Light and dark Emacs themes with moderate contrast. Provides carefully crafted faces for lots of packages.
Colors and some other aspects of the theme can be configured (See the hannover-theme group).
Clone the repository:
git clone git://
Include the theme in your init file:
(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path "/path/to/the/cloned/theme/")
(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/the/cloned/theme/")
(load-theme 'hannover-night t) ;; or hannover-day, or hannover-midnight
You can customize the colors and other parameters.
Have a look at the hannover-theme
If you use powerline
or similar packages, you might want to set
to 0 or 1.
tab-line, tab-bar, powerline, window-divider, term, eshell, multiple cursors, dired, diredfl, dired-filter, magit, diff, diff-hl, git-gutter, wgrep, avy, anzu, ivy/swiper, selectrum, vertico, orderless, show-paren, compilation, display-line-numbers, company, company-posframe, popup, corfu, rainbow-delimiters, highlight, highlight-changes, symbol-overlay, bookmark, bm, sh, auctex, outline, org, hyperbole, devdocs, markdown, flymake, Flyspell, Flycheck, writegood, hexl, imenu-list, ledger, neotree, goggles, tree-sitter, eglot, lsp, treemacs, yascroll, which-func, minimap, hideshowvis, persp