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Membrane Live dev (#188)
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Karolk99 authored Feb 16, 2023
1 parent d55ed83 commit 0512d7c
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Showing 62 changed files with 1,400 additions and 331 deletions.
22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions integration_test/test_videoroom/mix.lock

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions lib/membrane_rtc_engine/endpoints/hls/config/audio_mixer_config.ex
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@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
if Code.ensure_loaded?(Membrane.RawAudio) do
defmodule Membrane.RTC.Engine.Endpoint.HLS.AudioMixerConfig do
@moduledoc """
Module representing audio mixer configuration for the HLS endpoint.

alias Membrane.RawAudio

@typedoc """
* `stream_format` - defines audio mixer output stream_format.
* `background` - module generating background sound that will be played from the beginning of the stream.
@type t() :: %__MODULE__{
stream_format: RawAudio.t(),
background: struct() | nil
defstruct stream_format: %RawAudio{
channels: 1,
sample_rate: 48_000,
sample_format: :s16le
background: nil
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions lib/membrane_rtc_engine/endpoints/hls/config/compositor_config.ex
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
if Code.ensure_loaded?(Membrane.RawVideo) do
defmodule Membrane.RTC.Engine.Endpoint.HLS.CompositorConfig do
@moduledoc """
Module representing compositor configuration for the HLS endpoint.
Compositor is the element responsible for positioning input video streams
into one video output.

@typedoc """
* `stream_format` - output video specification in Membrane.RawVideo format
* `layout_module` - Module implementing `Membrane.RTC.Engine.Endpoint.HLS.VideoLayoutMaker`
behavior that should be used by the HLS endpoint.
* `background` - Struct representing module that generates video used as a background in composed video.
@type t() :: %__MODULE__{
stream_format: Membrane.RawVideo.t(),
layout_module: module(),
background: struct() | nil
defstruct stream_format: %Membrane.RawVideo{
width: 400,
height: 800,
pixel_format: :I420,
framerate: {24, 1},
aligned: true
layout_module: Membrane.RTC.Engine.Endpoint.HLS.MobileLayoutMaker,
background: nil
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions lib/membrane_rtc_engine/endpoints/hls/config/mixer_config.ex
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@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
if Enum.all?([Membrane.RawAudio, Membrane.RawVideo], &Code.ensure_loaded?/1) do
defmodule Membrane.RTC.Engine.Endpoint.HLS.MixerConfig do
@moduledoc """
Module representing mixer configuration for the HLS endpoint.

alias Membrane.RTC.Engine.Endpoint.HLS.{AudioMixerConfig, CompositorConfig}

@typedoc """
* `video` - video compositor configuration.
* `audio` - audio mixer configuration.
* `persist?` - if set to true, the stream will be continuous even if all tracks are removed, if then some new track is added it will belong to the same stream.
Otherwise if set to false, stream will automatically end when the last track is removed, adding then new track will start a new hls stream.
@type t() :: %__MODULE__{
video: CompositorConfig.t(),
audio: AudioMixerConfig.t(),
persist?: boolean()
defstruct video: %CompositorConfig{},
audio: %AudioMixerConfig{},
persist?: false
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions lib/membrane_rtc_engine/endpoints/hls/config/sink_bin_config.ex
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@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
if Code.ensure_loaded?(Membrane.HTTPAdaptiveStream.Manifest) do
defmodule Membrane.RTC.Engine.Endpoint.HLS.HLSConfig do
@moduledoc """
Module representing `Membrane.HTTPAdaptiveStream.SinkBin` configuration for the HLS endpoint.

alias Membrane.HTTPAdaptiveStream.{Manifest, Storage}
alias Membrane.HTTPAdaptiveStream.Sink.SegmentDuration
alias Membrane.Time

