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2023 tim johann cleanup (#136)
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johann997 authored May 3, 2023
1 parent 3bd3c8c commit 75f14d2
Showing 1 changed file with 86 additions and 130 deletions.
216 changes: 86 additions & 130 deletions Required/Scans.ipf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ function ScanFastDAC(instrID, start, fin, channels, [numptsx, sweeprate, delay,
if (use_awg)
Set_AWG_state(S, AWG, mod(j, S.interlaced_num_setpoints))
Ramp_interlaced_channels(S, S.instrIDy, mod(j, S.interlaced_num_setpoints))
Ramp_interlaced_channels(S, mod(j, S.interlaced_num_setpoints))

// Ramp to start of fast axis
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -574,6 +574,7 @@ function ScanFastDacSlow2D(instrID, startx, finx, channelsx, numptsx, delayx, st

///// DEPRECATED /////
Expand All @@ -598,33 +599,30 @@ end
// variable use_second_fd = paramisdefault(fdyID) ? 0 : 1 // Whether using a second FD for the y axis gates
// // Reconnect instruments
// sc_openinstrconnections(0)
// // Put info into scanVars struct (to more easily pass around later)
// struct ScanVars S
// if (use_bd == 0 && use_second_fd == 0)
// if (use_bd == 0)
// initScanVarsFD(S, fdID, startx, finx, channelsx=channelsx, rampratex=rampratex, numptsx=numpts, sweeprate=sweeprate, numptsy=numptsy, delayy=delayy, \
// starty=starty, finy=finy, channelsy=channelsy, rampratey=rampratey, startxs=startxs, finxs=finxs, startys=startys, finys=finys, comments=comments)
// if (use_second_fd)
// S.instrIDy = fdyID
// endif
// else // Using BabyDAC for Y axis so init x in FD_ScanVars, and init y in BD_ScanVars
// initScanVarsFD(S, fdID, startx, finx, channelsx=channelsx, rampratex=rampratex, numptsx=numpts, sweeprate=sweeprate, numptsy=numptsy, delayy=delayy, \
// rampratey=rampratey, startxs=startxs, finxs=finxs, comments=comments)
// s.is2d = 1
// S.starty = starty
// S.finy = finy
// if (use_bd)
// S.instrIDy = bdID
// S.channelsy = scu_getChannelNumbers(channelsy, fastdac=0)
// S.y_label = scu_getDacLabel(S.channelsy, fastdac=0)
// scv_setSetpoints(S, S.channelsx, S.startx, S.finx, S.channelsy, S.starty, S.finy, S.startxs, S.finxs, S.startys, S.finys)
// else // use_second_fd
// S.instrIDy = fdyID
// S.channelsy = scu_getChannelNumbers(channelsy, fastdac=1)
// S.y_label = scu_getDacLabel(S.channelsy, fastdac=1)
// scv_setSetpoints(S, S.channelsx, S.startx, S.finx, S.channelsy, S.starty, S.finy, S.startxs, S.finxs, S.startys, S.finys)
// endif
// S.instrIDy = bdID
// S.channelsy = scu_getChannelNumbers(channelsy, fastdac=0)
// S.y_label = scu_getDacLabel(S.channelsy, fastdac=0)
// scv_setSetpoints(S, S.channelsx, S.startx, S.finx, S.channelsy, starty, finy, S.startxs, S.finxs, startys, finys)
// endif
// // Check software limits and ramprate limits and that ADCs/DACs are on same FastDAC
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -662,7 +660,11 @@ end
// variable i=0, j=0
// variable setpointy, sy, fy
// string chy
// variable interlace_value
// for(i=0; i<S.numptsy; i++)
// // Ramp fast axis to start
// rampToNextSetpoint(S, 0, fastdac=1, ignore_lims=1)
Expand All @@ -674,6 +676,9 @@ end
// // Record fast axis
// scfd_RecordValues(S, i, AWG_list=AWG)
// endfor
// // Save by default
Expand All @@ -685,120 +690,10 @@ end

function ScanFastDAC2D(fdID, startx, finx, channelsx, starty, finy, channelsy, numptsy, [numpts, sweeprate, bdID, fdyID, rampratex, rampratey, delayy, startxs, finxs, startys, finys, comments, nosave, use_AWG])
// 2D Scan for FastDAC only OR FastDAC on fast axis and BabyDAC on slow axis
// Note: Must provide numptsx OR sweeprate in optional parameters instead
// Note: To ramp with babyDAC on slow axis provide the BabyDAC variable in bdID
// Note: channels should be a comma-separated string ex: "0,4,5"
variable fdID, startx, finx, starty, finy, numptsy, numpts, sweeprate, bdID, fdyID, rampratex, rampratey, delayy, nosave, use_AWG
string channelsx, channelsy, comments, startxs, finxs, startys, finys

