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A p2p-DeFi marketplace for reselling financial tools suchs as option contracts, futures, and bonds.


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A p2p-DeFi aftermarket protocol for buying/selling NFTs on the Cardano Settlement Layer. It is specifically designed for financial NFTs, but it is general enough to work with all NFTs.

NOTE This protocol was originally called Cardano-Secondary-Market. To minimize the risk of repojacking, a new repo was created instead of simply renaming the old one.

Table of Contents


Cardano-Aftermarket is a p2p-DeFi protocol for trading NFTs on the Cardano Settlement Layer (CSL). Users deploy and interact with each others' script addresses, thereby creating permissionless and high-availability NFT aftermarkets. This protocol is fully general and can support all possible aftermarkets; each aftermarket is tagged with dedicated beacons to enable filtering for specific markets. Both spot markets and auction markets are supported for all aftermarkets. Finally, as with all p2p-DeFi protocols, users maintain custody, delegation control, and voting control of their assets at all times.


Aftermarkets play a crucial role in enhancing the efficiency and dynamism of an economy, particularly in the DeFi space. For example, imagine if Bob owns a bond, but needs to sell it before maturity in order to raise some cash. Where would he go? What if he has no where to go? If Bob can't be sure that he will be able to liquidate the bond in an emergency, he may view lending money in the first place as being too risky. As a consequence, the primary lending/borrowing marketplace would be smaller just because there is no viable aftermarket for the associated bonds. The same logic applies to other financial markets like options and futures.

Current NFT aftermarket solutions on Cardano have three main drawbacks. The first is that they tend to rely on centralized entities for listing and finding assets. This introduces an availability bottleneck; centralized entities cannot guarantee the same level of uptime and censorship resistance as the underlying blockchain. In order for DeFi to be immune from influence by those in power, every critical piece of the economy must be decentralized and censorship resistance. Aftermarkets are critical.

The second drawback is that they lack composability with other DeFi protocols. This lack of composability can dramatically increase financial risk for users. For a full explanation of this, check out the Cardano-Loans README.

The final drawback is that users must give up custody of their assets in order to use the marketplaces. Contemporary DApps usually require users to pool their assets into a select set of addresses. This has three critical issues:

  1. Pooled assets are a much more enticing target for hackers and governments.
  2. Users are forced to give up delegation control of all assets participating in DeFi. This has serious negative implications for the long-term security of Cardano.
  3. Users are forced to give up voting control of all assets participating in DeFi. This puts the future or Cardano's decentralized government in jeopardy.

There are currently no true p2p aftermarkets. Using the blockchain does not automatically make the DApp p2p! It also doesn't automatically make it decentralized. Cardano needs a radically different kind of aftermarket DApp - one that is actually p2p, decentralized, and censorship resistant.

The Cardano-Aftermarket DeFi Protocol

Cardano-Aftermarket is (arguably) the first truly p2p, decentralized, and censorship resistance DeFi aftermarket. By using the distributed DApp design (ie, all users get their own personal DApp address), it doesn't have any of the above limitations. Furthermore, this protocol is a general purpose marketplace that can serve as the aftermarket for all possible financial markets. It can even serve as an aftermarket for art NFTs.

Supported Features

  • Spot Markets & Auction Markets - sellers can choose to either put up their NFTs for sale at a specified price or they can initiate an auction for the NFTs and accept bids from potential buyers.
  • Batch Sales - sellers can group NFTs from the same policy id together and sell/auction them as a batch. For example, instead of selling 10 options contracts individually, Bob can offer them as a package deal.
  • Multi-Asset Prices - sellers and buyers can trade any number of assets in exchange for the NFTs. For example, Alice can sell her options contract for 10 ADA + 10 DJED. Meanwhile, Bob can use 5 ADA, 10 AGIX, and 30 DJED to bid on a loan bond. All Cardano native assets are supported. It is also possible to use only a single asset for the price, if desired.
  • Direct Payments - all payments go directly to the recipient's personal address. There is no need for the users to return to the DApp address to claim their funds. There is even support for multi-sig and plutus addresses as the payment addresses (using the proxy script).
  • Staking Script Support - buyers and sellers can use staking scripts for their DApp addresses. This enables using more complicated logic to protect their assets in the DApp.
  • A Single DApp Address for each Seller - sellers only need to worry about a single address for the entire protocol; it does not matter which NFTs are being sold. For example, Bob would use the same DApp address for selling loan bonds and options contracts. This makes it very easy for front-ends to integrate the protocol, and for users to manage their delegation and voting preferences.
  • Democratic Upgradability - users decide if and when to upgrade to a new version of the DApp. No one can decide this for them, or force them to move to a new version (eg, by freezing all functionality for the current version). This protocol is cross-version compatible; Bob can create a new spot sale using v1 and create a bid on an auction that is using v2.
  • Full Composability - this protocol is natively composable with all other DeFi DApps. It can even be composed with itself: a seller can create a new auction in the same transaction where they accept a bid for another auction.
  • Censorship Resistant - any user that has the full UTxO set (ie, a full-node) automatically has the entire market for all aftermarkets. No one can prevent them from seeing market activity, and/or participating in the markets.


This section is the low-level specification for the protocol. If you are only interested in the high-level aspects, feel free to skip to the next section.

The Seller's Address

Sellers each create a unique DApp address - this is where all of their sales/auctions take place. As is common in distributed dApps, all such DApp addresses use the same validator script for the payment credential, and a unique, user-defined staking key or script for the staking credential. Owner-related actions are delegated to the staking credential by the validator script, so the user maintains full control of all assets at the address.

Since auctions occur in the seller's address, the seller maintains staking and voting rights over all assets throughout the auction. This includes any bids made by potential buyers which incentivizes bidders to be proactive and not leave bids open for too long.

Payments are not made to this address. Instead, the validator script acts as an overseer to ensure that the payment goes to the proper address in exchange for the NFTs.


If, at any point, a misconfigured UTxO is sent to a seller's DApp address, the seller will get custody. Such UTxOs can only come about by misusing the protocol.

