Generate a secret in a cryptographically secure way and hash it with your chosen hand. You need to remember the secret to prove correctness later. Also, need to send ether with that transaction as a deposit.
createGame(hostEncryptedHand, { value: web3.utils.toWei('1'), from: host })
// chose your hand in Rock: 1, Paper: 2, Scissors: 3
const hand = 1;
// this `secret` is necessary for a step that reveals your hand so you need to make a note.
const secret = web3.utils.soliditySha3({ type: 'bytes32', value: crypto.randomBytes(32).toString('hex') });
const encryptedHand = web3.utils.soliditySha3({ type: 'uint', value: hand }, { type: 'bytes32', value: secret });
Commit the hand in the same way as the host. The transaction requires you to send the same amount of ether as host's deposit.
joinGame(gameId, opponentEncryptedHand, { value: web3.utils.toWei('1'), from: opponent })
You can join a game only if deadlineToJoin is not past.
Reveal the not encrypted hand by sending it together with the secret used for encryption before.
revealHand(gameId, hostHand, hostSecret, { from: host })
revealHand(gameId, opponentHand, opponentSecret, { from: opponent })
If you don't reveal your hand by the time of deadlineToReveal, you will lose your all deposit.
withdraw(gameId, { from: opponent })
There are two situations in which you can execute resuce()
The first situation is when you are a host of a game that no one has joined by deadlineToJoin.
The second one is when you reveal a hand but your opponent doesn't reveal by deadlineToReveal.
deadlineToJoin and deadlineToReveal are set a term of a day in default.
rescue(gameId, { from: host })
See run.js for more details.
npx truffle develop
truffle(develop)> migrate --reset
truffle(develop)> exec scripts/run.js
Using network 'develop'.
host =>
handInt: 1,
encryptedHand: 0xf307279d3fe9b98cbf0514a3de81e4e2c7465ea4c3893527ec105629e31f4959,
secret: 0xbf5631c9938a1638afad2e1ba2439fe8b7e7d6410957a05c1b60ed8536373203
gameId => 1
opponent =>
handInt: 2,
encryptedHand: 0x9b9d9d35bfd420b9c7e860583927b1773583caca81c75b0326d48ea2ecd66cd9,
secret: 0x740ce4b15f0ed6433d4d981f33ba2b3bff4d32f2b9cb3eb277b005bed19519fc
result =>
beforeBalance: 98995848940000000000,
afterBalance: 100995330380000000000,
delta: 1999481440000000000,
fee: 518560000000000,
deltaWithoutFee: 1998962880000000000
Go to, and copy and paste Jankein.sol in Remix.
You need to do one thing to compile and run on Remix, fix import statement about SafeMath.sol
like below diffs.
-import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
+import "";
Deployment may fail. Raise the amount of Gas Limit on Remix and try again.