NavBarTintColor 0.600 0.492 0.331 1.000
BackgroundColor #CDC3B9
TextLabelFont HelveticaNeue-Bold 17.0
TextLabelTextColor #3F3B35
TopGradientColor 1.000 0.995 0.995 1.000
BottomGradientColor 0.825 0.780 0.724 1.000
SelectedTopGradientColor #8A6F48
SelectedBottomGradientColor #725C3C
Copy the IMOStyledTableViewController directory to your project
add pod 'IMOStyledTableViewController', :head
to your Podfile
1 - Add a file named style.imo
to your project, containing all the properties you want to customize (see the wiki or the demo for details on syntax and which properties are available).
2 - Make your table view controller, a subclass of IMOStyledTableViewController
#import "IMOStyledTableViewController.h"
@interface MyStyledTableViewController : IMOStyledTableViewController
3 - Instantiate like this
MyStyledTableViewController *mstvc = [[MyStyledTableViewController alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewStyleGrouped
4 - In your - tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:
method, instead of using the regular boilerplate code to fire a UITableViewCell, use this:
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{
IMOStyledCell *cell;
cell = [IMOStyledCell cellForTableViewController:self
Do whatever you have to do with your cell
return cell;
Notice that you don't have to handle dequeuing cells and declaring cell identifiers, IMOStyledTableViewController takes care of that for you.
Although it's a good idea to use the style sheet strategy when all your Table View Controllers should use the same style, you might use the dictionary approach to customize that very single Table View Controller that may differ from the rest.
Use the -initWithStyle:styleSheet:
method and pass a dictionary of key/value 's to it:
NSDictionary *plainStyleSheet =
IMOStyledCellBackgroundImageKey: [UIImage imageNamed:@"clouds.png"],
IMOStyledCellNavBarTintColorKey:[UIColor colorWithRed:0.145 green:0.185 blue:0.359 alpha:1.000],
IMOStyledCellTopGradientColorKey:[UIColor colorWithWhite:0.945 alpha:0.220],
IMOStyledCellBottomGradientColorKey:[UIColor colorWithRed:0.628 green:0.632 blue:0.684 alpha:0.570],
IMOStyledCellTextLabelFontKey:[UIFont fontWithName:@"HelveticaNeue" size:18.0],
IMOStyledCellTextLabelTextColorKey:[UIColor whiteColor],
IMOStyledCellTopSeparatorColorKey:[UIColor colorWithRed:0.771 green:0.793 blue:0.820 alpha:1.000],
IMOStyledCellBottomSeparatorColorKey:[UIColor lightGrayColor]
MyCustomStylePlainViewController *mcspvc = [[MyCustomStylePlainViewController alloc]
A style property name consists of a key name as declared in IMOStyledCellKeys.h
minus the prefix "IMOStyledCell" and the suffix "key".
Thus "IMOStyledCellTopGradientColorKey" gives "CellTopGradientColor".
You can enter colors in several ways
- RGBA Colors between 0 and 1.0
- Hex Color 6 Digits
- Hex Color 3 Digits
For font, pass the font name and the size in float
For images, pass the name, no quote, no extension
Valid Boolean are :YES, yes, y, TRUE, true, t, NO, no, n, FALSE , F, f and of course 0 or 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.
( see NSString boolValue
for details)
NavBarTintColor 0.600 0.492 0.331 1.000 //RGBA
BackgroundColor 0xCDC3B9 // Hex, 6 digits only
BackgroundImage clouds // Image Name - Doesn't need extension
TextLabelFont HelveticaNeue-Bold 17.0 // Font name and size
TextLabelTextColor #3F3B35 // Hex, 3 or 6 digits
RoundedGroupedCellIOS6Style NO // rounded cells - nostalgia mode
- IMOStyledCell
- IMOStyledEditCell
- IMOStyledNoteViewCell
- IMOStyledImageCell
Check the demo for examples on using these subclasses
property | Comments |
RoundedGroupedCellIOS6Style | IOS7 or later: rounded cells in grouped style |
NavBarTintColor | Color of the navigation bar and of the IMOStyledNoteViewCell's accessory view |
BackgroundImage | Table View Controller background image name |
BackgroundColor | Table View Controller background color |
TopGradientColor | Cell's top gradient color |
BottomGradientColor | Cell's bottom gradient color |
SelectedTopGradientColor | Selected cell's top gradient color |
SelectedBottomGradientCo | Selected cell's bottom gradient color |
TopSeparatorColor | Cell's top line separator color |
BottomSeparatorColor | Cell's bottom line separator color |
TextLabelTextColor | same as in UITableViewCells |
DetailTextLabelTextColor | same as in UITableViewCells |
TextLabelFont | same as in UITableViewCells |
DetailTextLabelFont | same as in UITableViewCells |
UseCustomHeader | the property name says it all |
HeaderFont | if UseCustomHeader is YES |
HeaderTextColor | if UseCustomHeader is YES |
UseCustomFooter | Guess what ? |
FooterFont | Again |
FooterTextColor | No comment |
TextFieldFont | This is the textfield of an IMOStyledEditCell |
TextFieldTextColor | This is the textfield of an IMOStyledEditCell |
TextCaptionFont | The TextCaption is the label on the left of the textfield in an IMOStyledEditCell |
TextCaptionTextColor | same |
NoteViewFont | Note views cell with multiple editing lines |
NoteViewTextColor | guess |
NoteViewLineColor | guess |
PlaceHolderFont | Change to your taste |
PlaceHolderTextColor | Depending on your cell color… you may want to change this |
Copyright (C) 2013 Frederic Cormier
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.