@typedoc """
To read more about config options go to module `Membrane.HTTPAdaptiveStream.SinkBin` and read options descriptions.
* `segment_duration` - The segment duration range of the regular segments.
* `partial_segment_duration` - The segment duration range of the partial segments. If not set then the bin won't produce any partial segments.
@type t() :: %__MODULE__{
manifest_name: String.t(),
manifest_module: Manifest.t(),
storage: (Path.t() -> Storage.config_t()),
target_window_duration: pos_integer | :infinity,
persist?: boolean,
mode: :live | :vod,
hls_mode: :muxed_av | :separate_av,
header_naming_fun: (Manifest.Track.t(), counter :: non_neg_integer() -> String.t()),
segment_naming_fun: (Manifest.Track.t() -> String.t()),
segment_duration: SegmentDuration.t(),
partial_segment_duration: SegmentDuration.t() | nil

defstruct manifest_name: "index",
manifest_module: Membrane.HTTPAdaptiveStream.HLS,
storage: &__MODULE__.default_storage/1,
target_window_duration: Membrane.Time.seconds(40),
persist?: false,
mode: :live,
hls_mode: :separate_av,
header_naming_fun: &Manifest.Track.default_header_naming_fun/2,
segment_naming_fun: &Manifest.Track.default_segment_naming_fun/1,
segment_duration:, Time.seconds(5)),
partial_segment_duration: nil

@spec default_storage(String.t()) :: any
def default_storage(directory),
do: %Membrane.HTTPAdaptiveStream.Storages.FileStorage{directory: directory}
176 changes: 176 additions & 0 deletions lib/membrane_rtc_engine/endpoints/hls/mobile_layout_maker.ex
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@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
if Code.ensure_loaded?(Membrane.VideoCompositor) do
defmodule Membrane.RTC.Engine.Endpoint.HLS.MobileLayoutMaker do
@moduledoc """
Module representing function for updating video layout for the HLS stream.
1) Only main presenter
_ _ _ _
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
- - - -
2) Main presenter and one side presenter
_ _ _ _
| |
| |
| |
- - |
| | |
- - - -
3) Main presenter and two side presenters
_ _ _ _
| |
| |
| |
- - - -
| | |
- - - -

@behaviour Membrane.RTC.Engine.Endpoint.HLS.VideoLayoutMaker

alias Membrane.VideoCompositor.RustStructs.BaseVideoPlacement
alias Membrane.VideoCompositor.VideoTransformations
alias Membrane.VideoCompositor.VideoTransformations.TextureTransformations.CornersRounding
alias Membrane.VideoCompositor.VideoTransformations.TextureTransformations.Cropping

@main_stream %{position: {0, 0}, z_value: 0.1, corner_radius: 0}
@side_stream %{z_value: 0.3, corner_radius: 20, padding: 5}

@impl true
def init(output_stream_format), do: %{tracks: %{}, output_stream_format: output_stream_format}

@impl true
def track_added(%{metadata: %{"mainPresenter" => true}} = track, stream_format, state) do
new_state = put_in(state, [:tracks,], {track, stream_format})

{layout, transformations} =
get_track_layout(:main, nil, stream_format, state.output_stream_format)

updated_layout = [
{, layout, transformations}

{updated_layout, new_state}

@impl true
def track_added(track, stream_format, state) do
new_state = put_in(state, [:tracks,], {track, stream_format})
{update_layout(new_state), new_state}

@impl true
def track_updated(track, stream_format, state), do: track_added(track, stream_format, state)

@impl true
def track_removed(track, state) do
{_, new_state} = pop_in(state, [:tracks,])
{update_layout(new_state), new_state}

defp update_layout(%{tracks: tracks, output_stream_format: output_stream_format}) do
|> Enum.filter(fn {_id, {track, _stream_format}} ->
track.type == :video and not track.metadata["mainPresenter"]
|> Enum.with_index()
|> Enum.flat_map(fn {{_id, {track, stream_format}}, index} ->
{layout, transcoding} =
get_track_layout(:side, index, stream_format, output_stream_format)

{, layout, transcoding}

defp get_track_layout(:main, _index, stream_format, output_stream_format) do
placement =

transformations =
get_transformations(output_stream_format, placement.size, @main_stream.corner_radius)

{placement, transformations}

defp get_track_layout(:side, index, stream_format, %{width: width, height: height}) do
# side track layout is a thumbnail that is placed on the bottom of the main stream.
output_stream_format = %{
width: round(1 / 2 * width) - @side_stream.padding * 2,
height: round(1 / 4 * height) - @side_stream.padding * 2

