This is the project I've created for my programming exam of the IT security course at the University of Milan. It has only been tested on linux (fedora and ubuntu), on windows I'm not sure Unicode characters appear on the command prompt or on powershell. There are no problems using Git Bash and following this procedure on Stack Overflow.
There are two game modes: Human vs AI and AI vs Human. In the first one the game generates a random code and there are 10 attempts to guess. In the second mode the user chooses a code and the AI guesses it using the Knuth Five guess algorithm (Wikipedia explanation)
The game is written in Java you must install it on your PC.
git clone
cd mastermind/Mastermind/dist
java -jar Mastermind.jar
Franco Marino
[If you want to suggest a change or find some errors, don't hesitate to contact me]