This adserver rotates banner ads between AdSense/AdMob, LifeStreetmedia, and others based on RPM. For AdSense/AdMob and Lifestreetmedia, the RPM is automatically retrieved by the server using network APIs, for other networks you will have to edit the RPM yourself.
This adserver is for desktop sites and mobile web, as well as native mobile apps. Specifically, I use it on a Facebook app, which is also accessible outside of the Facebook frame once you're logged in via Facebook connect. It should also work fine on desktop or mobile web sites not using Facebook login. For mobile apps, I have made some code available to work with the adserver. I am still working on this, including adding documentation.
For iOS:
For Android:
I recommend using Linux or Mac OS X. I have not tried this under Windows. For production/linux, I have it deployed to a Centos 7 server on Linode and it's running currently. For development, I used Mac OS X with Laravel Homestead development environment. I later switched to Laradock.
For installing to Centos Linux using Docker, please check out these install instructions: INSTALL ON CENTOS 7
For installing to Mac OS X using Docker, please check out these install instructions: INSTALL ON MAC_OS_X
What is the route I am suppose to provide for the Adsense Oauth Callback when setting up the google_clients_secrets.json? The route would be the address of your webserver. You should setup a domain or subdomain for it to work. For example:
Note for developers: I have set debug to false in config/app.php so this is ready to go for production installs. If you wish to debug, set this value to true. Setting it to true may cause your database password to be exposed if a connection error occurs.
You can use Github issues for regular bugs and feature requests. For security issues or if you have any questions you don't want to discuss publicly you can email me: [email protected]
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-Fix errors from phpcs
-Document iOS & Android sdk integration
-I would like to add Facebook Audience network to this adserver.
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