Official implementation (PyTorch) of the papers:
Energy-Based Models for Deep Probabilistic Regression, ECCV 2020 [arXiv] [project].
Fredrik K. Gustafsson, Martin Danelljan, Goutam Bhat, Thomas B. Schön.
We propose a general and conceptually simple regression method with a clear probabilistic interpretation. We create an energy-based model of the conditional target density p(y|x), using a deep neural network to predict the un-normalized density from the input-target pair (x,y). This model of p(y|x) is trained by directly minimizing the associated negative log-likelihood, approximated using Monte Carlo sampling. Notably, our model achieves a 2.2% AP improvement over Faster-RCNN for object detection on the COCO dataset, and sets a new state-of-the-art on visual tracking when applied for bounding box regression. -
How to Train Your Energy-Based Model for Regression, BMVC 2020 [arXiv] [project].
Fredrik K. Gustafsson, Martin Danelljan, Radu Timofte, Thomas B. Schön.
We propose a simple yet highly effective extension of noise contrastive estimation (NCE) to train energy-based models p(y|x; theta) for regression tasks. Our proposed method NCE+ can be understood as a direct generalization of NCE, accounting for noise in the annotation process of real-world datasets. We provide a detailed comparison of NCE+ and six popular methods from literature, the results of which suggest that NCE+ should be considered the go-to training method. We also apply NCE+ to the task of visual tracking, achieving state-of-the-art performance on five commonly used datasets. Notably, our tracker achieves 63.7% AUC on LaSOT and 78.7% Success on TrackingNet.
This repository contains code for the experiments on object detection, age estimation (TODO!), head-pose estimation (TODO!) and 1D regression. Code for the visual tracking experiments is available at pytracking.
If you find this work useful, please consider citing:
author={Gustafsson, Fredrik K and Danelljan, Martin and Bhat, Goutam and Sch{\"o}n, Thomas B},
title = {Energy-Based Models for Deep Probabilistic Regression},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
month = {August},
year = {2020}
author={Gustafsson, Fredrik K and Danelljan, Martin and Timofte, Radu and Sch{\"o}n, Thomas B},
title = {How to Train Your Energy-Based Model for Regression},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)},
month = {September},
year = {2020}
- The object detection code is based on maskrcnn-benchmark by @facebookresearch.
- The object detection code utilizes PreciseRoIPooling by @vacancy.
The code has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04. A docker image is provided (see below).
- $ docker pull fregu856/ebms_regression:ufoym_deepo_pytorch-py36-cu90_ebms_regression
- Create containing (My username on the server is fregu482, i.e., my home folder is /home/fregu482. You will have to modify this accordingly):
NV_GPU="$GPUIDS" nvidia-docker run -it --rm --shm-size 12G \
-p 7200:7200\
--name "$NAME""0" \
-v /home/fregu482:/root/ \
fregu856/ebms_regression:ufoym_deepo_pytorch-py36-cu90_ebms_regression bash
- (Inside the image, /root/ will now be mapped to /home/fregu482, i.e., $ cd -- takes you to the regular home folder)
- (To create more containers, change the lines GPUIDS="0", --name "$NAME""0" and -p 7200:7200)
- General Docker usage:
- To start the image:
- $ sh
- To commit changes to the image:
- Open a new terminal window.
- $ docker commit ebms_regression_GPU0 fregu856/ebms_regression:ufoym_deepo_pytorch-py36-cu90_ebms_regression
- To exit the image without killing running code:
- Ctrl + P + Q
- To get back into a running image:
- $ docker attach ebms_regression_GPU0
- Example usage:
$ sh
$ cd --
$ python ebms_regression/1dregression/1/
- $ docker pull fregu856/ebms_regression:ufoym_deepo_pytorch-py36-cu90_ebms_regression
- Create containing (My username on the server is fregu482, i.e., my home folder is /home/fregu482. You will have to modify this accordingly):
NV_GPU="$GPUIDS" nvidia-docker run -it --rm --shm-size 12G \
-p 7200:7200\
--name "$NAME""0" \
-v /home/fregu482:/root/ \
fregu856/ebms_regression:ufoym_deepo_pytorch-py36-cu90_ebms_regression bash
- (Inside the image, /root/ will now be mapped to /home/fregu482, i.e., $ cd -- takes you to the regular home folder)
- (To create more containers, change the lines GPUIDS="0", --name "$NAME""0" and -p 7200:7200)
- General Docker usage:
- To start the image:
- $ sh
- To commit changes to the image:
- Open a new terminal window.
- $ docker commit ebms_regression_GPU0 fregu856/ebms_regression:ufoym_deepo_pytorch-py36-cu90_ebms_regression
- To exit the image without killing running code:
- Ctrl + P + Q
- To get back into a running image:
- $ docker attach ebms_regression_GPU0
- $ docker attach ebms_regression_GPU0
- $ cd ebms_regression
- $ git clone
- $ cd cocoapi/PythonAPI
- $ python build_ext install
- $ cd ebms_regression
- $ git clone
- $ cd apex
- $ python install --cuda_ext --cpp_ext
- $ cd ebms_regression/detection
- $ python build develop
- Ctrl + P + Q
- $ docker commit ebms_regression_GPU0 fregu856/ebms_regression:ufoym_deepo_pytorch-py36-cu90_ebms_regression
- Download the code from and place in ebms_regression/detection/external/PreciseROIPooling.
