouslySetInnerHtml: HTML is produced by us.
dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: }}
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/locales/de.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -718,8 +718,8 @@
"survivor": "{{name}} unterwegs"
"error": "Erstellen des Decks fehlgeschlagen: {{error}}",
"help_advanced": "Weiterentwickelte Signaturkarten sind stärkere Versionen der Signaturkarten eines Ermittlers, die unter „Deckanforderungen“ aufgeführt sind.<br>Während einer Kampagne (einschließlich des Deckbaus) können weiterentwickelte Signaturkarten jederzeit - <strong>anstelle der ursprünglichen Signaturkarten</strong> - verwendet werden.",
"help_replacements": "Ersatz-Signaturkarten können die Signaturkarten eines Ermittlers ersetzen, die unter \"Deckbauanforderungen\" aufgeführt sind. Dies erfüllt weiterhin alle Deckbauanforderungen und das Deck bleibt gültig.<br>Wenn dies getan wird, müssen <strong>beide</strong> Signaturkarten ersetzt werden und, wenn dies für eine Kampagne getan wird, kann nicht mehr zu den originalen Signaturkarten gewechselt werden.<br>Alternativ können Ersatz-Signaturkarten zusätzlich zu den Signaturkarten in das Deck aufgenommen werden.",
"help_advanced": "<p>Weiterentwickelte Signaturkarten sind stärkere Versionen der Signaturkarten eines Ermittlers, die unter „Deckanforderungen“ aufgeführt sind.</p><p>Während einer Kampagne (einschließlich des Deckbaus) können weiterentwickelte Signaturkarten jederzeit - <strong>anstelle der ursprünglichen Signaturkarten</strong> - verwendet werden.</p>",
"help_replacements": "<p>Ersatz-Signaturkarten können die Signaturkarten eines Ermittlers ersetzen, die unter \"Deckbauanforderungen\" aufgeführt sind. Dies erfüllt weiterhin alle Deckbauanforderungen und das Deck bleibt gültig.</p><p>Wenn dies getan wird, müssen <strong>beide</strong> Signaturkarten ersetzt werden und, wenn dies für eine Kampagne getan wird, kann nicht mehr zu den originalen Signaturkarten gewechselt werden.</p><p>Alternativ können Ersatz-Signaturkarten zusätzlich zu den Signaturkarten in das Deck aufgenommen werden.</p>",
"loading": "Deck wird erstellt...",
"random_basic_weakness": "Zufällige Grundschwäche",
"success": "Deck wurde erfolgreich erstellt."
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/locales/en.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -718,8 +718,8 @@
"survivor": "{{name}} on the Road"
"error": "Failed to create deck: {{error}}",
"help_advanced": "Signature cards with \"Advanced\" are stronger versions of an investigator's signature cards that are listed under \"Deck Requirements\".<br>At any point during a campaign (including at deck creation) you may optionally choose to include these advanced signature cards <strong>instead of</strong> the original signature cards.",
"help_replacements": "Signature cards with \"Replacement\" can replace the signature cards that are listed under \"Deckbuilding Requirements\". Doing so still satisfies the requirement and the deck is valid to play.<br>If doing so, <strong>both</strong> signature cards must be replaced and if doing so for a campaign, you cannot later change to using the original signature cards.<br>Alternatively, the \"Replacement\" cards can be included in addition to the signature cards.",
"help_advanced": "<p>Signature cards with \"Advanced\" are stronger versions of an investigator's signature cards that are listed under \"Deck Requirements\".</p><p>At any point during a campaign (including at deck creation) you may optionally choose to include these advanced signature cards <strong>instead of</strong> the original signature cards.</p>",
"help_replacements": "<p>Signature cards with \"Replacement\" can replace the signature cards that are listed under \"Deckbuilding Requirements\". Doing so still satisfies the requirement and the deck is valid to play.</p><p>If doing so, <strong>both</strong> signature cards must be replaced and if doing so for a campaign, you cannot later change to using the original signature cards.</p><p>Alternatively, the \"Replacement\" cards can be included in addition to the signature cards.</p>",
"loading": "Creating deck...",
"random_basic_weakness": "Random basic weakness",
"success": "Deck created successfully."
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/locales/ko.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -718,8 +718,8 @@
"survivor": "{{name}} on the Road"
"error": "덱 생성에 실패함: {{error}}",
"help_advanced": "“강화된” 전용 카드는 “덱 구성 요구 조건” 아래에 나열된 조사자의 전용 카드 중 더 강력한 버전입니다.<br>캠페인 중 언제든지(덱 생성 시 포함) 원래 전용 카드 <strong>대신</strong> 이 강화된 전용 카드를 선택적으로 포함할 수 있습니다.",
"help_replacements": "“대체물” 키워드가 있는 전용 카드는 “덱 구성 요구 조건”에 나열된 전용 카드를 대체할 수 있습니다. 이렇게 해도 요구 조건을 충족하며, 해당 덱을 플레이할 수 있습니다.<br>이 경우, 전용 카드를 <strong>둘 다</strong> 교체해야 하며, 캠페인을 위해 교체한 경우 나중에 원래의 전용 카드를 사용하는 것으로 변경할 수 없습니다.<br>또는 전용 카드 외에도 “대체물” 카드를 추가로 포함할 수도 있습니다.",
"help_advanced": "<p>“강화된” 전용 카드는 “덱 구성 요구 조건” 아래에 나열된 조사자의 전용 카드 중 더 강력한 버전입니다.</p><p>캠페인 중 언제든지(덱 생성 시 포함) 원래 전용 카드 <strong>대신</strong> 이 강화된 전용 카드를 선택적으로 포함할 수 있습니다.</p>",
"help_replacements": "<p>“대체물” 키워드가 있는 전용 카드는 “덱 구성 요구 조건”에 나열된 전용 카드를 대체할 수 있습니다. 이렇게 해도 요구 조건을 충족하며, 해당 덱을 플레이할 수 있습니다.</p><p>이 경우, 전용 카드를 <strong>둘 다</strong> 교체해야 하며, 캠페인을 위해 교체한 경우 나중에 원래의 전용 카드를 사용하는 것으로 변경할 수 없습니다.</p><p>또는 전용 카드 외에도 “대체물” 카드를 추가로 포함할 수도 있습니다.</p>",
"loading": "덱을 생성하는 중...",
"random_basic_weakness": "무작위 기본 약점",
"success": "덱 생성이 완료되었습니다."