// Set defaults
delayy = ParamIsDefault(delayy) ? 0.01 : delayy
comments = selectstring(paramisdefault(comments), comments, "")
startxs = selectstring(paramisdefault(startxs), startxs, "")
finxs = selectstring(paramisdefault(finxs), finxs, "")
startys = selectstring(paramisdefault(startys), startys, "")
finys = selectstring(paramisdefault(finys), finys, "")
variable use_bd = paramisdefault(bdid) ? 0 : 1 // Whether using both FD and BD or just FD
variable use_second_fd = paramisdefault(fdyID) ? 0 : 1 // Whether using a second FD for the y axis gates

// Reconnect instruments

// Put info into scanVars struct (to more easily pass around later)
struct ScanVars S
if (use_bd == 0)
initScanVarsFD(S, fdID, startx, finx, channelsx=channelsx, rampratex=rampratex, numptsx=numpts, sweeprate=sweeprate, numptsy=numptsy, delayy=delayy, \
starty=starty, finy=finy, channelsy=channelsy, rampratey=rampratey, startxs=startxs, finxs=finxs, startys=startys, finys=finys, comments=comments)
if (use_second_fd)
S.instrIDy = fdyID
else // Using BabyDAC for Y axis so init x in FD_ScanVars, and init y in BD_ScanVars
initScanVarsFD(S, fdID, startx, finx, channelsx=channelsx, rampratex=rampratex, numptsx=numpts, sweeprate=sweeprate, numptsy=numptsy, delayy=delayy, \
rampratey=rampratey, startxs=startxs, finxs=finxs, comments=comments)
s.is2d = 1
S.starty = starty
S.finy = finy
S.instrIDy = bdID
S.channelsy = scu_getChannelNumbers(channelsy, fastdac=0)
S.y_label = scu_getDacLabel(S.channelsy, fastdac=0)
scv_setSetpoints(S, S.channelsx, S.startx, S.finx, S.channelsy, starty, finy, S.startxs, S.finxs, startys, finys)

// Check software limits and ramprate limits and that ADCs/DACs are on same FastDAC

if(use_bd == 1)
// PreScanChecksBD(Bsv)
PreScanChecksFD(S, x_only=1)
PreScanChecksBD(S, y_only=1)
else // Should work for 1 or 2 FDs

// If using AWG then get that now and check it
struct AWGVars AWG
CheckAWG(AWG, S) // Note: sets S.numptsx here and AWG.lims_checked = 1
SetAWG(AWG, use_AWG)

// Ramp to start without checks
if(use_bd == 1)
RampStartFD(S, x_only=1, ignore_lims=1)
RampStartBD(S, y_only=1, ignore_lims=1)
else // Should work for 1 or 2 FDs
RampStartFD(S, ignore_lims=1)

// Let gates settle

// Initialize waves and graphs

// Main measurement loop
variable i=0, j=0
variable setpointy, sy, fy
string chy
variable interlace_value
for(i=0; i<S.numptsy; i++)

// Ramp fast axis to start
rampToNextSetpoint(S, 0, fastdac=1, ignore_lims=1)

// Ramp slow axis
rampToNextSetpoint(S, 0, outer_index=i, y_only=1, fastdac=!use_bd, ignore_lims=1)

// Let gates settle

// Record fast axis
scfd_RecordValues(S, i, AWG_list=AWG)


