ARGument harVESTER - a simple command line parser written with Love and Java 17
Apart from being fun, the code also show how record and sealed types works together.
The argvester uses a record as a meta description of the arguments of the command line. The original idea comes from structopt that uses a struct in C++, so the argvester is a kind of liberal port of structopt in Java.
Argvester supports 3 kinds of arguments
- positional argument, argument that are required and in the right order
- optional argument, argument that starts with '-' or '--' and can happear anywhere on the command line
- variadic argument, one argument at the end that will collect all the arguments that rest
To define the arguments, the following algorithm is used
- if the last record component is a collection, it's a variadic argument
- if a record component is typed by Optional or a collection, it's an optional argument
- otherwise it's a positional argument
Moreover, you can use (it's not a requirement) the annotation Opt to specify additional properties. This annotation is heavily inspired by the project Google Options.
First, let us define a record that describes all the arguments of the command line
enum LogLevel { error, warning }
record Option(
// positional argument
// java MyClass <config_file>
Path config_file,
// optional argument
// short or long version
// e.g., -b or --bind-address
// arguments can be delimited by ' ', '=' or ':'
// e.g., -b:
// e.g., --bind-address=
// e.g., --bind-address
Optional<String> bind_address,
// use enum to restrict possible arguments
// e.g., --log-level error
Optional<LogLevel> log_level,
// optional flag argument
// e.g, -v or --verbose
Optional<Boolean> verbose,
// variadic argument
// use a collection like java.util.List or java.util.Set
List<String> filenames
) {}
Then to create an ArgVester on it
var argVester = ArgVester.create(MethodHandles.lookup(), Option.class);
and use the ArgVester to parse the command line
var option = argVester.parse(args);
the ArgVester will create an instance of the record populated with the value of the arguments.