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Create event subscriptions in DOM. Manage them with update, unmount and mount methods.

Abstracts DOM's addEventListener, and removeEventListener methods into a subscription object.


In node projects:

npm install --save subvent
import {Subvent} from 'subvent'
// or use the shorthand:
import {on} from 'subvent'

In browsers:

  <script src=""></script>


Get the DOM nodes first:

const el1 = document.getElementById('element-1');
const el2 = // ...
const el3 = // ...
const el4 = // ...

Define the event subscription

const evtSub1 = new Subvent(el1, 'click', () => {...});
  • creates an instance of Subvent
  • the instance represents an event subscription

The shorthand on function is also available:

const evtSub2 = on(el2, 'click', () => {...});

If preferred, use an object to pass parameters:

const evtSub3 = on({node: el3, name: 'click', handler: () => {...}});

Manage the subscription

Unmount it:

evtSub1.isMounted; // false
  • removes the event listener from the DOM node

Mount it:

evtSub1.isMounted; // true
  • adds the event listener to the DOM node

Update it:

evtSub2.update({name: 'dblclick',})
  • takes care of mounting and unmounting for us
  • only changes the specifed arguments, retaining the old variables.

Duplicate it:

const evtSub4 = evtSub3.duplicate({node: el4});
  • uses Subvent's instance as a template for creating a new instance
  • instance being duplicated provides fallback values for undefined parameters

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Subvent: Managing event subscriptions in DOM


This library provides two variables: Subvent (which is a constructor function), and it's shorthand on (which is a factory function that returns instance of Subvent).


Subvent is a constructor function that auto-subscribes to a DOM node on instantiation.


// traditional arguments:
new Subvent(node, name, handler [, options, defaults, thisArg]);

// object argument:
new Subvent({node, name, handler [, options, defaults: object, thisArg]});
  • node - any DOM node that implements EventTarget interface
  • name - string (corresponds to addEventListener's type parameter)
  • handler - a function, or an object (corresponds to addEventListener's listener parameter)
  • options - An object (corresponds to addEventListener's options paramter)
  • defaults - an object containing properties to be used as default fallback values for parameters. Another Subvent instance can be used as defaults and technically become a template for other Subvent instances.
  • thisArg - an object that is applied to handler as it's execution context, defaults to node

Return value: instance of Subvent

  • Subvent.isMounted - boolean indicating subscription's mount state
  • Subvent.node - maps to node parameter (see above)
  • - maps to name parameter (see above)
  • Subvent.options - maps to option parameter (see above)
  • Subvent.thisArg - an object that is applied to handler as it's execution context, defaults to node
  • Subvent.prototype.update() - redefines the subscription with new parameters overwriting the old properties, those not overwritten, retain the old value. It handles unmounting and mounting so You don't have to. It accepts the same parameter syntax as it's contructor (Subvent), except the fact that all arguments are optional (those not passed, retain the old value)
  • Subvent.prototype.unmount() - calls removeEventListener(, this._handler_, this.options)
  • Subvent.prototype.mount() - calls addEventListener(, this._handler_, this.options)
  • Subvent.handler - maps to handler parameter (see above)
  • Subvent._handler - if handler is a function, _handler wraps it, and ensures the handler is called with thisArg value applyed to it
  • Subvent.prototype.duplicate - creates a new instance providing it's own properties as fallback values for undefined parameters


on is a so called "factory function" because it returns an instance, in this case a Subvent instance. The function also has the same syntax as the Subvent(). Consider it a shorthand for Subvent() syntax.


on() has the same parameter syntax as the Subvent

Return value instance of Subvent


function on() {
  return new Subvent(arguments)

Two ways to instantiate Subvent

Just to conclude:

// both of these statements do the same thing: return the Subvent instance
on({node: titleEl, name: 'click', handler: clickHandler})
new Subvent({node: titleEl, name: 'click', handler: clickHandler})

Creating a custom Subvent shorthand

If you don't like the on() shorthand, create your own custom shorthand factory function:

// a custom shorthand function, with a not so short name, but you get the point
function customShorthand() {
  return new Subvent(arguments)

customShorthand({node: titleEl, name: 'click', handler: clickHandler})


Everyone is welcome to report any potential issue, or share an idea for a new feature. Colaborations are also welcome, but rather difficult at the moment, since I haven't established build procedure yet.

Anyone is welcome to contact me at [email protected]