- Installation
- Environment
- Authentication
- Templates
- Document
- Sending Document
- Callback URL
- Errors
- Usage
Add this to your composer.json
// other properties
"require": {
"guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^7.2",
"firebase/php-jwt": "dev-master"
"type": "vcs",
"url": "[email protected]:ezysign/ezysign-php-sdk.git"
and run follow
composer require ezysign/phpsdk:dev-master
Connection to ezysign api will be switched by environment variable.
EZY_SIGN_ENV=SANDBOX will point to SANDBOX environment
EZY_SIGN_ENV=PRODUCTION will point to PRODUCTION environment
EzySign api requires two steps of authentication.
- Client Authentication or Application Authentication
- User Authentication
that registered with EzySign will be used as body payload to get client token- After that you will
that you may keep the token at somewhere safe
Method | Route | payload |
POST | {"client_id":"","client_secret":""} |
- User authentication was handled by EzySign Resource (i.e you will get user name after registration was complete.
- Pass that User name into EzySign SDK by calling like this
use EzySignSdk\EzySign;
$ezysign = new EzySign();
$ezysign->login("[email protected]", "123456");
// Refresh token
A predefined source of uploaded document pages including fields information along with Positions. In-order to get templates you can access as follow.
use EzySignSdk\EzySign;
$ezysign = new EzySign();
$ezysign->login("[email protected]", "123456");
// Refresh token
// List of templates
// get Single Template
A source of both template and fields including tagged recipients which is ready to be sent out. Preperation Inorder to prepare a document followings parameters are required.
Name | Required | Description |
Recipient List | true | List of Recipients Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => WIN HTAIK AUNG [email] => [email protected] [phone_number] => ) ) |
Recipient List Field Mapping | true | List of Recipients array('[email protected]' => [1, 3]) |
SenderID | true | It will receive after successful login |
GroupID | true | represents that envelope belongs to the organisation. |
DocumentName | false | It will be Untitled if it was not provided. |
$signDoc = new SignDocument($template, $ezysign->get_group_id(), $ezysign->get_sender_id(), null);
//naming the Document
$recipientJson = json_decode('[
"name": "WIN HTAIK AUNG",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone_number": ""
}]', true);
$recipients = $signDoc->generate_recpients($recipientJson);
$mapping = array('[email protected]' => [1, 3]);
// This is the payload generation based on the data
$payload = $signDoc->get_signdocument_payload($recipients, $mapping);
Sending document calls the POST api to create a Document. If the document was successfully created it will automatically increase the API count by one.
To be implemented
EzySignException("Invalid Recipient count"); This error will be raised when recipients inside field mapping and recipients were not exactly the same.
EzySignException("Fields exceed than provided recipient. Please check the template fields count."); This error will be raised when the recipient field mapping is exceeded than available fields.
EzySignException("More than one Recipients were assigned to same field.Please check recipientsfieldmapping Index"); This error will be raised if the same fields were assigned by more than one recipient.
use EzySignSdk\EzySign;
use EzySignSdk\SignDocument;
use EzySignSdk\Helper;
$ezysign = new EzySign();
$ezysign->login("[email protected]", "123456");
$template = $ezysign->get_templates_by_id("Your template id");
$signDoc = new SignDocument($template, $ezysign->get_group_id(), $ezysign->get_sender_id(), null);
$dec = json_decode('[
"name": "name",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone_number": ""
]', true);
$signDoc->set_document_name("Your document name");
$recipients = $signDoc->generate_recpients($dec);
$mapping = array('[email protected]' => [1, 3]);
$payload = $signDoc->get_signdocument_payload($recipients, $mapping);
// get sent document by id