Felipe Rubin e Ariel Ril
[email protected] & [email protected]
glueLogic.vhd: Implementação do hardware da Lógica de Cola
MIPS-MC_SingleEdge: Implementação do MIPS
serialInterface.vhd: Implementacao da Interface Serial
softwareText.txt: Arquivo que sera carregado pelo testbench e contem o Software(Aplicacao e Driver)
mult_div.vhd: Operações de Soma e Divisão
System_tb.vhd: Testbench do Sistema
MIPS-MC_SingleEdge_tb.vhd: Testbench do MIPS
serial_tb.vhd: Testbench da Interface Serial
software.asm: O Software
relatorio.pdf: O relatorio, escrito em português, explicando o sistema
Passo 1: ghdl -a --ieee=synopsys -fexplicit mult_div.vhd MIPS-MC_SingleEdge.vhd glueLogic.vhd serialinterface.vhd System_tb.vhd
Passo 2: ghdl -e --ieee=synopsys -fexplicit system_tb
Passo 3: ghdl -r --ieee=synopsys -fexplicit system_tb --stop-time=500us --wave=wave.ghw
Passo 4 gtkwave wave.ghw
OBS: A execução do passo 3 pode ser feita gerando outro formato de onda, por exemplo vcd ( --vcd=wave.vcd ). Embora mais rápido, não apresenta sinais muito internos.
Os arquivos relacionados à interface serial e ao MIPS foram criados pelos professores Ney Calazans [email protected] e Fernando Moraes [email protected]
Felipe Rubin & Ariel Ril
[email protected] & [email protected]
glueLogic.vhd: Implementation of the Glue Logic Hardware
MIPS-MC_SingleEdge: MIPS Implementation
serialInterface.vhd: Serial Interface Implementation
softwareText.txt: File that will be loaded by the testbench and contains
the Software(Application and Driver)
mult_div.vhd: Multiplication and Sum operations
System_tb.vhd: System Testbench
MIPS-MC_SingleEdge_tb.vhd: MIPS Testbench
serial_tb.vhd: Serial Interface Testbench
software.asm: The software
relatorio.pdf: The assignment text,written in portuguese, explaining the system
Step 1: ghdl -a --ieee=synopsys -fexplicit mult_div.vhd MIPS-MC_SingleEdge.vhd glueLogic.vhd serialinterface.vhd System_tb.vhd
Step 2: ghdl -e --ieee=synopsys -fexplicit system_tb
Step 3: ghdl -r --ieee=synopsys -fexplicit system_tb --stop-time=500us --wave=wave.ghw
Step 4: gtkwave wave.ghw
OBS: The execution in step 3 can be made using other wave format, for exemple vcd (--vcd=wave.vcd ). While it is faster, it does not show too many internal signals.
The files related to the serial interface and MIPS where created by professor Ney Calazans [email protected] and professor Fernando Moraes [email protected]