Proxy Script

Since Cardano-Aftermarket has users make payments directly to addresses specified in the datums, care must be taken when the specified address uses a payment plutus script. This is because the protocol enforces a specific datum with payments in order to guarantee uniqueness of outputs - this is currently the cheapest option for preventing double satisfaction. If the payments with this enforced datum are sent to an address that requires a different datum, the payment could be locked forever.

To address this issue, Cardano-Aftermarket uses the same Proxy Script as Cardano-Loans. The proxy script can accept any datum, use any redeemer, and simply delegates spending authorization to the address' staking credential, which can be anything (eg, a native script, a plutus script, or even a pubkey).

Payment pubkey addresses are always allowed since they can accept any datum. The proxy script is only necessary if the user wishes to use more than just a single pubkey to protect their proceeds. For example, if the seller wishes to use a multisig, they would use the proxy script as the payment credential and the native multisig script as the staking credential for their specified payment address. If the seller wanted more complicated logic to protect their assets, they would use the proxy script as the payment credential and a plutus script as the staking credential. The proxy script must always be paired with a staking credential. The protocol will disallow any proxy scripts used without a staking credential.

Two Auction Types

Certain DeFi protocols require the buyer to be the one to finalize the trade in order for certain actions to be composable.

In order to be maximally composable with these DeFi protocols, the auction has two types:

  • A spot auction type where the seller is the one to finalize the trade.
  • A claim auction type where the buyer is the one to finalize the trade.

The seller does not decide which auction type to use. Instead, the bidder's decide the type of bid to create: Spot Bids or Claim Bids. Spot Bids result in spot auctions and Claim Bids result in claim auctions. It is possible for an auction to be a hybrid auction (ie, have bids for both types). Due to the composability of this protocol, the seller can choose any type of bid for their auction. Bidders can also freely convert between bid types.

UTxO Types

This protocol supports five types of UTxOs:

  • Spot UTxOs - a UTxO dedicated to selling NFTs at a pre-defined price.
  • Auction UTxOs - a UTxO dedicated to initiating an auction for the given NFTs.
  • SpotBid UTxOs - a UTxO dedicated to bids for an associated Auction UTxO that can be immediately accpeted by sellers as long as the NFTs are sent to the specified address.
  • ClaimBid UTxOs - a UTxO dedicated to bids for an associated Auction UTxO where the seller must lockup the NFTs and wait for the buyer to come claim them in exchange for the specified bid amount.
  • AcceptedBid UTxOs - a UTxO that was a ClaimBid UTxO and has been accepted by the seller. It has the NFTs and is waiting for the buyer to come claim them.


The Auction UTxO is used for both auction types. Meanwhile, the SpotBid UTxO is used for the spot auction type, and the ClaimBid and AcceptedBid UTxOs are used for the claim auction type.

Spot UTxOs and Auction UTxOs are both created and managed by sellers while Bid UTxOs are created and managed by buyers.

While Auction and Bid UTxOs are meant to be paired up, they do not need to be. For example, if a buyer sees a Spot UTxO that hasn't sold at the desired price, they can create a Bid UTxO for those NFTs at a different price; this is effectively a counter-offer even though it was not meant to be an auction. It is also possible for a bid to ask for the auction to be broken up in the scenario where the buyer only wants a few of the NFTs for sale.

Each UTxO type has dedicated beacons:

Spot UTxO Beacons

  • Spot beacon - a beacon with the token name "Spot" that represents the fact this UTxO is a Spot UTxO.
  • Policy beacon - a beacon representing the policy id for the NFTs being sold. It has the token name: sha2_256("00" ++ policy_id).

Auction UTxO Beacons

  • Auction beacon - a beacon with the token name "Auction" that represents the fact this UTxO is an Auction UTxO.
  • Policy beacon - a beacon representing the policy id for the NFTs being auctioned. It has the token name: sha2_256("00" ++ policy_id).

Bid UTxO Beacons

  • Bid beacon - a beacon with the token name "Bid" that represents the fact this UTxO is a Bid UTxO.
  • Policy beacon - a beacon representing the policy id for the NFTs being auctioned. It has the token name: sha2_256("00" ++ policy_id).
  • BidderId beacon - a beacon representing the bidder's staking credential. It has the token name: "01" ++ bidder_credential_hash. This beacon enables bidders to find all of their bids located across the sellers' DApp addresses.

Three Aiken Smart Contracts

Due to the amount of logic required for this protocol and the desire to minimize the impact from redundant executions, this protocol uses 3 separate smart contracts; not all of them are required with each transaction. Each smart contract is dedicated to a specific purpose. Most user actions only require 2 of the 3 contracts in a single transaction. Some actions do require all three. However, since these scripts can be used as reference scripts, there is still plenty of room for DApp composability.

  • Beacon Smart Contract - this smart contract is in charge of minting/burning beacons for the protocol. In addition to being a minting policy, it can also be executed as a staking script to enable cheaply updating protocol UTxOs in-place (ie, no beacons need to be minted/burned, but the new datums need to be checked).
  • Aftermarket Observer Smart Contract - this smart contract is in charge of observing all payments and acceptances. It can only be executed as a staking script.
  • Aftermarket Spending Smart Contract - this smart contract is the payment credential for all DApp addresses. It delegates checks to one of the other 2 smart contracts depending on the action being taken. It can only be executed as a spending script.

The aftermarket spending smart contract hash is hard-coded into all of the other smart contracts to enforce the use of the proper payment credential for all DApp addresses.

The aftermarket observer smart contract hash is hard-coded into the beacon smart contract so that the beacon smart contract can force the use of the proper observer logic. The protocol's complementary proxy smart contract is also hard-coded into both the beacon smart contract and the observer smart contract so that payment addresses can be checked for proper configurations.

Aftermarket Spending Smart Contract Datums

Spot UTxOs have a SpotDatum.
Auction UTxOs have an AuctionDatum.
SpotBid UTxOs have an SpotBidDatum.
ClaimBid UTxOs have an ClaimBidDatum.
AcceptedBid UTxOs have an AcceptedBidDatum.

