Garlic, onion, salt and pepper...
Within sass project
@import "gosp.css/src/gosp";
CSS file
@import "gosp.css/dist/gosp.min.css";
HTML Link Tag
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/gosp.css/dist/gosp.min.css" />;
npm i gosp.css --save
let gosp = require('gosp.css').includePaths + '/src'
includePaths: [gosp]
@import "gosp";
Your awesome styles
Just compile gosp.scss file.
gulp default
Without gulp
sass src/gosp.scss dist/gosp.css
- Remove underline decoration and outline
- Add transition on hover
- Background color
- Background-size
- Background-position
- Background-attachment
- Background-image
Class | Property | Value |
bc0 | background-color | #000 |
bc3 | background-color | #333 |
bc6 | background-color | #666 |
bc9 | background-color | #999 |
bcA | background-color | #AAA |
bcC | background-color | #CCC |
bcE | background-color | #EEE |
bcF | background-color | #FFF |
Class | Property | Value |
bscc | background-size | contain |
bscv | background-size | cover |
bsx | background-size | 100% 100% |
Class | Property | Value |
bpbc | background-position | center bottom |
bpbl | background-position | left bottom |
bpbr | background-position | right bottom |
bpcb | background-position | center bottom |
bpcc | background-position | center center |
bpcl | background-position | left center |
bpcr | background-position | right center |
bpct | background-position | center top |
bplb | background-position | left bottom |
bplc | background-position | left center |
bplt | background-position | left top |
bprb | background-position | right bottom |
bprc | background-position | right center |
bprt | background-position | right top |
bptc | background-position | center top |
bptl | background-position | left top |
bptr | background-position | right top, |
Class | Property | Value |
baf | background-attachment | fixed |
Class | Property | Value |
biu | background-image | unset |
Class | Property | Value |
brnr | background-repeat | no-repeat |
brr | background-repeat | repeat |
brrx | background-repeat | repeat-x |
brry | background-repeat | repeat-y |
- Border none
- Box sizing box
- Box content box
Class | Property | Value |
curd | cursor | default |
curna | cursor | not-allowed |
curp | cursor | pointer |
curt | cursor | text |
curw | cursor | wait |
Class | Property | Value |
db | display | block |
dfx | display | flex |
di | display | inline |
dib | display | inline-block |
din | display | initial |
dn | display | none |
dt | display | table |
dtc | display | table-cell |
dtr | display | table-row |
- Align
- Grow
- Justify
- Order
- Shrink
- Direction
Class | Property | Value |
aic | align-items | center |
aife | align-items | flex-end |
aifs | align-items | flex-start |
aiu | align-items | unset |
asc | align-self | center |
asfe | align-self | flex-end |
asfs | align-self | flex-start |
asu | align-self | unset |
Class | Property | Value |
fdc | flex-direction | column |
fdr | flex-direction | row |
fdcr | flex-direction | column-reverse |
fdrr | flex-direction | row-reverse |
Class | Property | Value |
fg0 | flex-grow | 0 |
fg1 | flex-grow | 1 |
fg2 | flex-grow | 2 |
fg3 | flex-grow | 3 |
fg4 | flex-grow | 4 |
fg5 | flex-grow | 5 |
fg6 | flex-grow | 6 |
Note: From 0 to $gosp-grid-columns / 2
Class | Property | Value |
jcc | justify-content | center |
jcs | justify-content | stretch |
jcu | justify-content | unset |
jcfe | justify-content | flex-end |
jcfs | justify-content | flex-start |
jcsa | justify-content | space-around |
jcsb | justify-content | space-between |
jsc | justify-self | center |
jss | justify-self | stretch |
jsu | justify-self | unset |
jsfe | justify-self | flex-end |
jsfs | justify-self | flex-start |
jssa | justify-self | space-around |
jssb | justify-self | space-between |
Class | Property | Value |
ord-1 | order | -1 |
ord0 | order | 0 |
ord1 | order | 1 |
ord2 | order | 2 |
ord3 | order | 3 |
