A power monitoring device connected to the Blynk IO platform. Made to control a power generator with power input monitoring and scheduled timers to trigger relays.
-- Device Setup --
A Wemos D1 Mini 2 Optocouplers for power source input monitoring. 3 5v Relays A voltage divider at the analog input to monitor the devince power source
Physical Relay 1 D1 Physical Relay 2 D2 Physical Relay 3 D5 Power Source Volt A0 Source 1 input D6 Source 2 input D7
--- Dashboard Setup ---- Power Source 1 LED V6 Power Source 1 LED V7
Relay vButton 1 V16 Relay vButton 2 V17 Relay vButton 3 V18
Calibrate Input1 V36 Calibrate Button1 V37 Calibrate Voltage V38 Calibrate Button2 V39
Last Run Widget V40 Meter 1 Widget V41 Meter 2 Widget V42