-- | A type synonym for an asset's full name.
type Asset = (CurrencySymbol,TokenName)

-- | The datum for a Spot UTxO sale for NFTs.
data SpotDatum = SpotDatum
  -- | The policy id for the beacon script.
  { beaconId :: CurrencySymbol
  -- | The hash of the aftermarket observer script.
  , aftermarketObserverHash :: ScriptHash
  -- | The policy id for the NFTs being offered.
  , nftPolicyId :: CurrencySymbol
  -- | The token names of the NFTs offered in this batch.
  , nftNames :: [TokenName]
  -- | The address where the proceeds must go upon purchase of the Spot UTxO.
  , paymentAddress :: Address
  -- | The amount of ada used for the minUTxOValue.
  , saleDeposit :: Integer
  -- | The price for this batch, denominated in the specified assets. This is the price for the
  -- entire batch of NFTs. The payment output must contain *all* of the required assets, and their
  -- specified amounts.
  , salePrice :: [(Asset,Integer)]

-- | The datum for an Auction UTxO for NFTs.
data AuctionDatum = AuctionDatum
  -- | The policy id for the beacon script.
  { beaconId :: CurrencySymbol
  -- | The hash of the aftermarket observer script.
  , aftermarketObserverHash :: ScriptHash
  -- | The policy id for the NFTs being auctioned.
  , nftPolicyId :: CurrencySymbol
  -- | The token names of the NFTs offered in this batch.
  , nftNames :: [TokenName]
  -- | The desired starting price. This is only used to broadcast the auctioner's desired value.
  -- Bidders are able to create "counter-bids" with different assets and/or different nft names.
  -- For example, the bidder can make a bid for just one of the NFTs in the batch.
  , startingPrice :: [(Asset,Integer)]

-- | The datum for a SpotBid UTxO for NFTs. These can be immediately claimed by the seller as long
-- as they send the NFTs to the required address.
data SpotBidDatum = SpotBidDatum
  -- | The policy id for the beacon script.
  { beaconId :: CurrencySymbol
  -- | The hash of the aftermarket observer script.
  , aftermarketObserverHash :: ScriptHash
  -- | The policy id for the NFTs being bid on.
  , nftPolicyId :: CurrencySymbol
  -- | The credential used for the BidderId token name. This is used so bidders can find all of 
  -- their bids despite them being located in other addresses. 
  , bidderCredential :: Credential
  -- | The token names of the NFTs being bid on.
  , nftNames :: [TokenName]
  -- | The address where the NFTs must go upon accepting the bid.
  , paymentAddress :: Address
  -- | The amount of ada used for the minUTxOValue.
  , bidDeposit :: Integer
  -- | The actual bid.
  , bid :: [(Asset,Integer)]

-- | The datum for a ClaimBid UTxO for NFTs. These must be evolved into an AcceptedBid UTxO so that
-- the bidder can come claim the NFTs. This step is required for certain compositions where the
-- buyer needs to update UTxOs for the primary market in the same transaction.
data ClaimBidDatum = ClaimBidDatum
  -- | The policy id for the beacon script.
  { beaconId :: CurrencySymbol
  -- | The hash of the aftermarket observer script.
  , aftermarketObserverHash :: ScriptHash
  -- | The policy id for the NFTs being bid on.
  , nftPolicyId :: CurrencySymbol
  -- | The credential used for the BidderId token name. This is used so bidders can find all of 
  -- their bids despite them being located in other addresses. 
  , bidderCredential :: Credential
  -- | The token names of the NFTs being bid on.
  , nftNames :: [TokenName]
  -- | The amount of ada used for the minUTxOValue. If the ClaimBid is accepted and the bidder walks
  -- away, this deposit will be taken by the seller. The bidder can increase the deposit to make
  -- their ClaimBid more enticing for sellers.
  , bidDeposit :: Integer
  -- | The actual bid. This field tells the seller how much you are promising to pay for the NFTs.
  , bid :: [(Asset,Integer)]
  -- | The time this bid expires. It is optional.
  , bidExpiration :: Maybe POSIXTime
  -- | The time, after which, the seller can reclaim the NFTs + the bidder's deposit.
  , claimExpiration :: POSIXTime

-- | The datum for an AcceptedBid UTxO for NFTs. It contains the required NFTs and is waiting to be
-- claimed by the bidder. The bidder must pay the seller the required bid amount + the seller's
-- deposit to actually claim the NFTs. If the bidder does not claim them, the the seller can
-- re-claim the NFTs after the claim expiration has passed. The seller will also confiscate the 
-- bidder's deposit in this context as compensation.
data AcceptedBidDatum = AcceptedBidDatum
  -- | The policy id for the beacon script.
  { beaconId :: CurrencySymbol
  -- | The hash of the aftermarket observer script.
  , aftermarketObserverHash :: ScriptHash
  -- | The policy id for the NFTs being bid on.
  , nftPolicyId :: CurrencySymbol
  -- | The credential used for the BidderId token name. This is used so bidders can find all of 
  -- their bids despite them being located in other addresses. Only this credential can claim the
  -- NFTs.
  , bidderCredential :: Credential
  -- | The token names of the NFTs being bid on.
  , nftNames :: [TokenName]
  -- | The amount of ada used for the minUTxOValue. If the bidder walks away, this deposit will 
  -- be taken by the seller. 
  , bidDeposit :: Integer
  -- | The amount the seller paid for the minUTxOValue, over what the bidder paid. This will be
  -- returned to the seller.
  , sellerDeposit :: Integer
  -- | The actual bid. This field tells the seller how much you are promising to pay for the NFTs.
  , bid :: [(Asset,Integer)]
  -- | The address where the bid payment must go upon claiming the NFTs.
  , paymentAddress :: Address
  -- | The time, after which, the seller can reclaim the NFTs + the bidder's deposit.
  , claimExpiration :: POSIXTime

