Port of The Battle for Wesnoth to the Love2d Engine.
It is still in early development and not playable at this time.
W4L is licensed under the GPLv2+.
The distribution ships with several third party libraries, have a closer look here for their License and Copyright information.
Please feel free to join the public Discord server to discuss Wesnoth for Löve.
Have a look at the Development Thread found on Wesnoth's Forums.
Sorry, there is no stable release yet.
Fetch the wesnoth-love-win64.exe of the latest release at github.
The file is a self-extracting archive that should run on all Windows versions > XP.
Double click for extraction, then double click the "wesnoth-love.exe" inside the extracted "wesnoth-love-win64" folder.
Pure zip archives are also available.
# love2d and dependencies of wesnoth-love
sudo add-apt-repository -y 'ppa:bartbes/love-stable'; sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install love lua-lpeg
Fetch the wesnoth-love_all.deb of the latest release at github.
sudo dpkg -i wesnoth-love_all.deb
# start the game
Fetch the wesnoth-love-macos.zip of the latest release at github.
unzip and then TODO
This are general instructions, for specific operating systems have a look below.
- Install the love2d engine. A version >= 11.1 is required.
- Clone (recursive) the wesnoth-love directory from GitHub.
- Install the dependencies
- Start the game by executing the love engine with the path to the wesnoth-love directory as argument.
Once downloaded and with the dependencies installed, a simple open click onto the wesnoth.love file in a filebrowser can be used to start the game on most systems.
# love2d and dependencies of wesnoth-love
sudo add-apt-repository -y 'ppa:bartbes/love-stable'; sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install love lua-lpeg git
# fetch from github
git clone --recursive https://github.com/fendrin/wesnoth-love.git
# start the game
Howl is a decent editor with Lua/Moonscript support.
W4L comes with a low profile regarding the entry demands.
You need
- Basic understanding of git and github
- Language Skills
- Lua 5.1
- Moonscript 0.5 (very similar to Lua)
Contributions in both, Lua or Moonscript will be accepted, although the Lua ones might be translated into Moonscript at a later time.
- Text Editor preferable with Lua/Moonscript support.
- A development installation of W4L
- Lua 5.1 (or luajit) with
- Busted unit test suite
- binop library
- moonscript
- 1GB of extra hard drive space is more than enough for the whole setup.
- There is no extra demands to the cpu and ram than the requirements of the love2d engine itself.
- W4L uses an indentation level of 4 whitespaces.
- Use ldoc-style comments to document non-trivial sections.
- It can't hurt to implement busted unit tests.
- Prefer readability over optimizations.
- Naming Conventions
- class: PascalCase
- local variables/functions: snake_case
- constants: ALL_CAPS
- .lua Files containing lua code.
- .moon Files containing Moonscript code.
- .wsl Wesnoth Script Language - Modified Moonscript with Macro support
- .wesnoth A file containing an add-on for Wesnoth for Löve
- .love A file containing a Löve Game (like W4L)
- .md Markdown File - used for documentation
Löve loads in boot.lua:
- require "love"
love.boot() called -- (1st xpcall in boot.lua)
- Require love.filesystem (the only module that you can't disable in conf.lua, it's mandatory)
- Parse command line arguments (they will reside in the global arg table)
- Determine if game is fused or not
- Set game identity
- Early check whether main.lua or conf.lua exists or not (if not, then errors later with the game being badly packaged)
love.init() called -- (2nd xpcall in boot.lua)
- Create default configuration settings
- Load in configuration settings from conf.lua if it exists (or if love.conf exists, even without conf.lua)
- Require modules
- Create event handlers
- Check version (compatibility related)
- Setup window (if window module is loaded)
- Set first timestep
- Require main.lua (Loads in the body of main.lua)
- Error if game is badly packaged.
love.run() called -- (3rd xpcall in boot.lua (if using the default love.run))
- seed löve's default PRNG
- love.load(args) -- (Actual game startup... usually)
- poll events -- (other love.___ callback functions)
- love.update(dt)
- love.draw
- sleep