jOOQ plugin for SBT 1.0 and 0.13
Add the following to your project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.github.kxbmap" % "sbt-jooq" % "0.3.3")
In your build.sbt
// Enable the plugin
// Add your database driver dependency to `jooq` scope
libraryDependencies += "com.h2database" % "h2" % "1.4.196" % "jooq"
// jOOQ library version
// default: 3.10.1
jooqVersion := "3.10.1"
// jOOQ maven group ID
// If you want to use commercial version of jOOQ, set appropriate group ID
// For details, please refer to the jOOQ manual
// default: org.jooq
jooqGroupId := "org.jooq"
// Add jOOQ dependencies automatically if true
// If you want to manage jOOQ dependencies manually, set this flag to false
// default: true
autoJooqLibrary := true
// jOOQ codegen configuration file path
// required this or jooqCodegenConfig
// target directory will replace by jooqCodegenTargetDirectory
jooqCodegenConfigFile := Some(file("path") / "to" / "jooq-codegen.xml")
// generator target directory
// default: sourceManaged in Compile
// jooqCodegenTargetDirectory := file("path") / "to" / "target" / "directory"
// configuration file rewrite rules
// default: replace target directory
// jooqCodegenConfigRewriteRules += /* scala.xml.transform.RewriteRule */
// jOOQ codegen configuration
// required this or jooqCodegenConfigFile
// If setting, jooqCodegenConfigFile, jooqCodegenTargetDirectory and jooqCodegenConfigRewriteRules are ignored
// jooqCodegenConfig :=
// <configuration>
// <!-- configurations... -->
// </configuration>
// codegen execution strategy
// default: CodegenStrategy.IfAbsent
// jooqCodegenStrategy := CodegenStrategy.Always
Copyright 2015-2016 Tsukasa Kitachi
Apache License, Version 2.0