Lepton interface for the STM32F746G-DISCO board
This project uses the STM32F746G-DISCO to acquire the thermal images from a FLIR Lepton module and displays it on the screen. It uses the Lepton Thermal Camera Breakout v1.3 from PURE Engineering (http://www.pureengineering.com/projects/lepton)
A prototype enclosure is also provided, in STL format, for 3D printing.
- CS: "D10" - PA8
- MOSI: "D11" - PB15 (Not required)
- MISO: "D12" - PB14
- SCLK: "D13" - PI1
- SDA: "D14" - PB9
- SCL: "D15" - PB8
- v1.0: First working version, displays the image on the screen
- v1.1:
- Improved color representation using 6 colors (Black-Blue-Green-Yellow-Red-White) instead of 3 (Blue-Yellow-Red)
- Added layout for buttons
- Added level indicator on the left of the image
- v1.2:
- Changed the buffering principle to reduce SDRAM access
- Fixed the gradient function not working after last compiler update
- Sync with the camera often not happening correclty at startup
- Implement touch screen to select measurement points
- Implement SD card and file system to save images