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This is a middleware package to wrap http authentication.


Using wretch

Client Credentials

const clientCredentials = {
  tokenUrl: "https://some.url/auth/token",
  refreshTokenUrl: "https://some.url/auth/refresh",
  clientId: "myclient id",
  clientSecret: "super secret"

class SimpleAuthenticationTokenStore implements AuthenticationTokenStore {
    private _authenticationToken: AuthenticationToken | null = null;

    retrieveToken(): IAuthenticationToken | null {
        return this._authenticationToken;

    storeToken(token: IAuthenticationToken | null): void {
        this._authenticationToken = token;

const authMiddleware = authenticationTokenMiddleware({
    credentialProvider: () => clientCredentials,
    tokenAccessor: new ClientCredentialsAuthenticationTokenAccessor(),
    tokenStore: new SimpleAuthenticationTokenStore()


Password Credentials

// for password creds we only need to supply the urls as user/pass will come from a login form
const passwordCredentials = {
  tokenUrl: "https://some.url/auth/token",
  refreshTokenUrl: "https://some.url/auth/refresh",

class SimpleAuthenticationTokenStore implements AuthenticationTokenStore {
    private _authenticationToken: AuthenticationToken | null = null;

    retrieveToken(): IAuthenticationToken | null {
        return this._authenticationToken;

    storeToken(token: IAuthenticationToken | null): void {
        this._authenticationToken = token;

const authMiddleware = authenticationTokenMiddleware({
    credentialProvider: () => passwordCredentials,
    tokenAccessor: new PasswordAuthenticationTokenAccessor(),
    tokenStore: new SimpleAuthenticationTokenStore()
