The test suite is now being hosted by the W3C GitHub located here --> Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) 2.0 Test Suite
This is the Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) 2.0 test suite. ITS 2.0 and this test suite have been developed by participants of the W3C MultilingualWeb-LT Working Group . Please provide comments on ITS 2.0 and the test suite on the ITS Interest Group mailing list
Further information about the test suite is available in test-suite-howto.html (also avail. as PDF) in this directory and in the nif-conversion subdirectory.
The following files are available under the W3C Test Suite License
- Input files, expected output files and implementers output files in the directories inputdata, expected and outputimplementers under
Download and install Ant from
Run 'ant validate-xml' command in its2.0 directory
Download and install Ant from
Download html5-its-tools from
Modify its2.0/ to point to your local copy of html5-its-tools
Run 'ant validate-html' command in its2.0 directory
Make sure that XML and HTML validation described above works for you
Run 'ant' command in its2.0 directory
Please note that HTML schema doesn't supports RDFa so RDFa attributes are reported as errors
Please note that currently Schematron validation is not performed so some errors are not detected
To validate test suite output files simply compile the test suite dashboard (this will only work if you have java installed and saxon downloaded):
- Download saxon.jar from here:
- Then use this command (Linux/Mac/Windows): java -jar /path/of/file/saxon.jar testsuiteMaster.xml testsuiteDashboard.xsl -o:testSuiteDashboard.html
- Upload newly compiled testsuiteDashboard.html to the git hub
- Check the state of your files in the related data categories on this web page:
Explanations of states :
- N/A = the implementer did not commit to run the test.
- OK = the output file is identical to the reference output file.
- error = an error occurred, e.g. the output file is not available or it is not identical to the reference output file. Move the mouse over error to see details.
- fnf: the output file from the implementer has not been found.
Note: The conversion to NIF is not a normative part of the ITS 2.0 specification. Prerequisites: Java and Unix Shell
- create a temporary folder for output files (hence called $datafolder)
- read ITS files from "its2.0/nif-conversion/input/" one by one, convert to NIF and write output files in turtle to $datafolder
- go to directory cd its2.0/nif-conversion/sparqltest
- run : ./ ../relative/pathTo/$datafolder
Explanations of output:
- If no message appears between "Running: test1.sparql" and "Done: test1.sparql" the test was successfull.
- Otherwise the output filename and additional debug output is shown.