Aftermarket Spending Smart Contract Redeemers

data MarketRedeemer
  -- | Close or update either a Spot UTxO or an Auction UTxO.
  = CloseOrUpdateSellerUTxO
  -- | Close or update a SpotBid UTxO or a ClaimBid UTxO.
  | CloseOrUpdateBidderUTxO
  -- | Purchase a Spot UTxO.
  | PurchaseSpot
  -- | Accept a SpotBid UTxO, and (possibly) close the associated Auction UTxO.
  | AcceptSpotBid
  -- | Accept a ClaimBid UTxO, and (possibly) close the associated Auction UTxO. This will create an
  -- AcceptedBid UTxO with the NFTs for the bidder to come claim. The payment address is the address
  -- the seller would like the payment sent to.
  | AcceptClaimBid { sellerDeposit :: Integer, paymentAddress :: Address }
  -- | Claim an AcceptedBid UTxO that belongs to you (ie, you have the bidder credential).
  | ClaimAcceptedBid
  -- | Reclaim the NFTs from an AcceptedBid UTxO after the bidder has failed to claim them. Take the
  -- bidder's deposit as compensation.
  | UnlockUnclaimedAcceptedBid

Aftermarket Observer Smart Contract Redeemers

data MarketObserverRedeemer
  -- | Observe a market payment/acceptance transaction. 
  = ObserveAftermarket { beaconId :: CurrencySymbol }
  -- | Register the script.
  | RegisterAftermarketObserverScript
  deriving (Generic,Show)

Beacon Smart Contract Redeemers

data BeaconsRedeemer
  -- | Create, close, or update some market UTxOs (1 or more). 
  = CreateCloseOrUpdateMarketUTxOs
  -- | Burn any beacons. 
  | BurnBeacons
  -- | Register the script.
  | RegisterBeaconsScript

Payment Datum

This datum is attached to all direct outputs to payment addresses. It is used to prevent double-satisfaction.

-- | The `CurrencySymbol` is always the beacon policy id, and the `TxOutRef` is always
-- the output reference for either the Spot UTxO being purchased or the Bid UTxO being
-- accepted/claimed.
newtype PaymentDatum = PaymentDatum (CurrencySymbol,TxOutRef)

The CurrencySymbol is included to prevent double-satisfaction during DApp composition; just using the TxOutRef may not be enough to guarantee uniqueness.

Spot UTxO Actions

Creating Spot UTxOs

At a high-level, creating Spot UTxOs involves creating the new UTxOs at the seller's DApp address with the desired SpotDatums, storing them with the NFTs in question, and tagging them with the required beacons. The beacon smart contract will check all outputs containing beacons to ensure invalid UTxOs are never broadcast to other users.

At a low-level, all of the following must be true:

  • The beacon smart contract must be executed as a minting policy using CreateCloseOrUpdateMarketUTxOs.
  • All Spot UTxO outputs must be to a DApp address with a valid staking credential.
  • All Spot UTxO outputs must have exactly two kinds of beacons, with exactly one unit of each:
    • a Spot beacon with the token name "Spot"
    • a Policy beacon with the token name corresponding to the nftPolicyId in the SpotDatum.
  • All Spot UTxO outputs must have a valid inline SpotDatum:
    • beaconId == this policy id
    • aftermarketObserverHash == hard-coded aftermarket observer hash
    • nftPolicyId == policy id for nfts being sold in the UTxO and cannot be the beacon policy id
    • nftNames == sorted token names for nfts being sold in the UTxO and cannot be empty
    • paymentAddress must either use a payment pubkey, or the proxy script as the payment credential and a valid staking credential
    • saleDeposit > 0
    • salePrice must not be empty, must not use any protocol beacons as the assets, all prices must be > 0, and the list must be sorted.
  • All Spot UTxO outputs must have the saleDeposit amount of ada + the NFTs being sold.

The nftNames is the list of all NFTs being sold in this batch.

The paymentAddress is where the proceeds will go when the NFTs are purchased.

The salePrice is the price of the NFT batch. It can be a basket of assets. This amount will be sent to the paymentAddress when the batch is purchased.

The saleDeposit is the amount of ada used for the minUTxOValue. This will be sent to the paymentAddress in addition to the required salePrice assets.

Closing Spot UTxOs

At a high-level, closing Spot UTxOs involves spending the target UTxOs at the seller's DApp address, and burning the beacons attached to them. The seller must approve this transaction. The beacon smart contract will check all beacons are properly burned to ensure invalid UTxOs are never broadcast to other users.

At a low-level, all of the following must be true:

  • The aftermarket spending smart contract is executed for the Spot UTxO input using CloseOrUpdateSellerUTxO.
  • The Spot UTxO must have a SpotDatum.
  • The DApp address' staking credential must signal approval.
  • If the Spot UTxO being spent contains beacons:
    • The beacon smart contract must be executed as a minting policy using CreateCloseOrUpdateMarketUTxOs.

The beacon smart contract will actually do the exact same check as when creating Spot UTxOs. However, since closing Spot UTxOs implies no new Spot UTxO outputs, there are no outputs to check.

If there is ever an invalid Spot UTxO (ie, a UTxO with a SpotDatum but no beacons), it can be spent with this method; the beacon smart contract would not need to be executed.

Updating Spot UTxOs

Updating Spot UTxOs in-place can be done regardless of whether beacons must be changed. The steps are identical to closing Spot UTxOs, except you now create Spot UTxO outputs as well. Since there are now outputs, the outputs will be checked by the beacon script and must comply with the same requirements as when creating Spot UTxOs.

If no beacons need to be minted/burned, the beacon script must be executed as a staking script using CreateCloseOrUpdateMarketUTxOs. If beacons do need to be minted/burned, then the beacon script must be executed as a minting policy using the same redeemer.

Purchasing Spot UTxOs

At a high-level, purchasing a spot batch involves sending the payment to the seller's payment address, and burning all protocol beacons.

At a low-level, all of the following must be true:

  • The aftermarket observer script must be executed as a staking script using ObserveAftermarket.
  • The following must be true for all Spot UTxO inputs being purchased:
    • The input must be spent using PurchaseSpot.
    • The input must have a SpotDatum.
    • The input must have the required beacons.
    • There must be a corresponding spot payment output with the following characteristics:
      • It must be locked at the paymentAddress in the SpotDatum.
      • It must contain the salePrice asset values + the saleDeposit amount of ada.
      • It must contain the inline PaymentDatum with the beacon policy id as the CurrencySymbol and the input's output reference as the TxOutRef.
    • Either all beacons attached to the input must be burned or the beacon script must be executed using CreateCloseOrUpdateMarketUTxOs.