- Download the COCO dataset:
- $ docker attach ebms_regression_GPU0
- $ cd ebms_regression/detection/datasets/coco
- Download ($ wget and unzip ($ unzip
- Download ($ wget and unzip ($ unzip
- Download ($ wget and unzip ($ unzip
- Download ($ wget and unzip ($ unzip
- Download ($ wget and unzip ($ unzip
- (detection/datasets/coco should now contain the folders annotations, train2017, val2017 and test2017)
- Download a pretrained Faster-RCNN detector (e2e_faster_R-50-FPN_1x.pkl) from and place in detection/pretrained_models.
- Example usage:
$ sh
$ cd --
$ cd ebms_regression/detection
$ python tools/ --config-file "configs/nce+_train.yaml"
$ python tools/ --config-file "configs/nce+_eval_val.yaml"
$ python tools/ --config-file "configs/nce+_eval_test-dev.yaml"
- Example usage:
$ sh
$ cd --
$ python ebms_regression/1dregression/1/
- 1dregression/1 contains all code for the first dataset, 1dregression/2 all code for the second dataset.
- 1dregression/1/ Definition of the feed-forward DNN f_\theta(x, y). Identical to 1dregression/2/
- 1dregression/{1, 2}/ Definition of the {first, second} dataset.
- 1dregression/{1, 2}/{{mlis, mlmcmcL16, kldis, nce, sm, dsm, nce+}} Train 20 models on the {first, second} dataset using {{ML-IS, ML-MCMC-16, KLD-IS, NCE, SM, DSM, NCE+}}.
- 1dregression/{1, 2}/{{mlis, mlmcmcL16, kldis, nce, sm, dsm, nce}} Evaluate the KL divergence to the true p(y | x) for all 20 trained models, compute the mean for the 5 best models.
- 1dregression/{1, 2}/{{mlis, mlmcmcL16, kldis, nce, sm, dsm, nce}} Visualize p(y | x; \theta) for one of the 20 trained models (example plot for NCE+).
- Example usage:
$ sh
$ cd --
$ cd ebms_regression/detection
$ python tools/ --config-file "configs/nce+_train.yaml"
$ python tools/ --config-file "configs/nce+_eval_val.yaml"
$ python tools/ --config-file "configs/nce+_eval_test-dev.yaml"
- detection/configs contains all config files needed to train a model using ML-IS, ML-MCMC-8, KLD-IS, NCE, DSM or NCE+. It also contains all config files needed to evaluate such a trained model on 2017 val or 2017 test-dev.
- detection/maskrcnn_benchmark/modeling/roi_heads/iou_head/ Definition of the training and prediction procedures.
- detection/maskrcnn_benchmark/modeling/roi_heads/iou_head/ Definition of the loss for all training methods.
- Object detection model trained with NCE+ on 2017 train:
- Evaluate pretrained model on 2017 val:
- Download the file nce+_model_0060000.pth from above and place in detection/pretrained_models.
- $ sh
- $ cd --
- $ cd ebms_regression/detection
- $ python tools/ --config-file "configs/nce+_eval_pretrained_val.yaml"
- Expected output:
AP, AP50, AP75, APs, APm, APl
0.3936, 0.5799, 0.4263, 0.2220, 0.4257, 0.5188
- Evaluate pretrained model on 2017 test-dev:
- Download the file nce+_model_0060000.pth from above and place in detection/pretrained_models.
- $ sh
- $ cd --
- $ cd ebms_regression/detection
- $ python tools/ --config-file "configs/nce+_eval_pretrained_test-dev.yaml"
- Download the file detection/checkpoints/nce+_eval_pretrained_test-dev/inference/coco_2017_test-dev/bbox.json (105.2 MB).
- Rename this file to detections_test-dev2017_nce+_pretrained_results.json.
- Compress this file to create
- Go to Click "Participate". Mark "test-dev2019 (bbox)". Choose a team name. Method name: nce+_pretrained. Upload the zip file (nothing happens for 1-2 mins after you upload the zip file, but then it appears in the table).
- Wait for the evaluation to complete on the server (click on "Refresh status" until the status is "Finished").
- Click on "Download output from scoring step".
- scores.txt in the downloaded contains the results.
- Expected output:
AP: 0.397
AP_50: 0.587
AP_75: 0.427
AP_small: 0.221
AP_medium: 0.420
AP_large: 0.505
AR_max_1: 0.331
AR_max_10: 0.534
AR_max_100: 0.564
AR_small: 0.353
AR_medium: 0.597
AR_large: 0.717