ord4 | order | 4 |
ord5 | order | 5 |
ord6 | order | 6 |
ord7 | order | 7 |
ord8 | order | 8 |
ord9 | order | 9 |
ord10 | order | 10 |
ord11 | order | 11 |
ord12 | order | 12 |
Class | Property | Value |
fsh0 | flex-shrink | 0 |
fsh1 | flex-shrink | 1 |
fsh2 | flex-shrink | 2 |
fsh3 | flex-shrink | 3 |
fsh4 | flex-shrink | 4 |
fsh5 | flex-shrink | 5 |
fsh6 | flex-shrink | 6 |
Note: From 0 to $gosp-grid-columns / 2
Class | Property | Value |
fwnw | flex-wrap | no-wrap |
fww | flex-wrap | wrap |
fwwr | flex-wrap | wrap-reverse |
Class | Property | Value |
fl | float | left |
fn | float | none |
fr | float | right |
fu | float | unset |
Prefix class | Property | Unit | From | To | Gap |
fsp | font-size | px | 8 | 48 | 2 |
fsp | font-size | px | 50 | 100 | 10 |
fse | font-size | em | 0.5 | 3 | 0.25 |
fsr | font-size | rem | 0.5 | 3 | 0.25 |
Class | Property | Value |
fw100 | font-weight | 100 |
fw200 | font-weight | 200 |
fw300 | font-weight | 300 |
fw400 | font-weight | 400 |
fw500 | font-weight | 500 |
fw600 | font-weight | 600 |
fw700 | font-weight | 700 |
fw800 | font-weight | 800 |
fw900 | font-weight | 900 |
b | font-weight | bold |
l | font-weight | lighter |
n | font-weight | normal |
i | font-style | italic |
o | font-style | oblique |
- Custom select with angle-down
- Outline 0 on each form control
Class | Property | Value |
fw | width | 100% |
w100vw | width | 100vw |
Type | Description | Nested | Offset | Pull | Push |
Flex | Based on flexboxgrid) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Float | Based on twbs bootstrap) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Inline | Same as bootstrap but using inline-block) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Fractionary | Using fractions like col-md-1-2 eq col-md-6 based on wp grid by Ricardo Aguirre) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Note: You can order flex columns using order classes and order media helpers.
Class | Property | Value |
h0 | height | 0 |
h25p | height | 25% |
h50p | height | 50% |
h75p | height | 75% |
h100p | height | 100% |
Prefix class | Property | Unit | From | To | Gap |
h | height | px | 0 | 45 | 5 |
h | height | px | 50 | 90 | 10 |
h | height | px | 100 | 500 | 50 |
Class | Description |
list-reset | Sets margin and padding to 0 and list-style to none |
list-inline | Displays list items as inline-block |
list-block | Displays list items as block |
Class | Property | Value |
list-columns-1 | columns | 1 |
list-columns-2 | columns | 2 |
list-columns-3 | columns | 3 |
list-columns-4 | columns | 4 |
list-columns-5 | columns | 5 |
list-columns-6 | columns | 6 |
Note: From 1 to $gosp-grid-columns / 2
Class | Property | Value |
lsd | list-style | decimal |
lsdlz | list-style | decimal-leading-zero |
lsla | list-style | lower-alpha |
lslr | list-style | lower-roman |
lsua | list-style | upper-alpha |
lsur | list-style | upper-roman |
Prefix class | Property | Unit | From | To | Gap |
m | margin | px | 0 | 50 | 5 |
mt | margin-top | px | 0 | 50 | 5 |
mr | margin-right | px | 0 | 50 | 5 |
mb | margin-bottom | px | 0 | 50 | 5 |
ml | margin-left | px | 0 | 50 | 5 |
p | padding | px | 0 | 50 | 5 |
pt | padding-top | px | 0 | 50 | 5 |
pr | padding-right | px | 0 | 50 | 5 |
pb | padding-bottom | px | 0 | 50 | 5 |
pl | padding-left | px | 0 | 50 | 5 |
Prefix class | Property | Unit | From | To | Gap |
t | top | px | 0 | 50 | 5 |
r | right | px | 0 | 50 | 5 |
b | bottom | px | 0 | 50 | 5 |
l | left | px | 0 | 50 | 5 |
Class | Property | Value |
pa | position | absolute |
pf | position | fixed |
pr | position | relative |
ps | position | static |
psy | position | sticky |
pu | position | unset |
Class | Description |
abs | Creates a layer with the same width and height over the parent element |
Class |
hide |
hide-[media-query] |
hide-[media-query] |
hide-[media-query] |
hide-[media-query]-below |
hide-[media-query]-above |
hide-[media-query] |