If all beacons need to be burned, it is cheaper to use BurnBeacons. However, if beacons are being recycled into new outputs or new beacons need to be minted, then CreateCloseOrUpdateMarketUTxOs should be used. If all beacons are being recycled and no minting is required, the beacon script must be executed as a staking script using CreateCloseOrUpdateMarketUTxOs.

Spot payment outputs must be in the same order as the Spot inputs! They do not need to be paired up. You can even have unrelated outputs between the required outputs. This ordering restriction helps with performance.

Auction UTxO Actions

Creating Auction UTxOs

At a high-level, creating Auction UTxOs involves creating the new UTxOs at the seller's DApp address with the desired AuctionDatums, storing them with the NFTs in question, and tagging them with the required beacons. The beacon smart contract will check all outputs containing beacons to ensure invalid UTxOs are never broadcast to other users. The NFTs must be stored with the Auction UTxOs to prove ownership of the NFTs in question.

At a low-level, all of the following must be true:

  • The beacon smart contract must be executed as a minting policy using CreateCloseOrUpdateMarketUTxOs.
  • All Auction UTxO outputs must be to a DApp address with a valid staking credential.
  • All Auction UTxO outputs must have exactly two kinds of beacons, with exactly one unit of each:
    • an Auction beacon with the token name "Auction"
    • a Policy beacon with the token name corresponding to the nftPolicyId in the AuctionDatum.
  • All Auction UTxO outputs must have a valid inline AuctionDatum:
    • beaconId == this policy id
    • aftermarketObserverHash == hard-coded aftermarket observer hash
    • nftPolicyId == policy id for nfts being auctioned in the UTxO and cannot be the beacon policy id
    • nftNames == sorted token names for nfts being auctioned in the UTxO and cannot be empty
    • startingPrice must not be empty, must not use any protocol beacons as the assets, all prices must be > 0, and the list must be sorted.
  • All Auction UTxO outputs must have the NFTs being auctioned.

The nftNames is the list of all NFTs being auctioned in this batch.

The startingPrice is just meant to broadcast the seller's desired starting price for the auction. The seller is free to accept bids lower than this price, if desired. They can even accept bids for only a subset of the NFTs in the batch.

Closing Auction UTxOs

At a high-level, closing Auction UTxOs involves spending the target UTxOs at the seller's DApp address, and burning the beacons attached to them. The seller must approve this transaction. The beacon smart contract will check all beacons are properly burned to ensure invalid UTxOs are never broadcast to other users.

At a low-level, all of the following must be true:

  • The aftermarket spending smart contract is executed for the Auction UTxO input using CloseOrUpdateSellerUTxO.
  • The Auction UTxO must have an AuctionDatum.
  • The DApp address' staking credential must signal approval.
  • If the Auction UTxO being spent contains beacons:
    • The beacon smart contract must be executed as a minting policy using CreateCloseOrUpdateMarketUTxOs.

The beacon smart contract will actually do the exact same check as when creating Auction UTxOs. However, since closing Auction UTxOs implies no new Auction UTxO outputs, there are no outputs to check.

If there is ever an invalid Auction UTxO (ie, an UTxO with an AuctionDatum but no beacons), it can be spent with this method; the beacon smart contract would not need to be executed.

Updating Auction UTxOs

Updating Auction UTxOs in-place can be done regardless of whether beacons must be changed. The steps are identical to closing Auction UTxOs, except you now create Auction UTxO outputs as well. Since there are now outputs, the outputs will be checked by the beacon script and must comply with the same requirements as when creating Auction UTxOs.

If no beacons need to be minted/burned, the beacon script must be executed as a staking script using CreateCloseOrUpdateMarketUTxOs. If beacons do need to be minted/burned, then the beacon script must be executed as a minting policy using the same redeemer.

SpotBid UTxO Actions

Creating SpotBid UTxOs

At a high-level, creating SpotBid UTxOs involves creating the new UTxOs at the target seller's DApp address with the desired SpotBidDatums, storing them with the bid amount offered, and tagging them with the required beacons. The beacon smart contract will check all outputs containing beacons to ensure invalid UTxOs are never broadcast to other users.

At a low-level, all of the following must be true:

  • The beacon smart contract must be executed as a minting policy using CreateCloseOrUpdateMarketUTxOs.
  • All SpotBid UTxO outputs must be to a DApp address with a valid staking credential.
  • All SpotBid UTxO outputs must have exactly three kinds of beacons, with exactly one unit of each:
    • a Bid beacon with the token name "Bid"
    • a BidderId beacon with the token name corresponding to the bidderCredential in the SpotBidDatum.
    • a Policy beacon with the token name corresponding to the nftPolicyId in the SpotBidDatum.
  • All SpotBid UTxO outputs must have a valid inline SpotBidDatum:
    • beaconId == this policy id
    • aftermarketObserverHash == hard-coded aftermarket observer hash
    • bidderCredential == credential for the bidder.
    • nftPolicyId == policy id for nfts being sold in the UTxO and cannot be the beacon policy id
    • nftNames == sorted token names for nfts being sold in the UTxO and cannot be empty
    • paymentAddress must either use a payment pubkey, or the proxy script as the payment credential and a valid staking credential
    • bidDeposit > 0
    • bid must not be empty, must not use any protocol beacons as the assets, all prices must be > 0, and the list must be sorted.
  • All SpotBid UTxO outputs must have the bidDeposit amount of ada and bid asset value.
  • All bidderCredentials used in the new SpotBidDatums must approve the transaction.

The nftNames is the list of all NFTs being ask for in exchange for the bid assets.

The paymentAddress is where the NFTs will go when the bid is accepted.

The bid is the actual value of the bid for the target NFTs. It can be a basket of assets.

The bidDeposit is the amount of ada used for the minUTxOValue. This will be sent to the paymentAddress in addition to the required NFTs.

The bidderCredentials must approve the transaction so that only the user who controls that credential can use the associated BidderId beacon.

