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Simon Worthington edited this page Jan 27, 2022 · 73 revisions

Welcome to the FORCE11 Website Development Wiki!

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Development Wiki

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🟠 Chat: Have a question then head over to our #Slack channel

📧 e-mail: [email protected]

Thank you 😃 - the FORCE11 Website Committee

Content editing guide

See the following wiki page Content-Editing


  1. Priorities: new site launch; and workflow handovers for Committees. Related Issue list
  2. Work packages - high-level summaries and status
  3. Working process for Committees to make use of the site for their work
  4. Website strategy - Executive Summary

Work package Wiki pages and GitHub Projects

Each site area has one Wiki Page and one GitHub project containing all work package information.

Web Dev: Website strategy, UX process, and content models

A. Website strategy

The website strategy uses the following as its basis — FORCE11 Mission and Principles, and the organisational priorities (goals) identified in the 2021 Organisation Strategic Review (based on the process of It Takes a Village — ITAV). These are then put into a UX Personas planning and evaluation process. Each organizational area or committee then works with the UX and personas process to steer its site use.

The current strategy can be summarized as:

  • Turnaround digital presence from survive to thrive: Technical overhead of Drupal has prevented wider development input from organisation and community
  • Introduce UX working methods
  • Rationalize: technology, graphic design resources, tool chains, and knowledge management (AKA documentation)

B. UX process

Brief intro on how personas are used to drive development and evaluation.

These are very broad categories. Specific site areas (Posts, Membership, Groups, etc.) will use three personas each to evaluate needs and performance.

FORCE11 personas

  • Early Career Researchers (ECR)
  • Global south scholars
  • Open science community
  • Community decision makers
  • Open infrastructure builders
  • Funders
  • Humanities and STEM scholars
  • Scholarly publishers

Site area personas

  • Posts
  • Membership
  • Groups
  • Conference
  • FSCI
  • Events
  • Site information
  • Fundraising

C. Content models

Information design, organisational models, design concepts, graphics ideas?

See: Content models

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