show |
show-[media-query] |
show-[media-query] |
show-[media-query] |
show-[media-query]-below |
show-[media-query]-above |
show-[media-query] |
Class | Description |
Collapsed | Border collapsed |
Fixed | Columns with the same width |
Responsive | Table rows to columns under sm size |
Striped | Even rows with light gray background |
Class | Property | Value |
tac | text-align | center |
taj | text-align | justify |
tal | text-align | left |
tar | text-align | right |
tdlt | text-decoration | line-through |
tdo | text-decoration | overline |
tdou | text-decoration | underline overline |
tdu | text-decoration | underline |
tduo | text-decoration | underline overline |
tduos | text-decoration | underline overline line-through |
tduso | text-decoration | underline overline line-through |
tdous | text-decoration | underline overline line-through |
tdosu | text-decoration | underline overline line-through |
tdsou | text-decoration | underline overline line-through |
tdsuo | text-decoration | underline overline line-through |
ttc | text-transform | capitalize |
ttl | text-transform | lowercase |
ttn | text-transform | none |
ttu | text-transform | uppercase |
tdsda | text-decoration-style | dashed |
tdsdo | text-decoration-style | dotted |
tdss | text-decoration-style | solid |
tdsw | text-decoration-style | wavy |
tdi | text-direction | initial |
tdl | text-direction | ltr |
tdr | text-direction | rtl |
Class | Description |
paragraph-reset | Sets margin to 0 |
Class | Property | Value |
vab | vertical-align | bottom |
vabl | vertical-align | baseline |
vainh | vertical-align | inherit |
vam | vertical-align | middle |
vasub | vertical-align | sub |
vasup | vertical-align | super |
vat | vertical-align | top |
vatb | vertical-align | text-bottom |
vatt | vertical-align | text-top |
Class | Property | Value |
vc | visibility | collapse |
vh | visibility | hidden |
vu | visibility | unset |
vv | visibility | visible |
Index | Elements |
-1 | Any |
1 | Any |
10 | Fixed |
100 | Dialog |
1000 | Fullscreen layers |
Size | Min | Max | Prefix |
xs | 480px | .col-xs | |
sm | 481px | 768px | .col-sm |
md | 769px | 1280px | .col-md |
lg | 1281px | 1600px | .col-lg |
xl | 1601px | col-xl | .col-xl |
Size | Mixin |
xs | xs() |
sm | sm() |
sm-down | sm-down() |
sm-up | sm-up() |
md | md() |
md-down | md-down() |
md-up | md-up() |
lg | lg() |
lg-down | lg-down() |
lg-up | lg-up() |
xl | xl() |
@include sm-up { // rules }
This classes will be able to change property-value classes in each display resolution. Remember mobile first.
- Margin
- Padding
- Font size (px, em, rem)
- Position
- Text align
- List columns
- Hide and show
Property | Value | Helper class | Responsive helper |
Margin | From 0 to 50 | m50 | md-m50 |
Margin top | From 0 to 50 | mt50 | md-mt50 |
Margin right | From 0 to 50 | mr50 | md-mr50 |
Margin left | From 0 to 50 | ml50 | md-ml50 |
Margin bottom | From 0 to 50 | mb50 | md-mb50 |
Padding | From 0 to 50 | p50 | md-p50 |
Padding top | From 0 to 50 | pt50 | md-pt50 |
Padding right | From 0 to 50 | pr50 | md-pr50 |
Padding left | From 0 to 50 | pl50 | md-pl50 |
Padding bottom | From 0 to 50 | pb50 | md-pb50 |
Font size | From 8 to 48 | fsp16 | md-fsp16 |
Font size | From 50 to 100 | fsp60 | xs-fsp20 |
Class | Responsive class | Description |
list-inline | [media-query]-list-inline | Displays list items as inline-block |
list-block | [media-query]-list-block | Displays list items as block |
- Flexboxgrid: Thanks to @kristoferjoseph
- Bootstrap: Thanks to Twitter
- RicAg
- @escueladigital: em and rem functions from ED-Grid
- Rebuilt lib using sass with scss syntax
- Removed color palette mixin
- Added xl media size
- Added auto column
- Added flex push and pull
- Added list-inline and list-block helpers and responsive helpers
- Changed size readme prefix to media-query
- node_module bug
- Restores
class - Added functions import to media