# x coordinate of a thumbnail can differ depends on which index they have, y coordinate is always the same.
position_x = round(index / 2 * width) + @side_stream.padding
position_y = height - round(1 / 4 * height) + @side_stream.padding

position = {position_x, position_y}

placement =
get_placement(output_stream_format, stream_format, position, @side_stream.z_value)

transformations =
get_transformations(output_stream_format, placement.size, @side_stream.corner_radius)

{placement, transformations}

defp video_proportion(%{width: width, height: height}), do: width / height

defp get_placement(output_stream_format, stream_format, position, z_value),
do: %BaseVideoPlacement{
position: position,
size: get_display_size(output_stream_format, stream_format),
z_value: z_value

defp get_display_size(output_stream_format, stream_format) do
if video_proportion(output_stream_format) > video_proportion(stream_format),
round(output_stream_format.width / stream_format.width * stream_format.height)},
{round(output_stream_format.height / stream_format.height * stream_format.width),

defp get_transformations(output_stream_format, display_size, radius),
do: %VideoTransformations{
texture_transformations: [
get_cropping(output_stream_format, display_size),

defp get_corners_rounding(radius), do: %CornersRounding{border_radius: radius}

defp get_cropping(output_stream_format, display_size),
do: %Cropping{
crop_top_left_corner: get_cropping_position(output_stream_format, display_size),
crop_size: get_cropping_size(output_stream_format, display_size),
cropped_video_position: :input_position

defp get_cropping_position(output_stream_format, {width, height}) do
if output_stream_format.width == width,
do: {0.0, (height - output_stream_format.height) / (2 * height)},
else: {(width - output_stream_format.width) / (2 * width), 0.0}

defp get_cropping_size(output_stream_format, {width, height}) do
if output_stream_format.width == width,
do: {1.0, output_stream_format.height / height},
else: {output_stream_format.width / width, 1.0}
59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions lib/membrane_rtc_engine/endpoints/hls/stream_format_updater.ex
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@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
defmodule Membrane.RTC.Engine.Endpoint.HLS.StreamFormatUpdater do
@moduledoc """
Element responsible for sending stream format for specific track to HLS Endpoint and waiting for Endpoint to send updated layout to compositor element.

use Membrane.Filter

def_input_pad :input,
accepted_format: _any,
demand_unit: :buffers,
demand_mode: :auto

def_output_pad :output,
accepted_format: _any,
demand_mode: :auto

@impl true
def handle_init(_ctx, _opts) do
{[], %{update_queue: 0, buffers: %{}, end_of_stream: false}}

@impl true
def handle_stream_format(_pad, stream_format, _ctx, state) do
state = put_in(state, [:buffers, state.update_queue + 1], [])

{[forward: stream_format, notify_parent: {:update_layout, stream_format}],
%{state | update_queue: state.update_queue + 1}}

@impl true
def handle_end_of_stream(_pad, _ctx, %{update__queue: 0} = state),
do: {[end_of_stream: :output], state}

@impl true
def handle_end_of_stream(_pad, _ctx, state), do: {[], %{state | end_of_stream: true}}

@impl true
def handle_process(_pad, buffer, _ctx, %{update_queue: 0} = state),
do: {[buffer: {:output, buffer}], state}

@impl true
def handle_process(_pad, buffer, _ctx, state) do
state = update_in(state, [:buffers, state.update_queue], &[buffer | &1])
{[], state}

@impl true
def handle_parent_notification(:layout_updated, _ctx, state) do
{buffers, state} = pop_in(state, [:buffers, state.update_queue])
buffers = Enum.reverse(buffers)
actions = [buffer: {:output, buffers}] ++ maybe_notify_end_of_stream(state)
{actions, %{state | update_queue: state.update_queue - 1}}

defp maybe_notify_end_of_stream(%{end_of_stream: true, update_queue: 0}),
do: [end_of_stream: :output]

defp maybe_notify_end_of_stream(_state), do: []
29 changes: 0 additions & 29 deletions lib/membrane_rtc_engine/endpoints/hls/transcoding_config.ex

This file was deleted.


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