This is a simple mobile app that I cobbled together for fun in order to teach myself some React, React Native, and JavaScript. It generates random quotes (from and random cat images (from
You will need an environment for compiling JavaScript and tools for testing/running a React Native application. First, install Node.js from
so that you can use npm for JS package installation.
Once that is done, open your terminal and install the Expo command line tool:
npm install -g expo-cli
Download the KittyZen git repository:
git clone
Go into the KittyZen directory and start the program:
yarn start
This should open up a tab in your browser with an Expo UI for testing the application. On the left side of the screen, there will be a QR code. Download the Expo app on your phone, then open the app and scan the QR code. This will run a session of the KittyZen app on your phone.
(Note: The API has a limit of 5 free quotes per 30 seconds. If you exceed this limit when using the app, an alert window will pop up telling you to wait for a minute.)