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Merge pull request #1982 from Krishjain2911/master
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Create snake water game
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fineanmol authored Oct 3, 2022
2 parents 2bf42cb + 2ec39c9 commit dc71774
Showing 1 changed file with 164 additions and 0 deletions.
164 changes: 164 additions & 0 deletions Program's_Contributed_By_Contributors/Python_Programs/snake water game
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
# Exercise - 5
from emoji import emojize # pip install emoji
import random
from time import sleep
import shutil
from simple_colors import * # pip install simple_colors

def intro():
Function to print the basic introduction about te game
columns = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns

print(magenta("SNAKE (🐍) WATER (💧) GUN (🔫)".center(columns))) # Printing the name of the game

sleep(1.5) # Making program to sleep to print next statement after sometime

print(cyan("GAME DEVELOPED BY - 👑 AKSHAT DODHIYA 👑".center(columns))) # Printing the name of the developer

sleep(2) # Making program to sleep to execute next part of the program after sometime

intro() # Calling the function intro() to introduce the game

computer_choice, user_choice = "", "" # Declaring variables to store choices
computer_points, user_points, flag, chance = 0, 0, 0, 0 # Variables :
# store points, flag = to repeat loop once again for invalid input,
# chance = use in while loop for calculating the chances of the user
replay = "" # Declaring empty string to store user's choice for replay

def choices():
This function takes input of user's choice and also takes random input from the computer from list 'options'
global computer_choice, user_choice # Declaring variables as global to use in function
options = ["Snake", "Water", "Gun"] # List of options for computer to choose randomly
computer_choice = random.choice(options) # function to store random choice from list 'options'

print("Choose:\t\tS for", emojize(":snake:"),
"\t\tW for", emojize(":droplet:"),
"\t\tG for", emojize(":pistol:")) # Printing options for user to select
user_choice = input().lower() # storing input of the user in lower case

def results():
This function calculates points of both computer and user and
it also prints whether the user won or lost in that chance and flag value is also handled in this function
global computer_points, user_points, flag # Globalising variables for editing it's values
flag = 0 # Initialising the value of flag to zero in each iteration
if computer_choice == "Snake":
if user_choice == "s" or user_choice == "snake":
print(yellow("AWWW...!!"), emojize(":neutral_face:"), yellow("\nTWO SNAKES HAD BITTEN EACH OTHER :/"))

elif user_choice == "w" or user_choice == "water":
print(red("NOOO...!!"), emojize(":crying_face:"), red("\nTHE SNAKE DRANK YOUR WATER :("))
computer_points += 1 # Incrementing computer_points by one

elif user_choice == "g" or user_choice == "gun":
print(green("YEAH...!!"), emojize(":victory_hand:"), green("\nYOU SHOT THE SNAKE BY GUN :)"))
user_points += 1 # Incrementing user_points by one

print("!!कृपया सही विकल्प चुनें!!") # Error message in 'HINDI' for invalid choice
flag = 1 # Changing flag value to iterate the loop again in same chance

elif computer_choice == "Water":
if user_choice == "s" or user_choice == "snake":
print(green("YEAH...!!"), emojize(":victory_hand:"), green("\nYOUR SNAKE DRANK THE WATER :)"))
user_points += 1 # Incrementing user_points by one

elif user_choice == "w" or user_choice == "water":
print(yellow("AWWW...!!"), emojize(":neutral_face:"), yellow("\nWATER IS INCREASED :/"))

elif user_choice == "g" or user_choice == "gun":
print(red("NOOO...!!"), emojize(":crying_face:"), red("\nYOUR GUN SANK INTO THE WATER :("))
computer_points += 1 # Incrementing computer_points by one

print("!!कृपया सही विकल्प चुनें!!") # Error message in 'HINDI' for invalid choice
flag = 1 # Changing flag value to iterate the loop again in same chance

elif computer_choice == "Gun":
if user_choice == "s" or user_choice == "snake":
print(red("NOOO...!!"), emojize(":crying_face:"), red("\nYOUR SNAKE WAS SHOT BY THE GUN :("))
computer_points += 1 # Incrementing computer_points by one

elif user_choice == "w" or user_choice == "water":
print(green("YEAH...!!"), emojize(":victory_hand:"), green("\nYOUR WATER HAD SUNK THE GUN INTO IT :)"))
user_points += 1 # Incrementing user_points by one

elif user_choice == "g" or user_choice == "gun":
print(yellow("AWWW...!!"), emojize(":neutral_face:"), yellow("\nTWO GUNS FIRED AT EACH OTHER :/"))

print("!!कृपया सही विकल्प चुनें!!") # Error message in 'HINDI' for invalid choice
flag = 1 # Changing flag value to iterate the loop again in same chance

def replay_game():
Function to ask and store the choice of the user for replaying the game
while 1: # infinite loop till the user enters a valid choice
# Giving choice to the user for replaying the game
global replay # Globalising the variable to edit value of main variable
replay = input().lower() # Taking input in lower case string

# if else condition to check whether the user has entered the valid input or not
if replay == "y" or replay == "yes":
break # breaking infinite loop after getting valid input
elif replay == "n" or replay == "no":
break # breaking infinite loop after getting valid input
print(red("Please enter a valid input only"))
continue # executing the loop again due to invalid input given by the user

while 1: # Infinite loop to play the game as many times as the user wants
computer_points, user_points, flag, chance = 0, 0, 0, 0 # Initialising values to zero at the beginning of the game
computer_choice, user_choice, replay = "", "", "" # Emptying strings at the beginning of the game

n = int(input("HOW MANY CHANCES DO YOU WANT TO PLAY ?\n"))
if n < 1:
print(red('Please enter only natural number', 'bold'))

except Exception as e:
print(red('Please enter only natural number', 'bold'))

while chance < n: # Iterating loop 'n' times for playing 'n' number of chances
choices() # Calling function to take choice of the user as input
results() # Calling function to calculate result of a particular chance
if flag == 0: # Incrementing flag's value only if the input given by the user will be valid
chance += 1

# Displaying points of both computer and user
print("\n\t\t\tYOUR SCORE :", user_points)
print("\n\t\t\tCOMPUTER'S SCORE :", computer_points)

# Printing the final result of the game
if computer_points > user_points:
print(red("\n\t\t\tYOU LOST THE GAME !!"), emojize(":loudly_crying_face:"), red("YOU LOST THE GAME"))
elif user_points > computer_points:
print(green("\n\t\t\tHURRAH !!"), emojize(":smiling_face_with_sunglasses:"), green("YOU WON THE GAME"))
print(yellow("\n\t\t\t!! TIE !!"), emojize(":disappointed_face:"), yellow("!! TRY AGAIN !!"))

replay = ""


if replay == "n" or replay == "no":
print(red("\n\t\t\tSAD TO SEE YOU GO !!", 'bold'), emojize(":disappointed_face:")) # Printing exit statement
exit() # exiting the game
if replay == "y" or replay == "yes":
print(green("\n\t\t\tYO LET'S PLAY AGAIN", 'bold'), emojize(":smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:"))
# Printing a statement and replaying the game

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