This is a pendant for linuxCNC using an SparkFun SAMD21 Dev Breakout but with little or no changes to the program you can run this on other arduino UNO style board.
warning this project may require some changes to make it work properly with your hardware
The project is divided in 4 directories:
- model - a FreeCAD project of the enclosure and a G-code for cutting it
- PCB - a kicad project of the PCB
- Arduino
- Python
I suggest you check the PCB before starting beacause there will be maybe some issues: (eg: spacings, SMD parts filipped, ecc..)
for running python program you need the following packages:
- linuxCNC
- TkInter
- tk-tools
- pyserial
Upload arduino 'remoteCNC' project on the board and run the python 'remoteCNC' program on a PC with linuxCNC running
To check pushbuttons and analog input use the 'remoteCNC_test' program on both arduino and PC side.
This project expecially the software in not completed so you are free to contribuite in any way you want.
- Francesco Osti - Initial work - fran-retfie
See also the list of contributors
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details