Memoir is a clean, elegant, and dark mode supported theme for the Hugo blog based on Bulma CSS and Hugo Northeast theme by @y1zhou.
To see this theme in action, here is a live demo site which is rendered with Memoir theme.
Create a new site with Hugo
#create Hugo site
hugo new site my-site && cd my-site
Clone theme and add submodule
git init
git submodule add themes/memoir-theme
Copy config.toml
and exampleSite\content
; Customizing your page.
#remove default config
rm config.toml
#copy exampleSite content and config
cp -R themes/memoir-theme/exampleSite/* ./
Run server locally or build with public folder.
hugo server -D
- Responsive layout
- Light/Dark mode
- Search function
- Pagination supported
- Typewriter Effect
- Elegant transparent navigation bar from Apple Newsroom
- Easy customize the CSS with Bulma css
- Comment system supported by Disqus
- Elegant, responsive, flickable carousels by Flickity
Many thanks to
All feedback is welcome! Head over to the issue tracker.
Memoir is licensed under the MIT license. Check the LICENSE file for details.