Uses Apple Maps on iOS and Google Maps v2 on Android
Currently only works/tested on Android and iOS. Requires Cordova 3.0+ (will not work on earlier versions without modifications).
You need a Google Maps Android v2 API KEY from google and you need to specify it when you install the plugin
You can install this plugin with plugman
plugman install --platform android --project android-mapkit-example/ --plugin /path/to/MapKit --variable API_KEY="YOUR_API_KEY_FROM_GOOGLE"
or with cordova CLI
cordova -d plugin add /path/to/MapKit --variable API_KEY="YOUR_API_KEY_FROM_GOOGLE"
(/path/to/MapKit could be the git repository
Follow the instructions that are displayed after you install the plugin.
var app = {
showMap: function() {
var pins = [
lat: 49.28115,
lon: -123.10450,
title: "A Cool Title",
snippet: "A Really Cool Snippet",
icon: mapKit.iconColors.HUE_ROSE
lat: 49.27503,
lon: -123.12138,
title: "A Cool Title, with no Snippet",
icon: {
type: "asset",
resource: "www/img/logo.png", //an image in the asset directory
pinColor: mapKit.iconColors.HUE_VIOLET //iOS only
lat: 49.28286,
lon: -123.11891,
title: "Awesome Title",
snippet: "Awesome Snippet",
icon: mapKit.iconColors.HUE_GREEN
var error = function() {
var success = function() {
mapKit.addMapPins(pins, function() {
console.log('adMapPins success');
function() { console.log('error'); });
mapKit.showMap(success, error);
hideMap: function() {
var success = function() {
console.log('Map hidden');
var error = function() {
mapKit.hideMap(success, error);
clearMapPins: function() {
var success = function() {
console.log('Map Pins cleared!');
var error = function() {
mapKit.clearMapPins(success, error);
changeMapType: function() {
var success = function() {
console.log('Map Type Changed');
var error = function() {
mapKit.changeMapType(mapKit.mapType.MAP_TYPE_SATELLITE, success, error);
You can override the options by passing a suitable options object as arguments to showMap
var options = {
height: 460, // height of the map (width is always full size for now)
diameter: 1000, // unused for now
atBottom: true, // bottom or top of the webview
lat: 49.281468, // initial camera position latitude
lon: -123.104446 // initial camera position latitude
Checkout the sample/ application as a boilerplate!
Info bubbles: Simple info bubbles supported (title, snippet and custom icons for markers). Custom info bubbles not supported (i.e HTML bubbles etc..).
- Brett Rudd @goya
- Becky Gibson @becka11y