This library provides a dropdown that can deal with items of any arbitrary type t
. Items are not part of this component's internal model, meaning that there is a single source of truth: your own Model
It sets the selected item by value, rather than by index, which can be useful when the set of items is dynamic. User selection is communicated by returning an Event
that contains the whole selected item.
- Items can be of any type
- Items are not part of internal component model
- Item selected by value, rather than by index
- User selection communicated via
- Styles can be customized by providing
import Dropdown exposing (Dropdown, Event(ItemSelected))
-- type of items in this dropdown
type alias Country =
{ code : String
, name : String
type alias Model =
{ dropdown : Dropdown
, items : List Country -- items that will be shown in dropdown
, selectedItem : Maybe Country -- selected item, if any
, ...
type Msg
= CountrySelected (Dropdown.Msg Country)
| ...
init =
[ Country "ALB" "Albania"
, Country "ITA" "Italy"
, Country "NLD" "Netherlands"
update msg model =
case msg of
CountrySelected dropdownMsg ->
( updatedDropdown, event ) =
Dropdown.update dropdownMsg model.dropdown
case event of
ItemSelected country ->
{ model
| dropdown = updatedDropdown
, selectedItem = Just country
_ ->
{ model | dropdown = updatedDropdown }
view model =
, div []
[ CountrySelected <|
Have a look at the examples
folder to get a running example.
The default style classes are based on Bootstrap 3.3.7, with some minor additions included in dropdown.css
: both be imported in your HTML separately (if you'd rather import them directly in your Elm code, I suggest you to have a look at and see how it can be done in Example.elm
If you'd rather use different classes or change style altogether, you can provide your own Settings
by using Dropdown.initWithSettings
instead of Dropdown.init
This library's design was deeply influenced by Evan Czaplicki's About API Design and elm-datepicker.