The bid can have different terms than the associated Auction UTxO. For example, the bid could ask for different NFTs and/or offer different assets than the startingPrice from the AuctionDatum. SpotBids can also be used to create counter-offers for Spot sales.

Closing SpotBid UTxOs

At a high-level, closing SpotBid UTxOs involves spending the target UTxOs at the target seller's DApp address, and burning the beacons attached to them. The bidder must approve this transaction. The beacon smart contract will check all beacons are properly burned to ensure invalid UTxOs are never broadcast to other users.


The process is exactly the same as closing ClaimBid UTxOs.

At a low-level, all of the following must be true:

  • The aftermarket spending smart contract is executed for the SpotBid UTxO input using CloseOrUpdateBidderUTxO.
  • The Bid UTxO must have a SpotBidDatum (or a ClaimBidDatum).
  • If the Bid UTxO being spent contains beacons:
    • The bidderCredential must signal approval.
    • The beacon smart contract must be executed as a minting policy using CreateCloseOrUpdateMarketUTxOs.
  • If no beacons are present, the address' staking credential must approve.

The beacon smart contract will actually do the exact same check as when creating SpotBid UTxOs. However, since closing SpotBid UTxOs implies no new SpotBid UTxO outputs, there are no outputs to check.

If there is ever an invalid SpotBid UTxO (ie, an UTxO with a SpotBidDatum but no beacons), it can be spent by the address owner with this method; the beacon smart contract would not need to be executed.

Updating SpotBid UTxOs

Updating SpotBid UTxOs in-place can be done regardless of whether beacons must be changed. The steps are identical to closing SpotBid UTxOs, except you now create SpotBid UTxO outputs as well. Since there are now outputs, the outputs will be checked by the beacon script and must comply with the same requirements as when creating SpotBid UTxOs.

If no beacons need to be minted/burned, the beacon script must be executed as a staking script using CreateCloseOrUpdateMarketUTxOs. If beacons do need to be minted/burned, then the beacon script must be executed as a minting policy using the same redeemer.

Accepting SpotBid UTxOs

At a high-level, accepting a spot bid involves sending the NFTs to the bidder's payment address, and burning all protocol beacons.

At a low-level, all of the following must be true:

  • The aftermarket observer script must be executed as a staking script using ObserveAftermarket.
  • The following must be true for all SpotBid UTxO inputs being accepted:
    • The input must be spent using AcceptBid.
    • The input must have a SpotBidDatum.
    • The input must have the required beacons.
    • There must be a corresponding bid payment output with the following characteristics:
      • It must be locked at the paymentAddress in the SpotBidDatum.
      • It must contain the NFTs + the bidDeposit amount of ada.
      • It must contain the inline PaymentDatum with the beacon policy id as the CurrencySymbol and the input's output reference as the TxOutRef.
    • Either all beacons attached to the input must be burned or the beacon script must be executed using CreateCloseOrUpdateMarketUTxOs.

If all beacons need to be burned, it is cheaper to use BurnBeacons. However, if beacons are being recycled into new outputs or new beacons need to be minted, then CreateCloseOrUpdateMarketUTxOs should be used. If all beacons are being recycled and no minting is required, the beacon script must be executed as a staking script.

SpotBid payment outputs must be in the same order as the SpotBid inputs! They do not need to be paired up. You can even have unrelated outputs between the required outputs. This ordering restriction helps with performance.

It is possible to accept SpotBids that have different terms than the associated Auction UTxO. For example, you can accept a bid asking for only some of the NFTs being auctioned. You can then rollover the leftover NFTs into a new Auction UTxO in the same transaction. You can also accept a SpotBid that is a counter-offer to one of your Spot UTxOs.

If the NFTs required for the bid payment are currently in an Auction UTxO, that UTxO can be closed in the same transaction using AcceptBid as the spending redeemer. If the NFTs are in a Spot UTxO, that UTxO can be closed using CloseOrUpdateSellerUTxO as the spending redeemer, however, the beacons script must then be executed using CreateCloseOrUpdateMarketUTxOs with either a minting execution or staking execution (depending on whether beacons must be minted/burned).

ClaimBid UTxO Actions

Creating ClaimBid UTxOs

At a high-level, creating ClaimBid UTxOs involves creating the new UTxOs at the target seller's DApp address with the desired ClaimBidDatums, and tagging them with the required beacons. It should not be stored with the bid amount. The beacon smart contract will check all outputs containing beacons to ensure invalid UTxOs are never broadcast to other users.

At a low-level, all of the following must be true:

  • The beacon smart contract must be executed as a minting policy using CreateCloseOrUpdateMarketUTxOs.
  • All ClaimBid UTxO outputs must be to a DApp address with a valid staking credential.
  • All ClaimBid UTxO outputs must have exactly three kinds of beacons, with exactly one unit of each:
    • a Bid beacon with the token name "Bid"
    • a BidderId beacon with the token name corresponding to the bidderCredential in the ClaimBidDatum.
    • a Policy beacon with the token name corresponding to the nftPolicyId in the ClaimBidDatum.
  • All ClaimBid UTxO outputs must have a valid inline ClaimBidDatum:
    • beaconId == this policy id
    • aftermarketObserverHash == hard-coded aftermarket observer hash
    • bidderCredential == credential for the bidder.
    • nftPolicyId == policy id for nfts being sold in the UTxO and cannot be the beacon policy id
    • nftNames == sorted token names for nfts being sold in the UTxO and cannot be empty
    • bidDeposit > 0
    • bid must not be empty, must not use any protocol beacons as the assets, all prices must be > 0, and the list must be sorted.
    • bidExpiration must either be Nothing or Just x where x is >= invalid-hereafter of the transaction.
    • claimExpiration must be >= invalid-hereafter of the transaction.
  • All ClaimBid UTxO outputs must have the bidDeposit amount of ada. It must not contain the bid amount.
  • All bidderCredentials used in the new ClaimBidDatums must approve the transaction.

The nftNames is the list of all NFTs being ask for in exchange for the bid assets.

The bid is the actual value of the bid for the target NFTs. It can be a basket of assets.

