This repo takes the data from to generate dynamic graphs using python libraries.
In this section we describe the usage of the program:
usage: [-h] -c COUNTRIES [COUNTRIES ...] [-d DAYS] [-D DPI]
[-o OUTPUT] [-t TYPE_COL] [-v VIEW]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
<Required> Set flag
-d DAYS, --days DAYS How many days from D0
-D DPI, --DPI DPI Output DPI
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output to save PNG
-t TYPE_COL, --type_col TYPE_COL
Type of case: confirmed, recovered, deaths
-v VIEW, --view VIEW View result: yes(y) or no(n)
The following is the example of the generated png inside png folder considering Brazil, US and Italy over 40 first days infected people:
python3 -c Brazil US Italy -t confirmed -v yes -d 40
The following is the example of the generated png inside png folder considering Brazil, US and Italy over 40 first days infected people considering day by day difference::
python3 -c Brazil US Italy -t confirmed -v yes -d 40 --diff y