// Save by default
if (nosave == 0)
dowindow /k SweepControl


function ScanFastDAC2DInterlaced(fdID, startx, finx, channelsx, starty, finy, channelsy, numptsy, [numpts, sweeprate, bdID, fdyID, rampratex, rampratey, delayy, startxs, finxs, startys, finys, comments, nosave, use_AWG, interlaced_channels, interlaced_setpoints])
function ScanFastDAC2D(fdID, startx, finx, channelsx, starty, finy, channelsy, numptsy, [numpts, sweeprate, bdID, fdyID, rampratex, rampratey, delayy, startxs, finxs, startys, finys, comments, nosave, use_AWG, interlaced_channels, interlaced_setpoints])
// 2D Scan for FastDAC only OR FastDAC on fast axis and BabyDAC on slow axis
// Note: Must provide numptsx OR sweeprate in optional parameters instead
// Note: To ramp with babyDAC on slow axis provide the BabyDAC variable in bdID
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -899,7 +794,7 @@ function ScanFastDAC2DInterlaced(fdID, startx, finx, channelsx, starty, finy, ch

if (S.interlaced_y_flag)
Ramp_interlaced_channels(S, fdID, mod(i, S.interlaced_num_setpoints))
Ramp_interlaced_channels(S, mod(i, S.interlaced_num_setpoints))
Set_AWG_state(S, AWG, mod(i, S.interlaced_num_setpoints))
if (mod(i, S.interlaced_num_setpoints) == 0) // Ramp slow axis only for first of interlaced setpoints
rampToNextSetpoint(S, 0, outer_index=i, y_only=1, fastdac=!use_bd, ignore_lims=1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -952,10 +847,10 @@ function Set_AWG_State(S, AWG, index)

function Ramp_interlaced_channels(S, fdID, i)
function Ramp_interlaced_channels(S, i)
// TODO: Should this live in Scans.ipf? If so, is there a better location for it?
struct ScanVars &S
variable fdID, i
variable i

string interlace_channel, interlaced_setpoints_for_channel

Expand All @@ -975,10 +870,8 @@ function Ramp_interlaced_channels(S, fdID, i)
interlace_channel = StringFromList(k, S.interlaced_channels, ",") // return one of the channels in interlaced_channels
interlaced_setpoints_for_channel = StringFromList(k, S.interlaced_setpoints, ";") // return string of values to interlace between for one of the channels in interlaced_channels
interlace_value = str2num(StringFromList(mod(i, ItemsInList(interlaced_setpoints_for_channel, ",")), interlaced_setpoints_for_channel, ",")) // return the interlace value for specific channel, changes per 1d sweep
// rampmultiplefDAC(fdID, interlace_channel, interlace_value)

//////////////////////// Additions to determine instrID from channel name //////////////
// TODO: If this works, then remove the requirement of fdID being passed in....
// Check if channel actually exists on a FastDAC, if not skip
if(numtype(str2num(interlace_channel)) != 0) // If possible channel is a name (not a number)
duplicate/o/free/t/r=[][3] fdacvalstr fdacnames
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1883,3 +1776,66 @@ end

Function protoFunc_StepTempScan()
// I.e. Function passed to StepTempScanFunc must take no arguments

function StepTempScanFunc(sFunc, targettemps, [mag_fields])
String sFunc // string form of function you want to run
wave targettemps
wave mag_fields
// Master function for running scans at multiple temps and magnetic fields. Assumes the function has no input parameters.
// Will run function at set targettemps (including base) and mag_fields
// EXAMPLE USAGE:: stepTempScanFunc("feb17_Scan0to1Peaks_paper", {500, 300, 100}, mag_fields={70, 2000})
FUNCREF protoFunc_StepTempScan func_to_run = $sFunc
svar ls
nvar fd, magz

variable use_mag_field = 0
if (paramisDefault(mag_fields))
make/o/free mag_fields = {0}
use_mag_field = 0
use_mag_field = 1

variable j = 0
for (j=0;j<numpnts(mag_fields);j++)
if (use_mag_field) // Only consider ramping field if using mag_fields
if (abs(getls625field(magz) - mag_fields[j]) > 1) // Only ramp and wait if change in field necessary
setls625fieldWait(magz, mag_fields[j])

// Do Low T scan first (if already at low T)
variable low_t_scanned = 0
if (getls370temp(ls, "MC")*1000 < 20)
func_to_run() //run the function
low_t_scanned = 1

// Scan at current temp
variable i=0
WaitTillTempStable(ls, targettemps[i], 5, 30, 0.05)
print "MEASURE AT: "+num2str(targettemps[i])+"mK"

func_to_run() //run the function

if (!low_t_scanned)
func_to_run() //run the function


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