The bidDeposit is the amount of ada used for the minUTxOValue. This will be sent to the paymentAddress in addition to the required NFTs.

The bidderCredentials must approve the transaction so that only the user who controls that credential can use the associated BidderId beacon.

The invalid-hereafter flag for the transaction is used to prove the expirations are in the future. The seller has until the bidExpiration to accept the bid and you have until the claimExpiration to claim the NFTs from the new AcceptedBid UTxO. If you do not claim the NFTs by the claimExpiration, the seller can reclaim the NFTs along with your bidDeposit. You can deliberately use a larger bidDeposit than what is required for the minUTxOValue to make your bid more attractive (ie, less risky) to the seller.

The bid can have different terms than the associated Auction UTxO. For example, the bid could ask for different NFTs and/or offer different assets than the startingPrice from the AuctionDatum. It can even be a counter-offer to a Spot UTxO.

Closing ClaimBid UTxOs

At a high-level, closing ClaimBid UTxOs involves spending the target UTxOs at the target seller's DApp address, and burning the beacons attached to them. The bidder must approve this transaction. The beacon smart contract will check all beacons are properly burned to ensure invalid UTxOs are never broadcast to other users.


The process is exactly the same as closing Spot UTxOs.

At a low-level, all of the following must be true:

  • The aftermarket spending smart contract is executed for the SpotBid UTxO input using CloseOrUpdateBidderUTxO.
  • The bid UTxO must have a ClaimBidDatum (or a SpotBidDatum).
  • If the Bid UTxO being spent contains beacons:
    • The bidderCredential must signal approval.
    • The beacon smart contract must be executed as a minting policy using CreateCloseOrUpdateMarketUTxOs.
  • If no beacons are present, the address' staking credential must approve.

The beacon smart contract will actually do the exact same check as when creating ClaimBid UTxOs. However, since closing ClaimBid UTxOs implies no new ClaimBid UTxO outputs, there are no outputs to check.

If there is ever an invalid ClaimBid UTxO (ie, an UTxO with a ClaimBidDatum but no beacons), it can be spent by the address owner with this method; the beacon smart contract would not need to be executed.

Updating ClaimBid UTxOs

Updating ClaimBid UTxOs in-place can be done regardless of whether beacons must be changed. The steps are identical to closing ClaimBid UTxOs, except you now create ClaimBid UTxO outputs as well. Since there are now outputs, the outputs will be checked by the beacon script and must comply with the same requirements as when creating ClaimBid UTxOs.

If no beacons need to be minted/burned, the beacon script must be executed as a staking script using CreateCloseOrUpdateMarketUTxOs. If beacons do need to be minted/burned, then the beacon script must be executed as a minting policy using the same redeemer.

Accepting ClaimBid UTxOs

At a high-level, accepting a ClaimBid UTxO involves evolving it into an AcceptedBid UTxO with the NFTs. The AcceptedBidDatum fields come from the corresponding ClaimBid UTxO's ClaimBidDatum. The beacons from the ClaimBid UTxO must also be stored with the new AcceptedBid UTxO.

At a low-level, all of the following must be true:

  • The aftermarket observer script must be executed as a staking script using ObserveAftermarket.
  • The following must be true for all ClaimBid UTxO inputs being accepted:
    • The input must be spent using AcceptClaimBid.
      • The sellerDeposit field must be >= 0.
      • paymentAddress must either use a payment pubkey, or the proxy script as the payment credential and a valid staking credential
    • The input must have a ClaimBidDatum.
    • The input must have the required beacons.
    • There must be a corresponding AcceptedBid UTxO output with the following characteristics:
      • It must be locked at the seller's market address.
      • It must contain an AcceptedBidDatum using the same information from the input's ClaimBidDatum + the sellerDeposit and paymentAddress from the redeemer used to spend the input.
      • It must contain the bidderDeposit amount of ada + the sellerDeposit amount of ada + the NFTs being sold.
      • The bidExpiration in the input's ClaimBidDatum must be >= invalid-hereafter of the transaction.
    • If beacons need to be minted/burned, either all beacons attached to the input must be burned or the beacon script must be executed using CreateCloseOrUpdateMarketUTxOs. If no beacons need to be minted/burned, the beacon script is not required.
  • The seller must approve the transaction.

If the ClaimBid does not expire (no bidExpiration is set), invalid-hereafter is not required.

AcceptedBid outputs must be in the same order as the ClaimBid inputs! They do not need to be paired up. You can even have unrelated outputs between the required outputs. This ordering restriction helps with performance.

It is possible to accept ClaimBids that have different terms than the associated Auction UTxO. For example, you can accept a bid asking for only some of the NFTs being auctioned. You can then rollover the leftover NFTs into a new Auction UTxO in the same transaction. It is also possible to accept a ClaimBid that is a counter-offer to a Spot UTxO.

If the NFTs required for the bid payment are currently in an Auction UTxO, that UTxO can be closed in the same transaction using AcceptClaimBid as the spending redeemer. If the NFTs are in a Spot UTxO, that UTxO can be closed using CloseOrUpdateSellerUTxO as the spending redeemer, however, the beacons script must then be executed using CreateCloseOrUpdateMarketUTxOs with either a minting execution or staking execution (depending on whether beacons must be minted/burned).

AcceptedBid UTxO Actions


AcceptedBid UTxOs must never be created except through accepting a ClaimBid UTxO! Creating AcceptedBid UTxOs directly can result in minting BidderIds for other users without their consent. This could result in a DOS attack when that BidderId is queried. The protocol does everything it can to never let excess AcceptedBid UTxOs be created. If you manage to create one, this is a bug!

Claiming AcceptedBid UTxOs

At a high-level, claiming an AcceptedBid UTxO involves paying the seller the bid amount + the seller's deposit and burning all of the beacons.

