First of all i would like to thank you masai school to giving us a great opportunity,which help us to implement and experiment with what we have learned both in soft skills and coding.
The project we got alloted is to clone the website of Blue Heaven Cosmetics Pvt.Ltd in, IndiaMART InterMESH Ltd. is an Indian e-commerce company that provides B2B and customer to customer sales services via its web portal. The group began in 1996, a business-to-business portal to connect Indian manufacturers with buyers.And Blue Heaven Cosmetics was started in 1974 by two young brothers.
We tried our best to clone the website in this limited time of one week. Actually this was a tough journey for me and my team members to do complete this in given time, because we have no pior experience in collaboration. However our team was so great that can understand each ones potential and assign the task ourself and get it done on time.
Deploy link:
- JavaScript
- GitHub for code collaboration
- VScode for coding
- Slack and Zoom for Communication
- Inkscape for editing images
This is the landing page of our website.
All the products categories available are listed in this page.
This page is all about the details of the company
The contact details of the Company are given here
The all products available in each respective category is listed in this page
In order to get in touch with the manufacturer you have to signup
When clicking on the buy now on ready to ship products this will redirect to this page.
On clicking on the ask more button in product page you can book the required qty in this page.
- Deepak Kumar Singh
- Muhammed Fahiz
- Subham Sharma
- Tamilarasan
My Linkedin profile :-
First project forces us the search new things and provides opportunity for alot of learnings.
- I worked on some part of the home page tried clone it exactly like the original website's page specifically when it comes to the , footer(Here To Help), Ready to ship products ,Related categories and contact us.
- Apart from Home page,I have also created the, view more details page in product and services section.
- In this project ,I smell the work surrounding of professionals, and my team members are professional as well as supportive. And someother syncing functionality in this project was part of my job.
My Linkedin profile :-
- I worked on the home page.
- Both Navbars,product showcase widget, Get in touch with us, review and rating widget and readme.
- Worked on fixing the navbar and footer on all pages and syncing all the pages, files and some bug fixing are also done by me.
My Linkedin profile :-
I have worked hard and smartly and I sigmented the problems in website building in small parts.
I worked on the product page , I have created Related products from top suppliers as well as Product And Services pages.
I also have created one of the most crucial part sign in/sign out pages and the checkout pages.
I learn a lot of things in JavaScript, learn more about local storage, how to append, add the product to the cart, making sliding and drop-down pages, and also improved my HTML & CSS, I like working as a team, interact with each other professionally.
I used HTML, CSS, JS, and Local-Storage ( to store and get data) and creative tags in JavaScript .
My Linkedin profile :-
I used many properties and learnt a lot of things from this project :-
- I used HTML, CSS, JS and Local Storage ( to store and get data).
- I have created About Us page, Enquiry Form and store the data in console.
- I created the side NAVBAR to improve the user interface of the website and also done some part of header NAVBAR.
For this project, We had first collaborated on Git-hub, which made life easier even when We would working from home. For building our website we mainly used the concept tought in the lecture so far such as HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT and the contribution of these are as follows:-
- HTML-45%
- CSS-34%
- JS-21%
On this journey we faced many issues, but we keep motivated each other with patience. By this Project we have learned how to collaborate and communicate with team effectively and improving the productivity. We learned how to be together in all the hurdles on the way . Also get good in understanding team members code.
Source Code(GitHub link):-
We hope that Our effort will rain positive vibes.