Sharing Helpers for Cozy Application Development
- Cozy Device Helper: To know more information about the device platform
- Cozy Doctypes: Tools for working with shared doctypes
- Cozy Flags: Client side feature flags
- Cozy Interapp: Allows applications to interact with each other
- Cozy Realtime: Be notified via websocket when something happens on the Cozy
- Babel Preset Cozy App: Config for babel transpiling (for applications and libraries)
- Cozy Commitlint Config: Commitlint config enforcing the cozy commit convention
- Cozy Browserslist Config: Browserslist config enforcing the official Cozy supported browsers
- ESLint Config Cozy App: Config for eslint using prettier (for applications and libraries)
- Cozy Logger: Logs message in a human friendly way while developing and logs in JSON when in production. It can be used by konnectors, services alike, and web apps.
- Cozy CI: Utility scripts for Cozy Cloud CI integration
- Cozy App Publish: Publish an application/konnector to the Cozy Cloud registry