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/locales/pl.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -734,8 +734,8 @@
"survivor": "{{name}} on the Road"
"error": "Nie udało się utworzyć talii: {{error}}",
"help_advanced": "Wymagane karty ze słowem kluczowym „Zaawansowana” to mocniejsze wersje kart, które wymagane są przez „Wymogi tworzenia talii”.<br>W dowolnym momencie kampanii (w tym podczas tworzenia talii) możesz opcjonalnie zdecydować się na dołączenie tych zaawansowanych wersji kart <strong>zamiast</strong> ich oryginalnych odpowiedników.",
"help_replacements": "Wymagane karty ze słowem kluczowym „Replacement” mogą zamienić domyślnie wymagane karty wymienione w „Wymogach tworzenia talii”. Robiąc to nadal spełniasz wymagania - talia jest poprawna i gotowa do gry.<br>Jeśli chcesz to zrobić, <strong>obie</strong> wymagane karty muszą zostać wymienione. Jeśli robisz to na potrzeby kampanii, nie będziesz mógł później wrócić do korzystania z domyślnych kart.<br>Alternatywnie możesz dołączyć do talii wersje ze słowem kluczowym „Replacement”, dodatkowo do ich domyślnych wariantów.",
"help_advanced": "<p>Wymagane karty ze słowem kluczowym „Zaawansowana” to mocniejsze wersje kart, które wymagane są przez „Wymogi tworzenia talii”.</p><p>W dowolnym momencie kampanii (w tym podczas tworzenia talii) możesz opcjonalnie zdecydować się na dołączenie tych zaawansowanych wersji kart <strong>zamiast</strong> ich oryginalnych odpowiedników.</p>",
"help_replacements": "<p>Wymagane karty ze słowem kluczowym „Replacement” mogą zamienić domyślnie wymagane karty wymienione w „Wymogach tworzenia talii”. Robiąc to nadal spełniasz wymagania - talia jest poprawna i gotowa do gry.</p><p>Jeśli chcesz to zrobić, <strong>obie</strong> wymagane karty muszą zostać wymienione. Jeśli robisz to na potrzeby kampanii, nie będziesz mógł później wrócić do korzystania z domyślnych kart.</p><p>Alternatywnie możesz dołączyć do talii wersje ze słowem kluczowym „Replacement”, dodatkowo do ich domyślnych wariantów.</p>",
"loading": "Tworzenie talii...",
"random_basic_weakness": "Losowe podstawowe osłabienie",
"success": "Talia została utworzona pomyślnie."
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/locales/ru.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -726,8 +726,8 @@
"survivor": "{{name}} on the Road"
"error": "Ошибка создания колоды: {{error}}",
"help_advanced": "Signature cards with \"Advanced\" are stronger versions of an investigator's signature cards that are listed under \"Deck Requirements\".<br>At any point during a campaign (including at deck creation) you may optionally choose to include these advanced signature cards <strong>instead of</strong> the original signature cards.",
"help_replacements": "Signature cards with \"Replacement\" can replace the signature cards that are listed under \"Deckbuilding Requirements\". Doing so still satisfies the requirement and the deck is valid to play.<br>If doing so, <strong>both</strong> signature cards must be replaced and if doing so for a campaign, you cannot later change to using the original signature cards.<br>Alternatively, the \"Replacement\" cards can be included in addition to the signature cards.",
"help_advanced": "<p>Signature cards with \"Advanced\" are stronger versions of an investigator's signature cards that are listed under \"Deck Requirements\".</p><p>At any point during a campaign (including at deck creation) you may optionally choose to include these advanced signature cards <strong>instead of</strong> the original signature cards.</p>",
"help_replacements": "<p>Signature cards with \"Replacement\" can replace the signature cards that are listed under \"Deckbuilding Requirements\". Doing so still satisfies the requirement and the deck is valid to play.</p><p>If doing so, <strong>both</strong> signature cards must be replaced and if doing so for a campaign, you cannot later change to using the original signature cards.</p><p>Alternatively, the \"Replacement\" cards can be included in addition to the signature cards.</p>",
"loading": "Создание колоды…",
"random_basic_weakness": "Слуучайная базовая слабость",
"success": "Колода создана успешно."
Expand Down

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