Download of current versions (1.0.0) visit the official download page on Launchpad.
latest betaversion: 1.1 Beta100 (not yet available) --- click for downloadable beta packages
Sikuli's Java API supporting visual testing and automation (currently using JNI/C++ to integrate with OpenCV and Tesseract)
MANDATORY ;-) Have a look at major improvements and new features
Hava a look at the Java docs:
click to view Online
or click to download as zipfile
Sikuli API is targeted at people who want to develop, run and debug programs in Java, other Java based languages or Java aware scripting languages currently not supported by Sikuli IDE.
Same goes for people who want to develop, run and debug scripts using Sikuli IDE supported scripting languages in other IDE's like Eclipse, Netbeans, ... some quickstart info ...
The downloadable packages of Sikuli API contain everything needed to develop, test, run and debug with any suitable IDE (e.g. Eclipse, Netbeans, ...) or however you like ;-).
This repo is fully Maven, so a fork of this repo can be directly used as project in NetBeans/Eclipse/...
or using mvn on commandline.
It produces a lightweight sikuli-api.jar, that only contains the Sikuli Java stuff and is intended for use in pure Java or in Java aware scripting and testing environments.
It can produce a sikuli-script.jar (containing all to run Sikuli scripts from commandline: pom-script.xml)
... click for more info
If new to Sikuli, you might aternatively be interested in the pure Java implementation, which is to some extent feature compatible, but not API compatible: Sikuli Java API.
- 2013 June 15: open a developement branch for Sikuli API 1.1
- isolate the script running feature to allow more scripting languages (e.g. JRuby)
- use existing Java wrappers for OpenCV (javacv) and Tesseract (Tes4J) alternatively
- more enhancements tbd.
- 2013 July 29: release of service updates Sikuli API 1.0.1
- bug fixes and smaller enhancements
- 2013 October 31: release of Sikuli API 1.1
- merge branch develop into branch master
- open a developement branch for Sikuli API 1.2
- new features tbd.
- 2014: new versions in April and October
- this is based on the developement at MIT (Tsung-Hsiang Chang (Sean aka vgod) and Tom Yeh) which was discontinued end 2011 ( with a latest version called Sikuli X-1.0r930.
- and the follow up repo, where I prepared the creation of a final version 1.0
- in April 2013 I decided, to divide Sikuli into the 2 packages Sikuli IDE and Sikuli API (this repo), to better support future contributions.
- until otherwise noted: questions, requests and bugs can still be posted here
- the wiki in this repo will be used extensively to document anything (taking over this roll from the webpage and lauchpad)
- you might always post an issue with any content in this repo of course
- pull requests are always welcome (preferably after mid June 2013)
- everyone is welcome to add interesting stuff, experiences, solutions to the wiki in this repo