- Import scientific data from various sources through one easy Python API.
- Use iterator patterns for each data source (configurable data generators + functions to get next data chunk).
- Skip parser programming and file format handling.
- Enjoy a common namespace for all data and unleash the power of data fusion.
- Handle data distribution in different modes: (1) local download, (2) caching of accessed data, or (3) online stream access
- Easily pull data on cloud servers through Python scripts and facilitate large-scale parallel processing.
- Build on an extensible plattform: Adding access to a new data source only requires addition of its "DataFetcher.py".
- Open source (MIT License)
Supported data sets (for updates, follow https://twitter.com/scikit_data)
Namespace | Description | Preview | Data Source |
astro.kepler | Light curves for stars imaged by the NASA Kepler Space Telescope | https://keplerscience.arc.nasa.gov | |
astro.voyager | Data from the Voyager mission | https://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/ | |
engineering.la.traffic_counts | Traffic Count data in Los Angeles | https://data.lacity.org/A-Livable-and-Sustainable-City/LADOT-Traffic-Counts-Summary/94wu-3ps3 | |
geo.era_interim | Era-Interim data at different pressure values from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts accessed through the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research | https://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds627.0/ | |
geo.gldas | Land hydrology model produced by NASA. This version of the data is generated to match the GRACE temporal and spatial characteristics and is available as a complementary data product | https://grace.jpl.nasa.gov/data/get-data/land-water-content | |
geo.grace | NASA GRACE Tellus Monthly Mass Grids. 30-day measurements of changes in Earth’s gravity field to quantify equivalent water thickness | https://grace.jpl.nasa.gov/data/get-data/monthly-mass-grids-land | |
geo.grace.mascon | NASA GRACE Tellus Monthly Mass Grids - Global Mascons. 30-day measurements of changes in Earth’s gravity field to quantify equivalent water thickness | https://grace.jpl.nasa.gov/data/get-data/jpl_global_mascons | |
geo.groundwater | United States groundwater monitoring wells measuring the depth to water level | https://waterservices.usgs.gov | |
geo.magnetometer | Data collected at magnetic observatories operated by the U.S. Geological Survey | https://geomag.usgs.gov | |
geo.mahali.rinex | Rinex files from the MIT led NSF project studying the Earth’s ionosphere with GPS | http://mahali.mit.edu | |
geo.mahali.tec | Total Electron Content from the MIT led NSF project studying the Earth’s ionosphere with GPS | http://mahali.mit.edu | |
geo.mahali.temperature | Temperature data from the MIT led NSF project studying the Earth’s ionosphere with GPS | http://mahali.mit.edu | |
geo.modis | Spectroradiometer aboard the NASA Terra and Aqua image satellites. Generates approximately daily images of the Earth’s surface | https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov | |
geo.pbo | EarthScope - Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO): Daily GPS displacement time series measurements throughout the United States | http://www.unavco.org/projects/major-projects/pbo/pbo.html | |
geo.sentinel_1 | Sentinel-1 TOPSAR data from the European Space Agency retrieved from the Alaska Satellite Facility | https://www.asf.alaska.edu/ | |
geo.srtm | Elevation data at a one arc second resolution from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTMGL1) | https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/dataset_discovery/measures/measures_products_table/srtmgl1_v003 | |
geo.uavsar | UAVSAR SLC data from JPL | https://uavsar.jpl.nasa.gov/ | |
geo.wyoming_sounding | Sounding data from the University of Wyoming | http://weather.uwyo.edu/upperair/sounding.html | |
planetary.ode | Planetary data from PDS Geosciences Node's Orbital Data Explorer | http://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/default.htm | |
solar.sdo | Images from the Solar Dynamics Observatory | https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/ |
pip install scikit-dataaccess
- User Manual: /docs/skdaccess_manual.pdf
- Code documentation (Doxygen): /docs/skdaccess_doxygen.pdf
- Code visualization (treemap): /docs/skdaccess_treemap.png
- Code class diagrams: /docs/class_diagrams
Project lead: Victor Pankratius (MIT)
Contributors: Cody M. Rude, Justin D. Li, David M. Blair, Michael G. Gowanlock, Guillaume Rongier, Victor Pankratius
New contributors welcome! Contact to contribute and add interface code for your own datasets 😄
We acknowledge support from NASA AIST14-NNX15AG84G, NASA AIST16-80NSSC17K0125, NSF ACI-1442997, and NSF AGS-1343967.
Code examples (Jupyter notebooks) for all datasets listed above are available at: /skdaccess/examples