At a low-level, all of the following must be true:

  • The aftermarket observer script must be executed as a staking script using ObserveAftermarket.
  • The following must be true for all AcceptedBid UTxO inputs being accepted:
    • The input must be spent using ClaimAcceptedBid.
    • The input must have a AcceptedBidDatum.
    • The input must have the required beacons.
    • There must be a corresponding payment output with the following characteristics:
      • It must be locked at the paymentAddress in the AcceptedBidDatum.
      • It must contain the bid amount + the sellerDeposit amount of ada.
      • It must contain the inline PaymentDatum with the beacon policy id as the CurrencySymbol and the input's output reference as the TxOutRef.
    • The bidderCredential in the AcceptedBidDatum must approve the transaction.
    • Either all beacons attached to the input must be burned or the beacon script must be executed using CreateCloseOrUpdateMarketUTxOs.

AcceptedBid payment outputs must be in the same order as the AcceptedBid inputs! They do not need to be paired up. You can even have unrelated outputs between the required outputs. This ordering restriction helps with performance.

Unlocking Unclaimed AcceptedBid UTxOs

At a high-level, unlockcing an unclaimed AcceptedBid UTxO involves proving the claimExpiration has passed using invalid-before and burning all of the beacons. The seller claims the bidder's deposit as compensation.

At a low-level, all of the following must be true:

  • The aftermarket observer script must be executed as a staking script using ObserveAftermarket.
  • The following must be true for all AcceptedBid UTxO inputs being accepted:
    • The input must be spent using UnlockUnclaimedAcceptedBid.
    • The input must have a AcceptedBidDatum.
    • The input must have the required beacons.
    • The claimExpiration in the AcceptedBidDatum must be <= invalid-before for this transaction.
    • Either all beacons attached to the input must be burned or the beacon script must be executed using CreateCloseOrUpdateMarketUTxOs.
  • The seller must approve the transaction.

Benchmarks and Fee Estimations (YMMV)

No CIPs or hard-forks are needed. This protocol works on the Cardano blockchain, as is.

Full benchmarking details can be found here. The following table provides a quick summary. Only the worst case benchmarks are shown.

Action Worst Case
Creating Spot Batches 32 spots/tx
Updating Spot Batches 21 spots/tx
Closing Spot Batches 31 spots/tx
Purchasing Spot Batches 22 spots/tx
Creating Auction Batches 35 auctions/tx
Updating Auction Batches 22 auctions/tx
Closing Auction Batches 32 auctions/tx
Creating SpotBids 21 bids/tx
Updating SpotBids 14 bids/tx
Closing SpotBids 31 bids/tx
Accepting SpotBids 10 bids/tx
Creating ClaimBids 27 bids/tx
Updating ClaimBids 16 bids/tx
Closing ClaimBids 31 bids/tx
Accepting ClaimBids 11 bids/tx
Claiming AcceptedBids 19 bids/tx
Unlocking Unclaimed AcceptedBids 21 bids/tx

Features Discussion

Native Support For All DeFi Financial Assets

This marketplace is fully general and can work with all possible DeFi markets that offer tradable NFTs. Since all primary markets will likely have pre-defined minting policies for their financial assets, the associated aftermarkets can easily be found using only those minting policies. This is entirely thanks to the beacon tokens; they are the reason all possible aftermarkets are supported despite using only a single DApp address per user. The beacon tokens are also why this protocol supports financial markets that have not even been invented yet; no permission or governance action are required to create new aftermarkets.

Supports Payments using All Native Assets

Buyers and sellers can exchange any assets for the NFTs. This includes assets that do not even exist yet. Even other NFTs can be offered! No permission or governance action is needed to add support for new assets.

Trustless Negotiations

While only auctions are meant to use bids, the bids can actually be used to create counter-offers of both spot sales and auctions. Imagine if Alice is trying to sell two bonds using a spot sale for 100 ADA (50 ADA each). What if Bob only wants one of the bonds? He could use a bid to tell Alice he'll take only the first bond and pay 70 ADA for it. In other words, Bob is willing to pay up a little just to get the single bond; he would still save money since he doesn't even want the second bond. Alice can see this and choose to accept Bob's bid even though she didn't initiate an auction. She can close the Spot UTxO, accept Bob's Bid UTxO, and create a new Spot UTxO with the remaining bond, all in one transaction.

Because of the fully composable nature of spots, auctions, and bids, very complex market interactions can trustlessly occur. All without any middlemen/batchers.

Support for Seller Finalized Auctions and Buyer Finalized Auctions

Some finacial DApps required buyers to do something in the same transaction where the financial asset is purchased. For example, cardano-loans requires buyers to update the lender payment for a loan in the same transaction where the associated bond is purchased - this requires buyers to be the ones to submit the final aftermarket transaction. To enable these compositions, this aftermarket supports both kinds of auctions.


Spot Auctions are effectively spot trades where the seller submits the final transaction while Spot Purchases are spot trades where the buyer submits the final transaction.

Support For Art NFTs

Art assets have aftermarkets just like financial assets, and this protocol can also be used to trade art NFTs in a fully p2p fashion. However, this is not the intended purpose for this protocol. There is no support for royalties, and there likely never will be since financial assets do not include royalties.

Future Directions

Advanced Filtering of Aftermarkets

Currently, the protocol does not support using beacons to further filter aftermarkets. For example, while it is possible to filter for all spot sales for option contracts, it is not currently possible to further filter for options contracts where ada is the offered asset. The only way to securely enable support for this is if the associated options contract was referenced when the corresponding aftermarket sale/auction was created. This would prevent creating the wrong beacons for each sale.

While this is technically possible to do, it would add substantial complexity to the protocol and would dramatically impact overall performance when creating sales. Given the already high throughput when creating sales, this may be acceptable but it may not be necessary.

Off-chain infrastructure could potentially fill this niche. For example, when a new aftermarket sale is created, the off-chain infrastructure could automatically look up the associated financial asset's information and store them together in its database. Then, this off-chain infrastructure can offer filtering capabilities when users query those sales; it can even return the associated information for the financial asset in the same query. A decentralized Cardano database like Koios could possibly fill this niche without sacrificing availability.


Cardano-Aftermarket is a vital addition to the p2p-DeFi protocol family. It enables the formation of a radically permissionless and highly composable NFT marketplace on the CSL, and works synergistically with other p2p-DeFi protocols.


A p2p-DeFi marketplace for reselling financial tools suchs as option contracts, futures, and bonds.







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